The following networks have been tested and are compatible with
WinLogin 1.0:
Novell NetWare - workstation shell version 3.01 and later
Microsoft LAN Manager and 100% compatible - versions 1.0 and later
Banyan VINES - versions 4.0 and later
DEC Pathworks - versions 4.0 and later
3Com 3+Share - versions 1.3 and later
3Com 3+Open - all versions
IBM DOS LAN Server - versions 1.2 and later
Artisoft LANtastic - versions 3.0 and later
This information applies to version 1.0 of Microsoft WinLogin. For
information about ordering Microsoft WinLogin, call the Microsoft Sales
Information Center (MSIC) at (800) 426-9400, or mail the form supplied with
the Windows Resource Kit (WRK) for the Microsoft Windows operating system
version 3.1.
For more information about WinLogin, query on the following word in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base: