LAN Man 2.1 Test Summary (NSSI Network Security Systems) (89466)

This article was previously published under Q89466


The following are the test results for the IPS/A.I. 800 uninterruptable power supply (UPS). The test was conducted as part of the Microsoft Compatibility Lab (MCL) peripheral test for LAN Manager version 2.1:



NSSI Network Security Systems, Inc.
9401 Waples Street
San Diego CA 92121
(800) 755-7078

Date Tested

May 30, 1992

Uninterruptable Power Supply Data

Model:                          IPS/A.I. 800
Serial number:                  1264
Supplied cable part number:     5970250 A for use with LANSAFE

                                5970246-01  for use LAN Manager 2.1

Vendor supplied software:       LANSAFE/A.I.+ OS/2 3.00
Software part number:           5722020-01

Testing Environment

Operating system:      OS/2 1.3
Network:               LAN Manager 2.1
Test platforms:        486/33 16 MB RAM
Bus specification:     EISA
Network topology:      Ethernet


BatteryTime:          60
CmdFile:             N/A
MessDelay:             2
MessTime:            300
Recharge:            100
Signals:             111
VoltLevels:          111

Final Test Results

Test Focus                           Pass   Anomalies and/or Workarounds
----------                           ----   ----------------------------

Installation                          Yes
Fully chargeable                      Yes
Power lost signal                     Yes
Power restored signal                 Yes
Low battery signal to server          Yes
Shut down server                      Yes
Server boots when power restored      Yes
Sustains server power for 5 minutes   Yes

Additional Test Results Using LAN Manager 2.1 UPS Service

UPS switch settings:
   Switch    Position
   ------    --------

     4          OFF
     3          ON
     2          OFF
     1          ON
The UPS was connected to COM1 using an NSSI cable (part number 5970246-01).

LAN Manager UPS service configured for use with COM1 added the following line to CONFIG.SYS:
   device=c:\<lan root>\drivers\upsdrv.os2
This driver must be installed before COM0x.SYS.

Additional Test Results Using LANSAFE

UPS switch settings used with LANSAFE:
   Switch     Position
   ------     --------
     4          ON
     3          ON
     2          ON
     1          OFF
LANSAFE AI+ OS/2 version 3.0 (NSSI part number 5722020-01) was installed replacing the UPS service of LAN Manager because of the following additional features and functionality:

  • Power monitoring
  • Power management
  • Remote monitoring, shutdown, and reboot of IPS/A.I 800
To use LANSAFE remote IPS/A.I. console, the workstation must be running OS/2 and have admin privileges on the server; the server must be running LANSAFE local IPS/A.I Console.

The UPS was connected to COM1 using NSSI cable (part number 5970250 A). LANSAFE replaces the UPS service of LAN Manager, and makes the following modifications to CONFIG.SYS and STARTUP.CMD.

LANSAFE configured for use with COM1 adds the following line to CONFIG.SYS:
   device=c:\lansafe\ipsia.sys 03f8 4
Note: The UPS driver for LAN Manager should not be installed, and the UPS service should not be started when using LANSAFE.

Modifications made to STARTUP.CMD:
   REM The next 5 lines start IPS/A.I. monitoring. DO NOT REMOVE!

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 7/30/2001
Keywords: KB89466