You receive the "The database is in an unexpected state" error message when you try to open a database in Access 2000 or a later version (888634)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Access 2003
  • Microsoft Access 2002
  • Microsoft Access 2000

This article applies only to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb).

Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.


When you try to open a database in Microsoft Access 2000 or a later version, you receive the following error message:
The database is in an unexpected state


This problem may occur when you use the Data Access Object (DAO) library to convert a database that you created in Microsoft Access 97 or an earlier version by using the CompactDatabase method. The CompactDatabase method may leave the new database in a partially converted state.


To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods.

Method 1: Use the Convert Database command when you have the original database

If you still have a copy of the original database in its original format, use the Convert Database command. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Make a backup copy of the original database.
  2. Start Access 2000 or a later version.
  3. On the Tools menu, click Database Utilities, click Convert Database, and then click To Access 2000 File Format.

    Note If you are using Access 2000, only To Current Access Database Version appears on the Convert Database menu.
  4. In the Database to Convert From dialog box, click the database file name that you want to convert, and then click Convert.
  5. In the Convert Database Into dialog box, type the new name of the database file, and then click Save.

Method 2: Recover the database data and the database queries when you do not have the original nonsecured database

If you do not have a copy of the original nonsecured database in its original format and you have tried standard corruption troubleshooting techniques, try to recover the database data and the database queries. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Make a backup copy of the original database.
  2. Start Access 2000 or a later version.
  3. Click Blank Access database, type the new database name in the File name box, and then click Create.
  4. On the Insert menu, click Module. This starts the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor and creates a new module for you.
  5. On the Tools menu, click References.
  6. In the Available References list, locate Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library, and then click to select the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library check box.
  7. To close the References dialog box, click OK.
  8. Paste the following code into the new module that you created.
    Sub RecoverCorruptDB()
        Dim dbCorrupt As DAO.Database
        Dim dbCurrent As DAO.Database
        Dim td As DAO.TableDef
        Dim tdNew As DAO.TableDef
        Dim fld As DAO.Field
        Dim fldNew As DAO.Field
        Dim ind As DAO.Index
        Dim indNew As DAO.Index
        Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
        Dim qdNew As DAO.QueryDef
        Dim strDBPath As String
        Dim strQry As String
        ' Replace the following path with the path of the
        ' corrupted database.
        strDBPath = "C:\My Documents\yourDatabase.mdb"
        On Error Resume Next
        Set dbCurrent = CurrentDb
        Set dbCorrupt = OpenDatabase(strDBPath)
        For Each td In dbCorrupt.TableDefs
            If Left(td.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then
                strQry = "SELECT * INTO [" & td.Name & "] FROM [" & td.Name & "] IN '" & dbCorrupt.Name & "'"
                dbCurrent.Execute strQry, dbFailOnError
                Set tdNew = dbCurrent.TableDefs(td.Name)
                ' Re-create the indexes on the table.
                For Each ind In td.Indexes
                    Set indNew = tdNew.CreateIndex(ind.Name)
                    For Each fld In ind.Fields
                        Set fldNew = indNew.CreateField(fld.Name)
                        indNew.Fields.Append fldNew
                    indNew.Primary = ind.Primary
                    indNew.Unique = ind.Unique
                    indNew.IgnoreNulls = ind.IgnoreNulls
                    tdNew.Indexes.Append indNew
            End If
        ' Re-create the queries.
        For Each qd In dbCorrupt.QueryDefs
            If Left(qd.Name, 4) <> "~sq_" Then
                Set qdNew = dbCurrent.CreateQueryDef(qd.Name, qd.SQL)
            End If
        MsgBox "Procedure Complete."
    End Sub
    Note The code will try to import all tables and all queries from the corrupted database into the current database. Replace C:\My Documents\yourDatabase.mdb with the correct path and file name of your database.
  9. To run the code, click Run Sub/UserForm on the Run menu.

