You cannot install an SMS 2003 management point on a Windows Server 2003-based computer (883986)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003


When you try to install a Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 management point on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003, the management point does not install. The following information is logged in the Sitecomp.log file on the site server:
All files installed.
Starting bootstrap operations... 
Installed service SMS_SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_computer name.
Starting service SMS_SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_computer name with command-line arguments "DTB C:\SMS /install \\site server name\C$\SMS\bin\i386\MPsetup.exe"...  
Execution of "\\site server name\C$\SMS\bin\i386\MPsetup.exe /install /siteserver:site server name" on server computer name failed: Child process exited with non-zero code 111. 
BITS is not installed or configured properly on server computer name. 
Bootstrap operation failed. 
Deinstalled service SMS_SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_computer name. 
Bootstrap operations aborted. 
Installation failed and will be retried in the next polling cycle.
The following information is logged in the MPSetup.log on the destination Management Point computer:
MP Setup Started....
Parameters: \\site server name\C$\SMS\bin\i386\MPsetup.exe /install /siteserver:computer name
Installing the MP
IIS Service is installed.
No versions of MP are installed.  Installing new MP.
Enabling MSI logging.  MP.MSI will log to 
[10:56:37] @@ERR:25051
Internet Information Services BITS support is not installed
MP.MSI exited with return code: 1603
Backing up MPMSI.log to C:\SMS\logs\MPMSI.log.LastError
Fatal MSI Error - MP.MSI could not be installed.
The following information is logged in the MPMSI.LOG on the destination Management Point computer:
Error 25051. Internet Information Services BITS support is not installed
MSI (s) (A8!8C): Product: SMS Management Point -- Error 25051. Internet Information Services BITS support is not installed


This issue occurs if Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is not installed on the destination computer. BITS may not be installed when either of the following conditions is true:
  • The destination computer formerly had Microsoft Windows 2000 Server with Internet Information Services (IIS) and BITS installed, and the computer was upgraded to Windows Server 2003.
  • The destination computer is running a new installation of Windows Server 2003.
By default, Windows Server 2003 does not install BITS.


To resolve this issue, follow these steps to install BITS on the destination computer:
  1. Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components.
  3. In the Windows Component Wizard, click Application Server, and then click Details.
  4. Click Internet Information Services (IIS), and then click Details.
  5. Click to select Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Server Extensions, click OK two times, and then click Next.
  6. Click Finish.

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:6/13/2005
Keywords:kbtshoot kbServer kbSMSMP kberrmsg kbsetup kbinterop KB883986 kbAudITPRO