Service pack details
List of issues that the service pack fixes
Windows SharePoint Services SP2 fixes the issues that are described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
906336 Issues that are fixed in Windows SharePoint Services by Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack 2
Security bulletin that is associated with the service pack
Windows SharePoint Services SP2 addresses the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Security Bulletin:
887981 MS05-006: Vulnerability in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Team Services could allow cross-site scripting and spoofing attacks
Earlier released updates that the service pack includes
Windows SharePoint Services SP2 includes the previously released updates that are described in the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
841876 Description of Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack 1
Known issues
Known issues during the installation of the service pack
- When you try to install Windows SharePoint Services SP2 on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for Itanium-based Systems, you receive an error message.
For more information about this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
You receive a "Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 cannot be installed because this server is not running a Microsoft Windows 2003 or later operating system" error message when you try to install Windows SharePoint Services Service Pack 2
- In a Web farm deployment of Windows SharePoint Services, you must upgrade all the Web servers in the Web farm.
For more information about this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
You must update all the Web servers that are running Windows SharePoint Services in a Web farm
Known issues after the installation of the service pack
If you are using Windows Server 2003, and if you do not have Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 installed, installing Windows SharePoint Services SP2 does not create an entry for Windows SharePoint Services SP2 in the Add or Remove Programs window in Control Panel. If you have Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 installed, installing Windows SharePoint Services SP2 creates an entry for Windows SharePoint Services SP2 in the Add or Remove Programs window in Control Panel. However, the entry for Windows SharePoint Services SP2 is visible only if the
Show updates check box in the Add or Remove Programs window is selected.
Installation details
How to obtain and install the service pack
Windows SharePoint Services SP2 is located at the Microsoft Download Center. To download this service pack and to view installation instructions and deployment strategies, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
How to determine whether the service pack is installed
The service pack contains files that have the versions that are listed in the following table.
File name | Version |
Admsoap.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Dw20.exe | 11.0.6560.0 |
Dwdcw20.dll | 11.0.5904.0 |
Dwintl20.dll | 11.0.5510.0 |
Dwtrig20.exe | 11.0.5904.0 |
Fpencode.dll | 2003.1100.5510.0 |
Htinterf.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Mdsp.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Mdspodb.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Mdspsppt.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Mdspsts.dll | 11.0.6565.0 |
Mdspxmlu.dll | 11.0.6467.0 |
Onetutil.dll | 11.0.6568.0 |
Owssvr.dll | 11.0.6568.0 |
Owstimer.exe | 11.0.6554.0 |
Sqmcfg.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Sqmcfgup.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Sqmsto.dll | 11.0.6554.0 |
Sqmstoup.dll | 11.0.6554.0 |
Stsadm.exe | 11.0.6551.0 |
Stsap.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Stsapa.dll | 11.0.6566.0 |
Stscfg.exe | 11.0.6550.0 |
Stslib.dll | 11.0.6563.0 |
Stsmmc.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Stsom.dll | 11.0.6568.0 |
Stsomdr.dll | 11.0.6554.0 |
Stsomsec.dll | 11.0.6550.0 |
Stssoap.dll | 11.0.6551.0 |
Stswel.dll | 11.0.6568.0 |
You do not have to install this service pack if you have a later version of the files that are listed in the table.
Additionally, the following files are installed when you install Windows SharePoint Services SP2.
Aclinv.asx | Imadisco.asx | Sitequot.asx |
Aclver.asx | Imawsdl.asx | Siteusrs.asx |
Addgrp1.asx | Imglib.js | Sitwsdl.asx |
Addgrp2.asx | Layotweb.cfg | Spcf.asx |
Advsetng.asx | Lisdisco.asx | Spdisco.asx |
Aer_1033.adm | Liswsdl.asx | Store.sql |
Avreport.asx | Logusage.asx | Storeup.sql |
Bpcf.asx | Lstsetng.asx | Storman.asx |
Cfgadmvs.asx | Meedisco.asx | Sts.xml |
Checkin.asx | Meewsdl.asx | Subchoos.asx |
Configdb.asx | Mngqtmpl.asx | Subdisco.asx |
Configdb.sql | Mtgredir.asx | Subedit.asx |
Configup.sql | New.asx | Subnew.asx |
Creatsit.asx | Newdwp.asx | Subwsdl.asx |
Cvtp.js | Newgrp.asx | Themeweb.asx |
Delstcfg.asx | Ows.css | Tmptpick.asx |
Dladvopt.asx | Ows.js | Treehelp.txt |
Docicon.xml | Perdisco.asx | Usedisco.asx |
Dspset.asx | Perwsdl.asx | Useredit.asx |
Dspsts.amx | Portal.asx | Usewsdl.asx |
Dspstsdi.asx | Qstedit.asx | Verdisco.asx |
Dspstsws.asx | Qstnew.asx | Verwsdl.asx |
Dwsdisco.asx | Report.asx | Viedisco.asx |
Dwswsdl.asx | Reporthm.asx | Viewedit.asx |
Editgrp.asx | Reqacc.asx | Viewnew.asx |
Editprms.asx | Rgnlstng.asx | Viewsdl.asx |
Extendvs.asx | Schema.xml | Vsgenset.asx |
Extwebfm.asx | Scprefix.asx | Vssettng.asx |
Fldedit.asx | Sdadisco.asx | Vwstyles.xml |
Fldnew.asx | Sdawsdl.asx | Webdisco.asx |
Fordisco.asx | Setanon.asx | Webwsdl.asx |
Formedt.asx | Setrqacc.asx | Wppdisco.asx |
Forwsdl.asx | Setup.htm | Wppwsdl.asx |
Fpext.msg | Shropt.asx | Wsapsubc.htm |
Grpsel.asx | Sitdisco.asx | Wsdisco.asx |
Htadmin.asx | Sitedata.amx | Wswsdl.asx |
Htmledit.asx | | |
Information for administrators about .msp files
The administrative service pack consists of a full-file Microsoft Windows Installer file (.msp file). The .msp file is packaged in a self-extracting executable file. The following .msp file is distributed in this service pack:
Additional installation notes
The following shared functionality features that are introduced in Windows SharePoint Services SP2 should not be used until Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is released and installed on the computer that is running Windows SharePoint Services SP2:
- Support for running on 64-bit systems in 32-bit emulation mode
- Support for reverse proxy
- Support for IP-bound virtual servers
- Support for off-box SSL termination
- Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Note If you perform Windows SharePoint Services-only deployments, you can take advantage of the new functionality without waiting for the release of SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SP2.