Method 3: Recover the database data when you do not have the original secured database

If you do not have a copy of the original secured database in its original format and you have tried standard corruption troubleshooting techniques, try to recover the database data. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Make a backup copy of the original database.
  2. Start Access 2000 or a later version.
  3. Click Blank Access database, type the new database name in the File name box, and then click Create.
  4. On the Insert menu, click Module. This starts the Visual Basic Editor and creates a new module for you.
  5. On the Tools menu, click References.
  6. In the Available References list, locate Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library, and then click to select the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library check box.
  7. To close the References dialog box, click OK.
  8. Paste the following code into the new module that you created.
    Function BackupSecureDatabase()
       On Error GoTo Err_BackupSecureDatabase
       Dim wrkDefault As DAO.Workspace
       Dim dbsNew As DAO.Database
       Dim dbeSecure As DAO.PrivDBEngine
       Dim wrkSecure As DAO.Workspace
       Dim dbsSecure As DAO.Database
       Dim tdfSecure As DAO.TableDef
       Dim strSecureUser As String
       Dim strSecurePwd As String
       Dim strSecurePathToDatabase As String
       Dim strSecurePathToWorkgroupFile As String
       Dim strTableName As String
       Dim strSQL As String
       Dim dbsTemp As DAO.Database
       Dim strTempPathToDatabase As String
       Dim strBackupPathToDatabase As String
       Dim strLogPath As String
       ' Set the variables (change for environment).
       strSecurePathToDatabase = "C:\MyDatabases\Northwind.mdb"
       strSecurePathToWorkgroupFile = "C:\MyDatabases\Secured.mdw"
       strSecureUser = "Administrator"
       strSecurePwd = "password"
       strTempPathToDatabase = "C:\MyDatabases\Temp.mdb"
       strBackupPathToDatabase = "C:\MyDatabases\Backup.mdb"
       strLogPath = "C:\MyDatabases\Backup.log"
       ' Open the log file.
       Open strLogPath For Output As #1
       Print #1, Time, "Log file opened"
       Print #1, Time, "Variables set"
       ' Delete old files.
       If Dir(strTempPathToDatabase) <> "" Then Kill strTempPathToDatabase
       If Dir(strBackupPathToDatabase) <> "" Then Kill strBackupPathToDatabase
       Print #1, Time, "Old backup files deleted"
       ' Create the new temp database.
       Set wrkDefault = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
       Set dbsNew = wrkDefault.CreateDatabase(strTempPathToDatabase, dbLangGeneral)
       Set dbsNew = Nothing
       Print #1, Time, "Temp database created"
       ' Open the secured database.
       Set dbeSecure = New PrivDBEngine
       dbeSecure.SystemDB = strSecurePathToWorkgroupFile
       dbeSecure.DefaultUser = strSecureUser
       dbeSecure.DefaultPassword = strSecurePwd
       Set wrkSecure = dbeSecure.Workspaces(0)
       Set dbsSecure = wrkSecure.OpenDatabase(strSecurePathToDatabase)
       Print #1, Time, "Secured database opened from " & strSecurePathToDatabase
       ' Open the temp database.
       Set dbsTemp = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase(strTempPathToDatabase)
       Print #1, Time, "Temp database opened from " & strTempPathToDatabase
       ' Loop through the tables in the secured database.
       For Each tdfSecure In dbsSecure.TableDefs
           strTableName = tdfSecure.Name
           If Left(strTableName, 4) <> "MSys" Then
               Print #1, Time, "Export of " & strTableName
               ' Copy the table definition to the temp database.
               If CopyTableDef(tdfSecure, dbsTemp, strTableName) Then
                   ' Then append all the data into the table.
                   strSQL = "INSERT INTO [" & dbsTemp.Name & "].[" & strTableName & "] SELECT * FROM [" & strTableName & "]"
                   dbsSecure.Execute strSQL
               End If
           End If
       Next tdfSecure
       ' Close open objects.
       Print #1, Time, "Secured database closed"
       Print #1, Time, "Temp database closed"
       ' Compact the database into the backup database.
       DBEngine.CompactDatabase strTempPathToDatabase, strBackupPathToDatabase, dbLangGeneral
       Print #1, Time, "New backup database created at " & strBackupPathToDatabase
       ' Delete the temp database.
       If Dir(strTempPathToDatabase) <> "" Then Kill strTempPathToDatabase
       Print #1, Time, "Temp database deleted"
       Print #1, Time, "Log file closed"
       Close #1
       Set wrkDefault = Nothing
       Set dbsNew = Nothing
       Set dbeSecure = Nothing
       Set wrkSecure = Nothing
       Set dbsSecure = Nothing
       Set tdfSecure = Nothing
