This article contains information about the VESA Super VGA Standard, and
how to obtain a copy of it.
"Super VGA" (SVGA) does not describe a standard display adapter. Instead,
it refers to any VGA-compatible video adapter that also provides higher
resolution modes. SVGA adapters made by different manufacturers may support
different resolution modes.
To allow programs to take advantage of different SVGA adapters, the
graphics library supplied with Microsoft C/C++ supports the interface
defined by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). VESA has
defined a standard interface for accessing the extended features of
different SVGA adapters, and this interface is widely supported by video
hardware manufacturers. This allows applications to run with virtually any
adapter that is VESA- compliant.
To obtain a copy of the VESA Super VGA Standard, write or call:
The Video Electronics Standards Association
2150 N. 1st St., Suite 440
San Jose, CA 95131-2020
Phone (408) 435-0333
Fax (408) 435-8225