Description of Service Pack 1 for Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update and for Small Business Accounting 2006 (902963)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager
  • Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2006


Service Pack 1 for Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update and for Small Business Accounting 2006 provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update and to Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting 2006. This service pack contains significant usability enhancements and stability improvements.


Service pack details

Issues that the service pack fixes

For information about the issues that are fixed in this service pack, see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

903273 Issues that are fixed in Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update Service Pack 1

903139 Issues that are fixed in Microsoft Office Small Business Accounting Service Pack 1

Installation details

How to obtain and install the service pack

The service pack is located at the Microsoft Download Center. To download this service pack from the Microsoft Download Center and to view installation instructions and deployment strategies, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

English versionLocalised versions

How to determine whether the service pack is installed

This service pack contains files that have the versions that are listed in the following tables.

Small Business Accounting 2006
   File name                                            File size    File version
   AddressParser.dll                                        10,752   1.00.3223.0000
   AnalysisReports.mdb                                     671,744  
   Credit Memo - B&W Basic.doc                              46,592 
   Credit Memo - B&W.doc                                    47,616 
   Credit Memo - Green Basic.doc                            47,104 
   Credit Memo - Green.doc                                  48,640 
   Credit Memo - Lines Basic.doc                            43,520 
   Credit Memo - Lines.doc                                  44,544 
   Credit Memo - Rust Basic.doc                             44,544 
   Credit Memo - Rust.doc                                   45,568 
   Credit Memo - Sienna Basic.doc                           45,056 
   Credit Memo - Sienna.doc                                 46,080 
   Credit Memo - Slate Blue Basic.doc                       43,520 
   Credit Memo - Slate Blue.doc                             44,032 
   Credit Memo - Slate Green Basic.doc                      44,032 
   Credit Memo - Slate Green.doc                            45,056 
   Customer Statement - B&W Basic.doc                       38,912 
   Customer Statement - B&W.doc                             39,936 
   Customer Statement - Green Basic.doc                     38,912 
   Customer Statement - Green.doc                           39,424 
   Customer Statement - Lines Basic.doc                     37,888 
   Customer Statement - Lines.doc                           38,400 
   Customer Statement - Rust Basic.doc                      34,304 
   Customer Statement - Rust.doc                            35,328 
   Customer Statement - Sienna Basic.doc                    39,936 
   Customer Statement - Sienna.doc                          40,448 
   Customer Statement - Slate Blue Basic.doc                39,936 
   Customer Statement - Slate Blue.doc                      40,448 
   Customer Statement - Slate Green Basic.doc               38,400 
   Customer Statement - Slate Green.doc                     39,424 
   DataMigration.dll                                       118,784   1.00.3223.0001
   DbUpgradeResources.dll                                5,611,520   1.00.3223.0001
   Default.db                                           16,991,744 
   Finance Charge - B&W Basic.doc                           43,008 
   Finance Charge - B&W.doc                                 44,544 
   Finance Charge - Green Basic.doc                         43,520 
   Finance Charge - Green.doc                               44,544 
   Finance Charge - Lines Basic.doc                         42,496 
   Finance Charge - Lines.doc                               44,032 
   Finance Charge - Rust Basic.doc                          48,640 
   Finance Charge - Rust.doc                                49,152 
   Finance Charge - Sienna Basic.doc                        44,544 
   Finance Charge - Sienna.doc                              46,080 
   Finance Charge - Slate Blue Basic.doc                    44,032 
   Finance Charge - Slate Blue.doc                          45,056 
   Finance Charge - Slate Green Basic.doc                   43,520 
   Finance Charge - Slate Green.doc                         44,544 
   GridLayout.dat                                          101,841 
   ImportExport.dll                                         57,344   1.00.3223.0001
   Interop.OfficeQ.dll                                       7,168
   Invoice Product - B&W Basic.doc                          47,616 
   Invoice Product - B&W.doc                                48,128 
   Invoice Product - Green Basic.doc                        47,616 
   Invoice Product - Green.doc                              50,176 
   Invoice Product - Lines Basic.doc                        46,592 
   Invoice Product - Lines.doc                              49,152 
   Invoice Product - Rust Basic.doc                         52,224 
   Invoice Product - Rust.doc                               54,272 
   Invoice Product - Slate Blue Basic.doc                   46,080 
   Invoice Product - Slate Blue.doc                         47,616 
   Invoice Product - Slate Green Basic.doc                  47,104 
   Invoice Product - Slate Green.doc                        48,128 
   Invoice Product - Sienna Basic.doc                       48,128 
   Invoice Product - Sienna.doc                             50,176 
   Invoice Service - B&W Basic.doc                          43,520 
   Invoice Service - B&W.doc                                44,544 
