Register the word breakers
To register a word breaker, you must use the following method:
- Add the following information to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\CLSID registry subkey:
- The Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) Class ID or Class IDs for the word breaker
- The stemmer interfaces for the language that you are using
Note <InstanceRoot> represents the instance root. - Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language.
- Add configuration values that specify the location of the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for the language.
Obtain instance IDs for multiple instances of SQL Server
The registry paths that are listed in this article are for the first instance of SQL Server 2005. This instance has instance ID MSSQL.1. If multiple instances of SQL Server exist, you must modify the registry paths by substituting the instance ID for that instance instead of MSSQL.1. To obtain the instance ID for an instance, follow these steps:
- Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
- In Registry Editor, locate the following registry key for the first instance of SQL Server:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL
- In the right pane, the instance names and the corresponding instance IDs appear.
Obtain the instance-specific FTData folder path
After you obtain the instance IDs, you must obtain the appropriate instance-specific path of the FTData folder. You will use this path when you add configuration values that specify the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for a language. To obtain the instance-specific FTData folder path, follow these steps:
- Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
- In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key for an instance of SQL Server:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\<Instance ID>\MSSQLServer
Note <Instance ID> is MSSQL.1 for the first instance of SQL Server. Therefore, the registry key will be the following:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQLServer
- In the right pane, the FullTextDefaultPath registry value appears. This value contains the instance-specific path of the FTData folder. For example, the instance-specific path for the first instance may be
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\FTData.
Install the word breakers
The following section describes how to install the word breakers for the following languages:
- Danish
- Portuguese-Brazilian
- Portuguese-Iberian
- Russian
- Turkish
Note The following steps use the Danish word breaker as an example. The values that you must use to install other language word breakers are listed after each step.
Add the COM Class ID or Class IDs for the word breaker, and add the stemmer interfaces for the language that you want to use
To add a COM Class ID or Class IDs for these components, follow these steps:
- Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
- In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key for the first instance of SQL Server:
On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key.
- Type {16BC5CE4-2C78-4CB9-80D5-386A68CC2B2D}, and then press ENTER.
In the right pane, right-click the Default registry value, and then click Modify.
- In the Edit String dialog box, type danlr.dll in the Value data box, and then click OK.
On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key.
- Type {83BC7EF7-D27B-4950-A743-0F8E5CA928F8}, and then press ENTER.
In the right pane, right-click the Default registry value, and then click Modify.
- In the Edit String dialog box, type danlr.dll in the Value data box, and then click OK.
For other languages, use the registry key values that are listed in the following table. In step 6 and in step 10, replace danlr.dll with the DLL for the language that you want.
Polish | {B8713269-2D9D-4BF5-BF40-2615D75723D8} | lrpolish.dll | {CA665B09-4642-4C84-A9B7-9B8F3CD7C3F6} |
Portuguese-Brazilian | {25B7FD48-5404-4BEB-9D80-B6982AF404FD} | ptblr.dll | {D5FCDD7E-DBFF-473F-BCCD-3AFD1890EA85} |
Portuguese-Iberian | {5D5F3A69-620C-4952-B067-4D0126BB6086} | ptslr.dll | {D4171BC4-90BE-4F70-8610-DAB1C17F063C} |
Russian | {20036404-F1AF-11D2-A57F-006052076F32} | ruslr.dll | {20036414-F1AF-11D2-A57F-006052076F32} |
Turkish | {23A9C1C3-3C7A-4D2C-B894-4F286459DAD6} | trklr.dll | {8DF412D1-62C7-4667-BBEC-38756576C21B} |
Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language
To add a subkey to this registry subkey, follow these steps:
- Locate and then click the following registry key for the first instance of SQL Server:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSearch\Language
- Repeat steps 3 through 4 in the "Add the COM Class ID or Class IDs for the word breaker, and add the stemmer interfaces for the language that you want to use" section. Replace the key name in step 4 with dan.
