Session Summary
Wednesday, December 15, 2004This Microsoft WebCast will discuss the uses and the deployment methods for deploying .oab files and .ost files, including seed .ost files.
This WebCast will also discuss the problems that may occur when you deploy .oab files and .ost files.
This is a
300 session presented by
Greg Mansius and Phil Buelow.
Phil Buelow is a support engineer with an Exchange Client/Server Infrastructure (XCSI) specialty. During the past seven years, Phil has worked in all Exchange specialties, both as a support engineer and as a technical lead. Phil has delivered many Exchange training classes at Microsoft.
Greg Mansius is a technical lead with a Microsoft Exchange Client/Server Infrastructure (XCSI) specialty. He has supported Exchange/Outlook for three years and Office Setup/Excel for seven years. Greg's recent activities include beta support for the Outlook 2003 Service Pack 1 update and in-house training delivery for Outlook 2003.
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