   Invoice Service - Green Basic.doc                        43,520 
   Invoice Service - Green.doc                              44,544 
   Invoice Service - Lines Basic.doc                        43,008 
   Invoice Service - Lines.doc                              45,056 
   Invoice Service - Rust Basic.doc                         47,616 
   Invoice Service - Rust.doc                               49,664 
   Invoice Service - Sienna Basic.doc                       44,032 
   Invoice Service - Sienna.doc                             45,056 
   Invoice Service - Slate Blue Basic.doc                   44,032 
   Invoice Service - Slate Blue.doc                         45,568 
   Invoice Service - Slate Green Basic.doc                  44,544 
   Invoice Service - Slate Green.doc                        45,568 
   Manualpayrollcalculation.xlt                            212,480 
   MPAClientEx.dll                                         352,256   1.05.305.0328
   OfficeQ.dll                                             595,968
   OFXDriver.dll                                            90,112   1.00.3223.0001
   OFXObjects.dll                                           94,208   1.00.3223.0001
   Packaging Slip - B&W Basic.doc                           37,376 
   Packaging Slip - B&W.doc                                 38,400 
   Packaging Slip - Green Basic.doc                         37,888 
   Packaging Slip - Green.doc                               40,448 
   Packaging Slip - Lines Basic.doc                         37,376 
   Packaging Slip - Lines.doc                               39,424 
   Packaging Slip - Rust Basic.doc                          44,032 
   Packaging Slip - Rust.doc                                45,568 
   Packaging Slip - Sienna Basic.doc                        39,936 
   Packaging Slip - Sienna.doc                              42,496 
   Packaging Slip - Slate Blue Basic.doc                    39,936 
   Packaging Slip - Slate Blue.doc                          42,496 
   Packaging Slip - Slate Green Basic.doc                   37,888 
   Packaging Slip - Slate Green.doc                         40,960 
   PayrollIntegrator.exe                                    15,360   1.00.3223.0001
   PidGen.dll                                               40,448   5.02.3733.0000
   Purchase Order - B&W Basic.doc                           48,640 
   Purchase Order - B&W.doc                                 49,664 
   Purchase Order - Lines Basic.doc                         46,592 
   Purchase Order - Lines.doc                               48,128 
   Purchase Order - Rust Basic.doc                          51,200 
   Purchase Order - Rust.doc                                52,224 
   Purchase Order - Sienna Basic.doc                        47,616 
   Purchase Order - Sienna.doc                              48,640 
   Purchase Order - Slate Blue Basic.doc                    46,080 
   Purchase Order - Slate Blue.doc                          47,104 
   Purchase Order - Slate Green Basic.doc                   46,592 
   Purchase Order - Slate Green.doc                         47,616 
   Purchase Order - Green Basic.doc                         46,080 
   Purchase Order - Green.doc                               47,104 
   Quote - B&W Basic.doc                                    49,152 
   Quote - B&W.doc                                          50,176 
   Quote - Green Basic.doc                                  47,104 
   Quote - Green.doc                                        48,128 
   Quote - Lines Basic.doc                                  46,592 
   Quote - Lines.doc                                        47,616 
   Quote - Rust Basic.doc                                   50,176 
   Quote - Rust.doc                                         51,200 
   Quote - Sienna Basic.doc                                 48,640 
   Quote - Sienna.doc                                       50,176 
   Quote - Slate Blue Basic.doc                             45,056 
   Quote - Slate Blue.doc                                   46,592 
   Quote - Slate Green Basic.doc                            47,104 
   Quote - Slate Green.doc                                  48,640 
   Sales Order - B&W Basic.doc                              48,128 
   Sales Order - B&W.doc                                    49,152 
   Sales Order - Green Basic.doc                            47,616 
   Sales Order - Green.doc                                  48,128 
   Sales Order - Lines Basic.doc                            47,616 
   Sales Order - Lines.doc                                  48,128 
   Sales Order - Rust Basic.doc                             52,224 
   Sales Order - Rust.doc                                   53,760 
   Sales Order - Sienna Basic.doc                           48,128 
   Sales Order - Sienna.doc                                 49,664 
   Sales Order - Slate Blue Basic.doc                       47,104 
   Sales Order - Slate Blue.doc                             48,128 
   Sales Order - Slate Green Basic.doc                      47,104 
   Sales Order - Slate Green.doc                            48,640 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - B&w Basic.doc               38,400 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - B&w.doc                     38,400 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Green Basic.doc             38,400 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Green.doc                   38,912 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Lines Basic.doc             37,376 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Lines.doc                   37,888 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Rust Basic.doc              44,032 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Rust.doc                    44,032 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Sienna Basic.doc            39,936 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Sienna.doc                  40,448 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Slate Blue Basic.doc        40,960 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Slate Blue.doc              40,960 
