Cardfile is limited by one 64K memory segment. Cardfile uses 52 bytes
for each card, resulting in a maximum of 1260 cards. If you attempt to
add another card, the following message displays:
Not enough memory to perform this operation. Quit one or more
applications to increase available memory, and then try again.
Quitting one or more applications does not allow the addition of any
more cards. The 64K segment is full, and no new cards can be added.
This 64K limitation does not apply to the information stored in each
card. Each card can hold 39 characters for the title and 11 lines of 40
characters each (a maximum of 440 characters) for the body of the card. If
you try to enter a 12th line or a 41st character on line 11, the following
error message is displayed:
Cannot paste text onto the card. The text on the clipboard
is too long to fit on a Cardfile card.
For example, a file that contains 1260 blank cards is 70,565 bytes in size.
If you fill all 479 characters of every card, you have a file size of
624,965 bytes.