       Set dbsTemp = Nothing
       Exit Function
       Print #1, Time, "     ***ERROR: " & Err.Number, Err.Description, strTableName
       Resume Next
    End Function
    Function CopyTableDef(SourceTableDef As TableDef, TargetDB As Database, TargetName As String) As Integer
    Dim SI As DAO.Index, SF As DAO.Field, SP As DAO.Property
    Dim T As DAO.TableDef, I As DAO.Index, F As DAO.Field, P As DAO.Property
    Dim I1 As Integer, f1 As Integer, P1 As Integer
      If SourceTableDef.Attributes And dbAttachedODBC Or SourceTableDef.Attributes And dbAttachedTable Then
        CopyTableDef = False
        Exit Function
      End If
      Set T = TargetDB.CreateTableDef(TargetName)
      ' Copy Jet Properties.
        On Error Resume Next
        For P1 = 0 To T.Properties.Count - 1
          If T.Properties(P1).Name <> "Name" Then
            T.Properties(P1).Value = SourceTableDef.Properties(P1).Value
          End If
        Next P1
        On Error GoTo 0
      ' Copy Fields.
        For f1 = 0 To SourceTableDef.Fields.Count - 1
          Set SF = SourceTableDef.Fields(f1)
          ' DAO 3.0 and later versions. ****
          If (SF.Attributes And dbSystemField) = 0 Then   
            Set F = T.CreateField()
            ' Copy Jet Properties.
              On Error Resume Next
              For P1 = 0 To F.Properties.Count - 1
                F.Properties(P1).Value = SF.Properties(P1).Value
              Next P1
              On Error GoTo 0
            T.Fields.Append F
          End If ' Corresponding End If ****
        Next f1
      ' Copy Indexes.
        For I1 = 0 To SourceTableDef.Indexes.Count - 1
          Set SI = SourceTableDef.Indexes(I1)
          ' Foreign indexes are added by relationships.
          If Not SI.Foreign Then         
            Set I = T.CreateIndex()
            ' Copy Jet Properties.
              On Error Resume Next
              For P1 = 0 To I.Properties.Count - 1
                I.Properties(P1).Value = SI.Properties(P1).Value
              Next P1
              On Error GoTo 0
            ' Copy Fields.
              For f1 = 0 To SI.Fields.Count - 1
                Set F = T.CreateField(SI.Fields(f1).Name, T.Fields(SI.Fields(f1).Name).Type)
                I.Fields.Append F
              Next f1
            T.Indexes.Append I
          End If
        Next I1
    ' Append TableDef.
      TargetDB.TableDefs.Append T
      ' Copy Access/User Table Properties.
        For P1 = T.Properties.Count To SourceTableDef.Properties.Count - 1
          Set SP = SourceTableDef.Properties(P1)
          Set P = T.CreateProperty(SP.Name, SP.Type)
          P.Value = SP.Value
          T.Properties.Append P
        Next P1
      ' Copy Access/User Field Properties.
        For f1 = 0 To T.Fields.Count - 1
          Set SF = SourceTableDef.Fields(f1)
          Set F = T.Fields(f1)
          For P1 = F.Properties.Count To SF.Properties.Count - 1
            Set SP = SF.Properties(P1)
            Set P = F.CreateProperty(SP.Name, SP.Type)
            P.Value = SP.Value
            F.Properties.Append P
          Next P1
        Next f1
      ' Copy Access/User Index Properties.
        For I1 = 0 To T.Indexes.Count - 1
          Set SI = SourceTableDef.Indexes(T.Indexes(I1).Name)
          ' Do not copy foreign indexes. They are created by relationships.
          If Not SI.Foreign Then      
            Set I = T.Indexes(I1)
            For P1 = I.Properties.Count To SI.Properties.Count - 1
              Set SP = SI.Properties(P1)
              Set P = I.CreateProperty(SP.Name, SP.Type)
              P.Value = SP.Value
              I.Properties.Append P
            Next P1
          End If
        Next I1
      CopyTableDef = True
    End Function
    Note The code will try to import all tables from the corrupted database into a backup database. Replace the variables in the table after step 10 with your database file locations and your user settings.
  9. Double-click BackupSecureDatabase.
  10. To run the code, click Run Sub/UserForm on the Run menu.
strSecurePathToDatabaseLocation of secured database file
strSecurePathToWorkgroupFileLocation of workgroup file
strSecureUserSecured user logon name
strSecurePwdSecured user logon password
strTempPathToDatabaseLocation of temporary database file
strBackupPathToDatabaseLocation of backup database file
strLogPathLocation of log file


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.


For additional information about how to troubleshoot corruption in a Microsoft Access database, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

306204 How to troubleshoot corruption in a Microsoft Access database

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:2/2/2005
Keywords:kbcorrupt kbconversion kbImport kbinfo kbtshoot kbprb KB888634 kbAudDeveloper