The following two problems prevent you from being able to save settings
from Program Manager in Windows.
Save Changes Unavailable
The Save Changes option in the Exit Program Manager dialog box is
unavailable (dimmed) and cannot be selected if any of the following
conditions exist:
- A group file is damaged. This is evident by the error message
"Cannot Open Program Group File" when you start Windows. A file,
such as MAIN.GRP, will usually show a size of O bytes in File
Manager or from the MS-DOS DIR command.
- PROGMAN.INI is damaged.
The problem can usually be corrected by re-creating the group file, as
- From the File menu, Choose New.
- Select Program Group.
- Type the group name and press ENTER. The icons will also need
to be created.
Save Changes Checked But Changes Not Saved
Sometimes when you exit Windows 3.0 with the Save Changes check box
selected, the changes are not saved. Screen savers and other programs
can interfere when exiting Windows.
To ensure changes are saved:
- Remove all programs from the "LOAD=" and "RUN=" lines in WIN.INI.
- Restart Windows.
- Exit Windows and check the Save Changes box.