Page 305: Visual Basic.NET Standard's Server Explorer Does Not Connect To SQL Server Database
On page 305, under "Creating a Database Program", it states:
"For all of the examples in this chapter, we will be using a SQL Server database named pubs. If you do not have SQL Server or MSDE (Microsoft Desktop Engine) available, you can use the Access database (Pubs.mdb) located in your student file."
The Server Explorer interface included in Visual Basic.Net 2003 Standard, which comes with the book, only provides access to data connections to MSDE or Access databases. It does not provide access to data connections to a SQL Server database.
MSDE can be downloaded from Microsoft at
The pubs sample database for use with MSDE can be downloaded from Microsoft at
Page 365: Sales.mdb Is Not Included In Student File
On page 365, under "The Sales Program", it states:
"In this example, you will use a Microsoft Access database called Sales.mdb (included in the student file)..."
The Sales.mdb file is not included in the student file. You can download the Sales.mdb file from the Microsoft Learning Academic Instructor Resource Center website:
1. Go to and sign in
2. Click Instructor Guides in the left menu
3. Click Other Microsoft Textbooks (ALS and MOAC) in the list of learning series
4. Click ALS Visual Basic .NET Programming Essentials in the list of titles
5. Click Instructor code files for Chapter 10 (ZIP, 798kb) in the list of code files, and save it
6. In the zip file, open the Sales/Sales/bin folder to find the Sales.mdb file
Page 582: MSDE Is Not Included In Student File
On page 582, It states that MSDE 2000 is included in the student file. This is incorrect.
"MSDE can be copied from the student file or downloaded from Microsoft. We have included MSDE in the student file, along with the SQL files for installing the Pubs database. The version in the student file was the latest version when this textbook went to press. You should check the Microsoft website to make sure you have the latest version. To download MSDE from Microsoft, follow the step-by-step instructions below."
"MSDE can be downloaded from Microsoft. To download MSDE from Microsoft, follow the step-by-step instructions below."
Page 585: Instpubs.sql And Pubs Database Are Not Included In Student File
On page 585, under "Installing the Pubs Database Using Osql.exe", it states that the file INSTPUBS.sql is included in the student file. The Pubs database and INSTPUBS.sql are not included in the student file.
The Pubs database, and the install script file INSTPUBS.sql, can be downloaded from Microsoft at
Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate
books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for
inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing
of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.
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