The Microsoft Mail Gateway to IBM PROFS and OfficeVision's LAN side
gateway program (HostDisp or VMGATE) communicates with the VM system
using 3270 terminal emulation and file transfer programs.
On the mainframe, you must have IBM file transfer program 5664-281
(IND$FILE) or a compatible program. On the local-area network (LAN),
you can use a variety of 3270 emulation software on your gateway PC. A
card supporting one of the following 3270 APIs is required in the
gateway PC:
IBM High Level
IBM Low Level
DCA CUT-mode
Novell NetWare 3270
Microsoft Comm Server version 1.1 with the DCA-DFT emulation API
The gateway program (HostDisp or VMGATE) will spawn the 3270 emulation
programs SEND and RECEIVE to perform the file transfer with the mainframe.