You can delete a Microsoft Mail for PC Networks message from a shared
folder if you have been given DELETE privileges for that folder by the
folder owner.
There are three folder privileges: READ, WRITE, and DELETE. When you create
a shared folder, Microsoft Mail assigns you READ and WRITE privileges by
The person who creates a folder is that folder's owner. The owner of a
shared folder can delete messages in that folder even though they have only
the default READ and WRITE privileges. However, Microsoft Mail will not
allow any other user to delete messages from that folder unless the folder
owner has given them DELETE privileges.
A shared folder owner can grant folder privileges to other users by
following these steps:
- From the Options menu, choose Folders, then choose Modify.
- Select the desired folder.
- Using the TAB key, move to the Access Rights field. To add DELETE as
a privilege, highlight DELETE and press the SPACEBAR.