Hewlett-Packard (HP) has confirmed that HP NewWave version 3.03 was
designed primarily for compatibility with Microsoft Windows version 3.0.
When running NewWave version 3.03 with Windows version 3.1 in 386 enhanced
mode, the following error occurs while attempting to run any non-Windows
Cannot run a non-Windows application from the second instance of
Windows; exit this instance of Windows and run your application
from the original instance.
After exiting NewWave and restarting Windows 3.1, a different error occurs
while attempting to run non-Windows applications:
Incorrect system version; reinstall the 386 enhanced mode of
Expanding WINOA386.MOD (Disk 4) and WINOLDAP.MOD (Disk 5) from the Windows
3.1 disks to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory eliminates the error message
and enables NewWave 3.03 to run in Windows 3.1. For example, to expand
WINOA386.MOD, insert Disk 4 and type the following from the MS-DOS command
expand a:\winoa386.mo_ c:\windows\system\winoa386.mod