The SYS functions provide system information about a Microsoft FoxPro
installation. The values SYS(2011) through SYS(2021) are new to FoxPro
version 2.0.
To query system information interactively, enter
? SYS(#)
in the Command window, where "#" represents the appropriate function
number. For example, ? SYS(9) returns the FoxPro serial number. The
returned value is displayed in the last cursor position of the active
window, or by default the return value is displayed in the lower-left
corner of the screen.
Another method of checking system information is to use the following:
where "#" represents the appropriate function number. Or you can place
SYS(#) in the Debug window.
These alternative methods offer at least one advantage over the ? SYS(#)
method since the ? SYS(#) method writes to the last cursor position for the
active window, and it is possible to have other objects obscure the output
of the ? SYS(#) command so that you can't see where the returned value
is being displayed.
The output from the WAIT WINDOW SYS(#) method is displayed at a
predictable location in a predictable fashion. If the Debug window
method is used, the output is displayed in the Debug window.
For more information, see pages 3-874 through 3-891 of the "Microsoft
FoxPro Commands & Functions" manual for version 2.0, or see pages
L3-1065 through L3-1083 of the "Microsoft FoxPro Language Reference"
manual for version 2.5.