Session Summary
Tuesday, December 7, 2004This Support WebCast discusses Microsoft Office Project 2003. It provides an overview of the Enterprise Project Management (EPM) components. The session talks about the differences between saving and publishing a project. It discusses why changes do not appear in Project Web Access immediately after publishing a project. The WebCast discusses what occurs on the server to deliver updates to the Project Manager in the Project Professional client when users make updates in Project Web Access. It also talks about other processes that can affect the Enterprise Project Management (EPM) workflow. This session also talks about building OLAP cubes and the resulting views. It also talks about resource updates from Project Web Access. The WebCast provides answers to common questions that come from customers.
This is a
200 session presented by
Mark Shea and Cliff Hooper.
Mark Shea has been a support professional with Microsoft for the past three years. He has supported Microsoft Project users at the personal, professional, and premier levels. Mark recently served in a Beta role before the release of Project 2003. In that capacity, he configured and deployed Project Server for more than 60 internal Microsoft groups.
Cliff Hooper has been a support professional with Microsoft for the past four years. He first supported Microsoft Visio, and transitioned to full-time support of Microsoft Project and Project Server two and one-half years ago. Cliff is a POD lead in the Enterprise Project Global Escalation Center, providing leadership, training, and in-depth troubleshooting for professional and premier customers and partners.
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