When a Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 client computer sends a message that contains a hardware or software inventory report to an SMS 2003 management point computer, the message cannot be copied by the SMS 2003 management point computer, and the message is discarded.
You may receive an error in the Ccmexec.log file that is similar to the following:
Error copying attachment '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}' (0x8000ffff).
Source: D:\SMS_CCM\ServiceData\Temp\Filename.tmp,
Dest: D:\SMS\mp\outboxes\\HinvAttachmentFileName.xml, Offset: 1618, Length: 222208 CcmExec 8/26/2004 8:57:29 AM 7508 (0x1D54)
EndpointMessage(Queue='MP_HinvEndpoint', ID={433BB056-1E0C-41BE-A194-67E70518D51C}): Will be discarded (0x8000ffff). CcmExec 8/26/2004 8:57:29 AM 7508 (0x1D54)
The Ccmexec.log file is located in the Winnt\System32\CCM\Logs folder on the SMS 2003 site server computer or in the SMS\CCM\Logs folder on the SMS 2003 management point computer.
Additionally, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following in the Clientauth.log file:
<![LOG[Message rejected due to client public key mismatch.ClientID: GUID:37FD1749-719B-40BA-AAD5-F0EEF6BC3CAFKey
The Clientauth.log file is located in the \SMS\Logs folder on the SMS client computer.