Notes About Networks and Microsoft Windows 3.1
This document contains information about specific networks. If you are
looking for additional information about Windows version 3.1 that does
not pertain to networks, see "Other Online Documents" at the end of
this file for a description of the Windows 3.1 online documents.
Important Note: The information in this file should only be used if
you are installing Microsoft Windows 3.1 alone. If you are installing
both Windows 3.1 and MS-DOS 5.0, you should refer to the information
in the NETWORKS.TXT file. Look at the PACKING.LST, Setup Disk 1, for
the location of NETWORKS.TXT.
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This document contains the following topics about networks:
1.0 General Notes
2.0 Notes About Specific Networks
2.1 3Com Networks
2.2 Artisoft LANtastic
2.2.1 Artisoft LANtastic 3.x
2.2.2 Artisoft LANtastic 4.x
2.3 Banyan VINES
2.3.1 Banyan VINES 4.0x
2.3.2 Banyan VINES 4.1x
2.4 DEC Pathworks
2.5 IBM OS/2 LAN Server
2.5.1 IBM LAN Server 1.2 and 1.3
2.5.2 IBM LAN Server 2.x
2.6 IBM PC LAN Program
2.7 Invisible Software - NET/30 for Windows
2.8 Microsoft LAN Manager Networks
2.8.1 Using the Ungermann-Bass XNS Transport Stack
2.8.2 Using LAN Manager and Expanded Memory
2.8.3 Using Pop-up Services
2.8.4 LAN Manager Basic
2.8.5 LAN Manager 1.x\177
2.8.6 LAN Manager 2.0 Enhanced
2.8.7 LAN Manager 2.1 Basic
2.8.8 LAN Manager 2.1 Enhanced
2.9 Microsoft Network and Compatibles
2.10 Novell NetWare
2.11 TCS 10Net
2.12 Ungermann-Bass Net/One
3.0 Other Online Documents
1.0 General Notes
- There are many settings in the SYSTEM.INI file that affect the way
Windows interacts with a network. You can change these settings to
correct most problems you might have operating Windows with your
network. See the SYSINI.WRI online document for information about
changing the following SYSTEM.INI settings:
- Many networks require the TimerCriticalSection entry in the [386Enh]
section of the SYSTEM.INI file to be set to a value of 10000 or
greater. For more information, see the SYSINI.WRI file.
- The default value for the NetHeapSize entry in the [Standard]
section of the SYSTEM.INI file is 8K. Although some applications
require this value, in most cases you can decrease the value to 4K in
order to increase the amount of memory available to your applications.
A few applications require the value to be 4K.
- If for some reason you use Setup to change your network
configuration after you have already set up Windows, Setup might not
remove all support for your previous network selection. Unnecessary
files might be left in your Windows directory, and entries might be
left in your WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI files that could harm your system's
performance. If you change your network configuration, check the notes
about both your previous and new selections to see if any previous
entries are no longer required.
- Some network adapter cards require the ExcludeHighRegion (or
EMMExclude) entry in the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file to be
set to the memory range used by the card. For more information, see
your network-adapter documentation and the SYSINI.WRI file.
These cards may also require an X= option on the EMM386 command line
in your CONFIG.SYS file. For more information, see chapter 14,
"Optimizing Windows," in the Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
- Some network cards and some network transport stacks require special
handling. Consult the following sections not only for the manufacturer
of your network but also for the manufacturer of your network adapter
and your transport stack.
- Many networks have pop-up message facilities that allow you to see
messages sent from other servers or workstations. In most cases, these
pop-up programs will cause the Windows part of Setup to fail if a
message is received while setting up. Many networks provide additional
utilities that allow them to work with Windows once Windows is set up,
but these are generally not available during Setup. You should make
sure any such pop-up service is disabled before setting up Windows.
Please consult specific entries regarding your network in the
following sections, or consult your network documentation for
- If you configured your remote-boot workstation to run Windows
version 3.0, you may be loading a program called RIPLMEM.EXE or
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. This program is no longer required for running
Windows version 3.1.
- The Windows Resource Kit for the Microsoft Windows Operating System
Version 3.1 contains additional information about setting up and
configuring Windows for use with a network, and information for system
administrators. This kit provides complete technical information about
Windows version 3.1 for the support professional. It includes a
technical reference manual, and a disk containing helpful utilities,
system resource viewers, drivers, and accessories.
To order the Windows Resource Kit within the United States, dial:
To order outside of the United States, dial the phone number for your
area. You can find this number on the International Subsidiary card.
- If you are running a shared copy of Windows from a network drive,
make sure both your personal Windows directory and the shared network
directory are included on the PATH command line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- If you receive sharing violations while running a shared copy of
Windows, make sure that all of the files in the shared network
directory are marked as read-only.
- If you have problems running a shared copy of Windows, remove the
MS-DOS SHARE command from your system. With some networks, the MS-DOS
SHARE utility must not be loaded on a workstation to run a shared copy
of Windows.