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Slate Green Basic.doc       38,400  
   Sales Order Packaging Slip - Slate Green.doc             38,912  
   Sales Receipt - B&W Basic.doc                            46,592  
   Sales Receipt - B&W.doc                                  48,128  
   Sales Receipt - Green Basic.doc                          47,104  
   Sales Receipt - Green.doc                                48,640  
   Sales Receipt - Lines Basic.doc                          46,592  
   Sales Receipt - Lines.doc                                47,616  
   Sales Receipt - Rust Basic.doc                           51,200  
   Sales Receipt - Rust.doc                                 54,272  
   Sales Receipt - Sienna Basic.doc                         48,640  
   Sales Receipt - Sienna.doc                               51,200 
   Sales Receipt - Slate Blue Basic.doc                     45,056 
   Sales Receipt - Slate Blue.doc                           49,664 
   Sales Receipt - Slate Green Basic.doc                    47,104 
   Sales Receipt - Slate Green.doc                          47,616 
   Sampleproductcompany.db                              37,814,272 
   Sampleproductcompany.lg                                 516,096 
   Sampleservicecompany.db                              42,467,328 
   Sampleservicecompany.lg                                 516,096 
   SBA.exe                                                 353,280   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAAPI.dll                                            2,945,024   1.00.3223.0001
   SBACryptoServices.dll                                    11,776   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAHelp.chm                                           1,246,770 
   SBAHost.exe                                              49,152   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAIAPI.dll                                             208,896   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAIUI.dll                                                5,120   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAPAYROLL.dll                                           40,960   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAPrint.dll                                             24,576   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAReporting.dll                                     24,825,856   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAResources.dll                                      1,576,960   1.00.3223.0001
   SBASmartDoc.dll                                          36,864   1.00.3223.0001
   SBASpreadsheetML.dll                                    110,592   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAUI.dll                                            18,780,160   1.00.3223.0001
   SBAWatson.dll                                            24,576   1.00.3223.0001
   SBMEReadme.htm                                           23,650
Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update
   File Name                                                            File Size   File Version
   BCMCommon.dll                                                        117,248     2.00.4324.0000
   BCMMain2.chm                                                         556,504
   BCMRes.dll                                                           360,448     2.00.4324.0000
   BusinessLayer.dll                                                    147,456     2.00.4324.0000
   Crpe32.dll                                                         5,349,436
   Iris.Help.dll                                                         94,208     2.00.4324.0000
   Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.CSUtils.dll            856,064     2.00.4324.0000
   Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.dll                  1,105,920     2.00.4324.0000
   Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddIn.ImportExportUI.dll   1,503,232     2.00.4324.0000
   Microsoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.Reports.dll                         794,624     2.00.4324.0000
   Microsoft.Iris.ImportExport.dll                                       86,016     2.00.4324.0000
   Microsoft.Iris.ImportExportDataAccess.dll                             86,016     2.00.4324.0000
You do not have to install this service pack if you have a later version of the files that are listed in the tables.

Information about .msp files for administrators

The following .msp file is distributed in this service pack:


Features for reinstalling specific components for administrators

If you update your administrative installation point and recache and reinstall Small Business Accounting 2006 or Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update on client computers, you can run a command that includes the REINSTALL=[list of features] property. This property specifies whether you want to reinstall specific components of Small Business Accounting 2006 or Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update from the administrative image. For Service Pack 1 for Outlook 2003 with Business Contact Manager Update and for Small Business Accounting 2006, the value of [list of features] is as follows:


Alternatively, you can substitute the parameter REINSTALL=ALL to reinstall all Microsoft Office components on the client computer.

For detailed procedures to update an administrative image and to update client computers, see the "Updating clients from a patched administrative image" section in the "Distributing Office 2003 Product Updates" topic. To view the "Distributing Office 2003 Product Updates" topic, visit the following Microsoft Web site:The Office Admin Update Center contains the latest administrative updates and strategic deployment resources for all versions of Office. For more information about the Office Admin Update Center, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/27/2006
Keywords:atDownload kbfix kbUpdate KB902963 kbAudEndUser kbAudITPRO