The following program demonstrates the use of the Microsoft Visual
Basic OLECLIEN.VBX custom control to create a linked Sound Recorder
The following OLEClient property settings are required to create a
Sound OLE object:
Setting Definition
Class - "SoundRec"
SourceDoc - The full path of the "wave" file to use (for example:
SourceItem - The type of sound file object. "Wave" is the only
sound format supported by the Windows operating
system version 3.1 Sound Recorder.
NOTE: Sound Recorder does not come with Microsoft Windows version 3.0. You
must have Windows version 3.1 to use this example. You must also have a
computer capable of playing wave audio sounds (.WAV files). If you do not
have a sound board, you can obtain a Windows sound driver for your PC
Speaker. For information on obtaining this driver, query on the following
words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
win31 and driver and speak.exe