For other languages, replace the key name in step 4 with the value that is listed in the following table.|
Polish | plk |
Portuguese-Brazilian | ptb |
Portuguese-Iberian | pts |
Russian | rus |
Turkish | trk |
Add configuration values that set the location of the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for the language
To add configuration values for these components, follow these steps:
- Locate and then click the registry key that you added in the "Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language" section. For the first instance of SQL Server, this registry key would be the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSearch\Language\dan
- On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click String Value.
Type NoiseFile, and then press ENTER.
Right-click the NoiseFile registry value, and then click Modify.
- In the Edit String dialog box, type Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\noisedan.txt in the Value data box.
Note InstanceSpecificFTDataPath represents the path that you obtained by following the steps in the "Obtain the instance-specific FTData folder path" section. -
Click OK.
- Repeat steps 2 through 6 to add the values that are listed in the following table for the Danish language.
String value | TsaurusFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\tsdan.xml |
DWORD value | Locale | 00000406 |
String value | WBreakerClass | {16BC5CE4-2C78-4CB9-80D5-386A68CC2B2D} |
String value | StemmerClass | {83BC7EF7-D27B-4950-A743-0F8E5CA928F8} |
For languages that differ from Danish, use the following values.Polish language values Locate and then click the registry key that you added in the "Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language" section. For the first instance of SQL Server, this registry key would be the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSearch\Language\plk
Follow the steps in the "Add configuration values that set the location of the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for the language" section by using the values in the following table.
String value | NoiseFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\noiseplk.txt |
String value | TsaurusFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\tsplk.xml |
DWORD value | Locale | 00000415 |
String value | WBreakerClass | {CA665B09-4642-4C84-A9B7-9B8F3CD7C3F6} |
String value | StemmerClass | {B8713269-2D9D-4BF5-BF40-2615D75723D8} |
Portuguese-Brazilian language values Locate and then click the registry key that you added in the "Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language" section. For the first instance of SQL Server, this registry key would be the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSearch\Language\ptb
Follow the steps in the "Add configuration values that set the location of the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for the language" section by using the values in the following table.
String value | NoiseFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\noiseptb.txt |
String value | TsaurusFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\tsptb.xml |
DWORD value | Locale | 00000416 |
String value | WBreakerClass | {25B7FD48-5404-4BEB-9D80-B6982AF404FD} |
String value | StemmerClass | {D5FCDD7E-DBFF-473F-BCCD-3AFD1890EA85} |
Portuguese-Iberian language valuesLocate and then click the registry key that you added in the "Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language" section. For the first instance of SQL Server, this registry key would be the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSearch\Language\pts
Follow the steps in the "Add configuration values that set the location of the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for the language" section by using the values in the following table.
String value | NoiseFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\noisepts.txt |
String value | TsaurusFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\tspts.xml |
DWORD value | Locale | 00000816 |
String value | WBreakerClass | {5D5F3A69-620C-4952-B067-4D0126BB6086} |
String value | StemmerClass | {D4171BC4-90BE-4F70-8610-DAB1C17F063C} |
Russian language valuesLocate and then click the registry key that you added in the "Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language" section. For the first instance of SQL Server, this registry key would be the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSearch\Language\rus
Follow the steps in the "Add configuration values that set the location of the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for the language" section by using the values in the following table.
String value | NoiseFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\noiserus.txt |
String value | TsaurusFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\tsrus.xml |
DWORD value | Locale | 00000419 |
String value | WBreakerClass | {20036404-F1AF-11D2-A57F-006052076F32} |
String value | StemmerClass | {20036414-F1AF-11D2-A57F-006052076F32} |
Turkish language valuesLocate and then click the registry key that you added in the "Add a subkey to the <InstanceRoot>\MSSearch\Language registry subkey for the language" section. For the first instance of SQL Server, this registry key would be the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSearch\Language\trk
Follow the steps in the "Add configuration values that set the location of the lexicon, noise word, and thesaurus files for the language" section by using the values in the following table.
String value | NoiseFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\noisetrk.txt |
String value | TsaurusFile | Instance-SpecificFTDataPath\tstrk.xml |
DWORD value | Locale | 0000041f |
String value | WBreakerClass | {8DF412D1-62C7-4667-BBEC-38756576C21B} |
String value | StemmerClass | {23A9C1C3-3C7A-4D2C-B894-4F286459DAD6} |