The WITH RECOMPILE clause for stored procedures does not function
properly if the objects referenced by the stored procedure are
temporary tables created outside the stored procedure but in the
same session.
When you execute a stored procedure created with the RECOMPILE
option, the procedure uses the original table structure created
before the stored procedure is created, even if the temporary table
has been structurally changed since the first execution of the
stored procedure.
For instance, the following query
create table #t (c char(20))
insert #t values ('outside insert')
create proc p1 WITH RECOMPILE as
insert #t values ('inside insert')
select * from #t
exec p1
returns these correct results before the table is changed:
outside insert
inside insert
However, if the table is changed as follows:
drop table #t
create table #t(i1 int, i2 int)
insert #t values(1,100)
then the stored procedure p1 returns:
<some garbage>
inside insert
And a simple SELECT on table #t returns:
i1 i2
--------- -----------
1 100
<some big number> <some big number>
If you also use the WITH RECOMPILE clause when executing the stored
procedure, the problem still exists.