Setting Up a 3Station to Remote Boot (87134)

This article was previously published under Q87134


Microsoft supports LAN Manager on 3Com 3Server 400/500/600 models. Other models use an 80186 and cannot be configured as LAN Manager servers. Both LAN Manager versions 2.0 and 2.1 should run equally well on all three types of machines. The LAN Manager 2.0 Value Pack does not provide any documentation on RIPL, and therefore is not a supported service for the 3Server.

In LAN Manager 2.1, 3Com 3Station support is provided with the standard remote boot features. See Chapter 13 in the "Microsoft LAN Manager Administrator's Guide" for details on setup and possible problems.

It is not necessary to create a special profile for the 3Station; just use the "DOS 5.00 Default" option from the RPL Manager drop menu selections, which appear as follows:
   ===>  DOS 5.00 Default
         DOS 5.00 3Com Etherlink
         DOS 5.00 3Com Etherlink II
         DOS 5.00 3Com Etherlink Plus
         DOS 5.00 3Com Etherlink MC
         DOS 5.00 IBM Ethernet
         DOS 5.00 NOVELL NE 2000
The DOS 5.00 Default profile option for the 3Station should cause it to start up correctly. If there are problems, you may have to manually edit the RPL.MAP file in the \LANMAN\RPL directory to change the acknowledge setting for 3Stations.

Use an editor to search for the text string "3Station" in the RPL.MAP file. This should bring you to line 59, which should appear as follows:
   yyyyyyyyyyyy BBLOCK\NETBEUI\E3STAT\DOSBB.CNF 2 6 F ~ DOS~3Com~3Station
Change line 59 to appear as follows:
   yyyyyyyyyyyy BBLOCK\NETBEUI\E3STAT\DOSBB.CNF 2 6 A ~ DOS~3Com~3Station


                                              Change is here
This should eliminate problems with packet acknowledgement.

Other issues to consider when troubleshooting a 3Station are as follows:

  • Check the net address of the 3Station. It should begin with 02608C in order to be recognized by the DOS 5.00 Default profile.
  • 3Com 3Stations with new PROMs will have addresses out of the 20608C range and will therefore require a change to the RPL.MAP to reflect use of the newer PROM.
  • Make sure the two hidden system files are in the MS-DOS 5.0 directory.
  • Make sure the system file attributes are removed (no hidden or system attribute).
  • Make sure 3Start is not running on the local net. 3Start assumes that no other RPL server is on the local area network and will respond to all START requests. Because 3Start and LAN Manager RPL use the same socket, RPL will also try to respond to the request.
  • Make sure the 3Station is set up to use the correct transceiver. Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+DEL to access the Setup program.

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 7/30/2001
Keywords: KB87134