The following is the packing list for the Microsoft Windows Software
Development Kit (SDK) version 3.1:
Disk 1
INSTALL.EXE Setup program
INSTALL.INF Information file for Setup program
README.SDK SDK information not in online help
ROBUST.TXT Information about creating robust applications
WINDOWS.TXT Lists changes to WINDOWS.H since Windows 3.0
WINDOWSX.TXT Information on message crackers, WINDOWSX.H file
README.WRI SDK information not in online help
VPROD.386 Virtual machine device driver
DDESPY.EXE Displays DDE messages between applications
HEAPWALK.EXE Heap Walker application
SHOWHITS.EXE Displays data from Windows Profiler
SPY.EXE Displays messages between applications
STRESS.EXE Resource limiting utility
STRESS.HLP Resource limiting utility help file
STRESS.INI Resource limiting utility initialization file
COMPRESS.EXE File compression utility
MARK.EXE Marks files with memory and font info
GDI.SYM GDI nondebugging symbol file
KRNL286.SYM Kernel 286 nondebugging symbol file
KRNL386.SYM Kernel 386 nondebugging symbol file
MMSYSTEM.SYM Multimedia nondebugging symbol file
USER.SYM Windows user nondebugging symbol file
VER.DLL Version checking redistributable DLL
SMALLF.FON 8514 small font for Windows
HC.BAT Help Compiler batch file
HC31.ERR Help Compiler version 3.1 error file
RCPP.ERR Resource Compiler preprocessor error file
DBWIN.EXE Debugger
DLGEDIT.EXE Dialog Editor
HC30.EXE Help Compiler version 3.0
HC31.EXE Help Compiler version 3.1
MRBC.EXE Multiple Resolution Bitmap Compiler
QH.EXE Quick Help utility
RC.EXE Resource Compiler
RCPP.EXE Resource Compiler preprocessor
SHED.EXE Segmented Hypergraphics (hotspot) Editor
ZOOMIN.EXE Zoom utility
VGASYS.FNT VGA font file
SDKTOOL1.GRP Temporary group file for setup
SDKTOOLS.GRP Windows SDK group file
DLGEDIT.HLP Dialog Editor help file
EDITHLP.HLP Help on Help file
IMAGEDIT.HLP Image Editor help file
QH.HLP Quick Help help file
SHED.HLP Segmented Hypergraphics Editor help file
MAKEFILE SRVRDEMO sample application project file
DOC.C SRVRDEMO sample application source file
FILE.C SRVRDEMO sample application source file
INI.REG Registration initialization file
WINSTUB.EXE STUB file for Windows applications
Disk 2
CVW3.EXE CodeView for Windows version 3.07
CVW3.HLP CodeView for Windows 3.07 help file
CVWIN.DLL CodeView for Windows DLL
D2N.BAT Debugging Windows to nondebugging Windows batch file
MAPSYM.EXE Symbol file generator
N2D.BAT Nondebugging Windows to debugging Windows batch file
SWITCH.BAT Performs debugging-nondebugging conversion
VCV.386 Video driver for CodeView for Windows
WDEB386.EXE Low level debugger
WINDEBUG.386 Low level debugger device driver
GDI.EXE Debugging version of GDI
GDI.SYM Symbol table for debugging GDI
KRNL286.EXE Debugging version of kernel 286
KRNL286.SYM Debugging kernel 286 symbol table
KRNL386.EXE Debugging version of kernel 386
KRNL386.SYM Debugging kernel 386 symbol table
MMSYSTEM.DLL Debugging version of multimedia DLL
MMSYSTEM.SYM Debugging multimedia DLL symbols table
USER.EXE Debugging version of user
USER.SYM Debugging user symbol table
RAINBOW.C RAINBOW sample program
Disk 3
STRESS.DLL Resource limiting DLL
STRESSHK.DLL Resource limiting DLL component
STRESSLG.DLL Resource limiting DLL component
CDERR.H Common dialog box DLL error codes
CMACROS.INC Assembly language macros for Windows
COLORDLG.H Common dialog box DLL color ID numbers
COMMDLG.H Common dialog box DLL header file
