When you try to insert the Movie, Sound, or Scrolling Text Web form controls from the Web Tools toolbar in Microsoft Word 2002 or Microsoft Office Word 2003 on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), you may receive one of the following error messages:
This object was created in HTMLInlineSoundCtl.
This application is not available to open this object.
Make sure the application is properly installed and that
it has not been deleted, removed or renamed.
This object was created in HTMLInlineVideoCtl.
This application is not available to open this object.
Make sure the application is properly installed and that
it has not been deleted, removed or renamed.
Scrolling Text
This object was created in MARQUEE.
This application is not available to open this object.
Make sure the application is properly installed and that
it has not been deleted, removed or renamed."
Note This behavior does not occur on computers that are running Windows XP without SP2 installed.
Note This behavior also occurs if you use Word as your e-mail editor.