The gateway name is required during the installation of the Microsoft
Mail Gateway to IBM PROFS and OfficeVision. It is also be required
when installing the Gateway Access component.
The gateway name is used only within the Microsoft Mail system, and is
discarded before mail is sent to the host user. By using a gateway name,
the system is able to define each PROFS user with a three-element address,
similar to a native MS Mail address:
PROFS user: Gateway/Nodename/UserID
MS Mail user: Network/Postoffice/Mailbox
This allows the mail system to easily hold PROFS users' addresses within
the database using the same file structure as is used with other MS Mail
Once outgoing mail from the LAN is queued up in the correct gateway
mailbag, the gateway software discards the gateway name and uses only
the Nodename/UserID to deliver mail to the recipient.