CPL.H Control Panel DLL extensions
CUSTCNTL.H Custom control library header file
DDE.H Dynamic data exchange header file
DDEML.H Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library header file
DLGS.H Common dialog box DLL member ID numbers
DRIVINIT.H Obsolete header file
LZDOS.H Obsolete header file
LZEXPAND.H Data decompression DLL header file
MMSYSTEM.H Multimedia header file
MMSYSTEM.INC Multimedia header file for assembly language
OLE.H Object linking and embedding header file
PENWIN.H Pen Windows functions header file
PENWOEM.H Pen Windows Recognizer function header file
PRINT.H Printing helper functions header file
SCRNSAVE.H Screen saver header file
SHELLAPI.H Shell DLL header file
STRESS.H Resource limiting test DLL header file
TOOLHELP.H Tool Helper DLL header file
TOOLHELP.INC Tool Helper DLL header file for assembly language
VER.H Version checking DLL header file
WFEXT.H File Manager extensions header file
WINDOWS.H Windows functions header file
WINDOWSX.H Message cracker header file
WINMEM32.H Windows 32-bit API header file
COMMDLG.DAN Common dialogs DLL Danish
COMMDLG.DLL Common dialogs DLL US
COMMDLG.DUT Common dialogs DLL Dutch
COMMDLG.FIN Common dialogs DLL Finnish
COMMDLG.FRN Common dialogs DLL French
COMMDLG.GER Common dialogs DLL German
COMMDLG.ITN Common dialogs DLL Italian
COMMDLG.NOR Common dialogs DLL Norwegian
COMMDLG.POR Common dialogs DLL Portuguese
COMMDLG.SPA Common dialogs DLL Spanish
COMMDLG.SWE Common dialogs DLL Swedish
DDEML.DLL Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library
DIB.DRV Device independent bitmap driver
EXPAND.EXE File decompression utility
LZEXPAND.EXE Data decompression utility
MCIPIONR.DRV Laser disk device driver
OEMSETUP.INF Media Control Interface setup information file
OLECLI.DLL Object linking and embedding client DLL
OLESVR.DLL Object linking and embedding server DLL
PENWIN.DLL Windows for Pen Computing DLL
REGLOAD.EXE Registration file loader
SMALLB.FON VGA small font for Windows
SMALLE.FON EGA small font for Windows
VTD.386 Virtual timing device driver
WINHELP.EXE Windows Help application
WINMEM32.DLL 32-bit memory API DLL
RAINBOW.DLL Custom control DLL
MAKEFILE Sample project file
COMMDLG.LIB Common dialog box static Library
DDEML.LIB Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (static)
LIBENTRY.ASM DLL entry source code
LIBENTRY.OBJ DLL entry object code
LIBW.LIB Windows API library
LZEXPAND.LIB Data decompression static library
LZEXPC.LIB Data decompression library compact model extensions
LZEXPL.LIB Data decompression library large model extensions
LZEXPM.LIB Data decompression library medium model extensions
LZEXPS.LIB Data decompression library small model extensions
MMSYSTEM.LIB Multimedia API static library
OLECLI.LIB Object linking and embedding client static library
OLESVR.LIB Object linking and embedding server static library
PENWIN.LIB Windows for Pen Computing static library
SCRNSAVE.LIB Screen saver extensions static library
SHELL.LIB Shell static library
STRESS.LIB Resource limiting DLL static library
TOOLHELP.LIB Tool Helper static library
VER.LIB Version checking DLL static library
VERC.LIB Version checking DLL compact model extension
VERL.LIB Version checking DLL large model extension
VERM.LIB Version checking DLL medium model extension
VERS.LIB Version checking DLL small model extension
WIN87EM.LIB Coprocessor library
WINMEM32.LIB Windows 32-bit API static library