The following error message may be displayed when you try to start
Microsoft Windows or Windows for Workgroups in 386 enhanced mode:
: Missing / Unable to Load
Cause 1: Duplicate or Outdated Copy of WIN386.EXE
The most common cause of this error message is the presence of the
Windows 3.0 version of WIN386.EXE file in the Windows directory. Windows
finds this file instead of the correct (3.1) version of the file located
in the Windows \SYSTEM directory.
To correct this problem, delete or rename the outdated file.
Search the hard drive for all copies of WIN386.EXE present. If your machine
is running Microsoft MS-DOS version 5.0 or later, you can use the DIR
command with the /S switch from the root directory of each drive by typing
the following:
This generates a report showing the directory location of each instance of
the WIN386.EXE file. All copies of the file besides the one in the Windows
\SYSTEM subdirectory should be renamed or deleted.
Cause 2: Corrupt WIN386.EXE
The WIN386.EXE file should have the same date as the rest of the Windows
.EXE files, such as WRITE.EXE. The date may vary depending on OEM versions
of Windows, but all .EXE files should match. It is also possible that the
file has the correct date but is still corrupt. If there is only one copy
of WIN386.EXE on the hard drive, rename the file and use the EXPAND.EXE
utility to expand it from the original Windows disks, as follows: