Running a Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) application developed with
Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 or Visual C++ for Windows may cause one of the
following error messages to be displayed:
Assertion failed - <unknown application>:File winapp.cpp, Line 258
Assertion failed - <unknown application>:File appcore.cpp, Line 602
Running a MFC application developed with Visual C++, 32-bit Edition,
version 1.0 may cause the following error message to be displayed:
Assertion failed - <unknown application>:File appcore.cpp, Line 559
Running a MFC application developed with Visual C++, 32-bit Edition,
version 2.x, may cause the following error message to be displayed:
Assertion failed - <unknown application>:File winmain.cpp, Line 40
Running a MFC application developed with Visual C++, 32-bit Edition,
version 4.0, may cause the following error message to be displayed:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: <program_name>
File: winmain.cpp
Line: 34
NOTE: In Visual C++, 32-bit Edition, versions 2.0 and above, the assertion
will be followed by an Application Error.