Consider the following scenario. A large enterprise application uses Microsoft SQL Server. The application is in a high-stress scenario. When the application tries to access a SQL Server database by using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (SQLOLEDB),you may receive one or more of the following error messages:
General Network Error
SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied
Timeout Expired
issue occurs when a large enterprise application in a high-stress scenario
runs many queries on OLE DB sessions or on ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) connections that use
For example, the following behavior may occur:
- A new SQL query uses a
firehose cursor.
Note A firehose cursor is a server-side, forward-only, and read-only cursor. - The new SQL query is
executed on an OLE DB session or on an ADO connection that uses SQLOLEDB.
- The
OLE DB session or the ADO connection is
already busy processing result sets from a previously existing query.
When this behavior occurs, SQLOLEDB creates a new non-pooled implicit connection to run the new SQL query.
When a large enterprise application is in a high-stress scenario, running many of these new SQL queries creates many corresponding non-pooled implicit connections. Therefore, you may receive "General Network Error" error messages.
You may receive these error messages because one or more of the following conditions are true:
- The SQL Server WinsockListenBacklog registry setting sets the maximum number of simultaneous new login requests. However, the number of simultaneous new login requests from the new non-pooled implicit connection to the computer that is running SQL Server exceeds this value.
- The MaxUserPort registry setting limits the number of ephemeral TCP/IP ports on the application computer. However, the application requires more ephemeral TCP/IP ports to be assigned by Windows Sockets for the new non-pooled implicit connections.
- The TCPTimedWaitDelay registry setting prevents TCP/IP
socket ephemeral ports on the application computer from recycling fast enough to meet the demand for new implicit TCP/IP connections for the new
non-pooled implicit connections.