Log file name | Description | Used to help troubleshoot |
Adminui.log | Records the local SMS Administrator Console tasks when you connect to SMS sites. | Connectivity errors to site servers or to site databases. |
Ccm.log | Client Configuration Manager tasks. | Scenarios where the site cannot connect to computers because of permissions or name resolution. Make sure that the site server can connect to the Admin$ share on the client computer. |
Cidm.log | Records changes to the client settings by the Client Install Data Manager (CIDM). | Scenarios where the site is not updating CLIDATA.SRC files. Make sure that the correct files are copied to the SMS\Inboxes\Clicomp.src folder. |
Colleval.log | Logs when collections are created, changed, and deleted by the Collection Evaluator. | Problems with collections. Make sure that collections are created and updated successfully. |
Compsumm.log | Records Component Status Summarizer tasks. | Scenarios that occur when the status system does not update component tallies. |
Cscnfsvc.log | Records Courier Sender confirmation service tasks. | Courier Sender errors. |
Dataldr.log | Processes Management Information Format (MIF) files and hardware inventory in the SMS database. | Communications errors in the SMS database or "bad" hardware inventory files. Make sure that the delta MIF file was processed to the SMS site database. |
Ddm.log | Saves DDR information to the SMS database by the Discovery Data Manager. | Communicating errors with Microsoft SQL Server or "bad" discovery records. |
Despool.log | Records incoming site-to-site communication transfers. | Corrupted files or when the Despooler component cannot decompress packages. |
Distmgr.log | Records package creation, compression, delta replication, and information updates. | Package source version issues or package update issues. |
Hman.log | Records site configuration changes and publishes site information in Active Directory. | Site control serial number or delta serial number issues, or scenarios where the site cannot publish site information to Active Directory. Make sure that *.CT2 files are processed and that child sites attach correctly. Make sure that the site code and roaming boundaries are published to the Active Directory. |
Inboxast.log | Records files that are moved from the CAP to the corresponding SMS\INBOXES folder. | Problems with site server permissions or scenarios where the registry is corrupted. |
Inboxmgr.log | Records CAP file maintenance. | Problems with permissions or scenarios where the registry is corrupted. |
Invproc.log | Records the processing of delta MIF files for the SMS Dataloader component from client inventory files. | Problems with file corruption. Make sure that .nhm files are processed to .mif files. |
Mpcontrol.log | Records the registration of the management point with WINS. Records the availability of the management point every ten minutes. | Possible IIS issues if the management point is unavailable. Review this log for other IIS communication issues and WINS registration issues. |
Mpfdm.log | Management point component that moves client files to the corresponding SMS\INBOXES folder. | Problems with file permissions. |
MPMSI.log | Management point .msi installation log. | Management point installation errors. Search for "return value 3" errors. |
MPSetup.log | Records the management point installation wrapper process. | Scenarios where you cannot run Mp.msi or management point installation is not completed. Make sure that Mp.msi was started. |
Ntsvrdis.log | SMS server discovery. | Problems with SMS site systems discovery. |
Offermgr.log | Records advertisement updates. | File corruption or scenarios where notification and advertisement changes do not occur. |
Offersum.log | Records summarization of advertisement status messages. | Status message miscounts or scenarios where summarization files are not created. |
Policypv.log | Records updates to the Advanced Client policies to reflect changes to client settings or advertisements. | Scenarios where policy updates do not occur after you make changes to advertisements or to client settings. |
Replmgr.log | Records the replication of files between the site server components and the Scheduler component. | A backlog of files in the INBOXES\Schedulr.box\tosend folder or file permission issues. Make sure that outgoing requests are changed to minijobs for the Scheduler component and that incoming files are moved to the correct component. |
Rsetup.log | Reporting point setup log. | Installation errors. |
Sched.log | Records site-to-site job and package replication. | A backlog of files that are caused by sender errors or by package corruption. |
Sender.log | Records files that are sent to other child and parent sites. | Permissions problems for the INBOXES\DESPOOLR.BOX\RECEIVE sending site folder or an incorrect site address. Make sure that the site can connect to the SMS_Site share on the destination site and that data was transferred. |
Sinvproc.log | Records client software inventory data processing to the SMS site database in SQL Server. | Problems with corrupted files or access to SQL Server. |
Sitecomp.log | Records maintenance of the installed site components. | Upgrade issues, registry or file system permission issues, or scenarios where the site cannot publish site information to Active Directory. |
Sitectrl.log | Records site setting changes to the Sitectrl.ct0 file. | Site control file or database corruption. Make sure that the Sitectrl.ct0 file is updated. |
Sitestat.log | Records the monitoring process of all site systems. | Scenarios where the site cannot access remote site systems to generate status information for available drive space or available database space. |
Smsdbmon.log | Records database changes. | Possible corruption of the registry triggers or a scenario where the site cannot access SQL Server. |
Smsexec.log | Records processing of all site server component threads. | Problems with possible site corruption or a scenario where the component services do not start. |
Smsprov.log | Records WMI provider access to the SMS database. | Possible WMI corruption or permissions issues with the WMI provider. This file also logs the WMI and SQL queries that are used to access the SMS database. |
SMSReportingInstall.log | Records the Reporting Point installation. This component starts the installation tasks and processes configuration changes. | Reporting Point installation. |
Srvacct.log | Records the maintenance of accounts when the site uses standard security. | Scenarios where accounts are removed or changed. |
Statmgr.log | This component writes all status messages to the database. | Scenarios where status messages do not appear, or they appear corrupted. |
Swmproc.log | This component processes metering files and maintains settings. | Scenarios where software metering information does not appear or appears corrupted. |