Xbox 360: How to submit a player review (908639)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Xbox 360
  • Xbox Video Game System


This article describes how to submit a player review.


The player review option lets you select whether you want to play with a specific player again, or whether you would prefer not to play with a specific player again. When you submit a player review, you are more likely to be matched with a player that matches your likes and dislikes in the future. You can view the Recent Players list and select a player about whom to submit a player review from the Xbox Guide or from the Xbox Dashboard. You can also submit a player review from the post-game lobby.

Note You must play with another player at least one time before you can submit a player review about that player.

To submit a player review from the Xbox Dashboard, follow these steps:
  1. Press the Xbox Guide button.
  2. Under Community, select Player.
  3. Select the player about whom you want to submit a player review.
  4. Select Submit Player Review.
  5. Select Prefer this player or select Avoid this player.

    Note If you select Prefer this player, you return to the Gamer Profile screen.

  6. Select one of the following general reasons why you want to avoid the player:
    • Communication
    • Game Behavior
    • Player Skill
  7. Select one of the following specific reasons why you want to avoid the player that is based on the general reason that you selected in the previous step:
    • Communication: Trash-talking, Bothersome Language, Disruptive Voice
    • Game Behavior: Overly Aggressive, Unsporting Conduct, Quit Early
    • Playing Skill: Lacking Skill, Too Good, Unfamiliar With Game
  8. After you submit a player review, you return to the Gamer Profile screen.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:8/14/2006
Keywords:kbxboxext kbXboxLiveFeatures kbXbox360PacRimPortal kbXbox360EuropePortal kbXbox360AmericasPortal kbPubTypeKC kbinfo KB908639