- If you have problems and your network software is loaded high (in
the upper memory area between 640K and 1 MB), try loading the network
in conventional memory.
- Windows Print Manager spools print jobs to the location specified by
the MS-DOS environment variable TEMP. If TEMP is not set, Print
Manager will use the root of drive C. For diskless workstations, set
the TEMP variable either to a RAM disk or to the location of a network
directory (you must have full access to this directory). The TEMP
variable may be set by placing a SET TEMP= statement in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file or network login script. For example, to spool to
the network directory X:\USERNAME\WINUSER\TEMP, you would use the
statement SET TEMP=x:\username\winuser\temp. Each user must have a
personal TEMP directory.
- On some diskless workstations, you will not be able to start Windows
in standard mode unless you have a TEMP environment variable set or
you have added a swapdisk entry in the [NonWindowsApp] section of the
SYSTEM.INI file. For more information about the swapdisk entry, see
the SYSINI.WRI file.
- If you are running a peer-to-peer network, you may not be able to
format a floppy disk by using File Manager. You can use the format
command at the MS-DOS prompt instead.
- Some networks ship with their own copies of files that are included
with Windows version 3.1. Usually Windows includes a newer version,
and upgrades the one provided with the network when you run Setup.
However, if you install the network after installing Windows 3.1, some
network installation programs will overwrite the newer file provided
with Windows with their own, older version. This older version may
lack features provided in the newer version, or it may not function
properly with Windows 3.1.
You should back up your network and Windows files before upgrading
your network software. If problems occur, you may need to restore the
previous version of some files.
2.0 Notes About Specific Networks
This section contains information about specific networks. The
networks are
listed in alphabetical order by vendor. If your network is not listed
here, it may
be based on or equivalent to one of the networks listed here. For
many networks are based on Microsoft LAN Manager.
2.1 3Com Networks
The Windows part of Setup recognizes the following 3Com networks:
- The 3Com 3+Share network is based on the Microsoft Network product
and will be handled as such by Windows. See the "Microsoft Network and
Compatibles" section later in this document.
- The 3Com 3+Open LAN Manager network is based on Microsoft LAN
Manager and will be handled as such by Windows. See the "Microsoft LAN
Manager Networks" section later in this document.
When you install for 3Com 3+Share or 3Com 3+Open LAN Manager, Setup
adds the following entries to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI
See SYSINI.WRI for more information on these entries.
In addition:
- Some copies of 3Com 3+Open LAN Manager version 1.1 require a
maintenance upgrade to work with Windows. If you encounter problems,
contact your network customer-support organization.
- When you install Windows, Setup modifies your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to
make sure the Windows directory appears in your path ahead of any
conflicting directories. However, the 3+Share network might change
this path when you log in. If so, your system administrator must
modify the network log-in procedure so that the path is set correctly
to run Windows.
- On a 3Com 3+Open network, the user's name displayed by Windows Print
Manager might not match the user's actual log-in name.
- Some 3Com 3Station diskless workstations come with an All
ChargeCard. Make sure your machine is not configured to load the
network into the upper memory area between 640K and 1 megabyte, as
this will not work reliably with Windows version 3.1 in standard mode.
You will not be able to set up Windows if your system is configured in
this way.
- If you use the 3C505 Network Adapter Card, you must disable the Link
Plus Optimizer to run Windows in 386 enhanced mode. You can disable it
by removing the following lines from your CONFIG.SYS file:
device=psh.sys <arguments>
In addition, remove the following line from your AUTOEXEC.BAT (or any
other batch file you use to start your network):
- Windows does not support the 3Com network aliasing scheme (three-
part names).
2.2 Artisoft LANtastic
LANtastic versions below 3.0 are not compatible with Microsoft
For information about LANtastic versions 3.x or 4.x, see the specific
that follow. The following notes apply to both versions.\177
- The EMMExclude setting, added to the SYSTEM.INI file during Setup,
is required for the default configuration of the Artisoft LANtastic
Enhanced 2mbps network adapter. If you have changed the memory address
setting on your adapter, modify this entry in SYSTEM.INI to reflect
the appropriate address range. If you are not using this network
adapter, you can remove this entry.
- Some commands require the NetHeapSize entry in the SYSTEM.INI file
to be set higher than the default value; for example, xcopy requires
NetHeapSize=128. Increasing the NetHeapSize value leaves less memory
available for non-Windows applications, so only increase this value if
necessary. For more information about the NetHeapSize entry, see the
- You cannot create a permanent swapfile while running Windows on a
LANtastic server. To create a permanent swapfile, restart your
computer without loading the server software, and create the swapfile
in Windows. If a dialog box appears asking you to restart Windows, you
must restart Windows in 386 enhanced mode before you start the server
- If you are running a LANtastic server, you cannot use Windows File
Manager to format a floppy disk. You can use the format command at the
MS-DOS prompt instead.
2.2.1 Artisoft LANtastic 3.x
When you set up Windows for use with LANtastic 3.x, the following
entries are added to the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI:
In addition:
To print from any mode of Windows across LANtastic 3.x, it is
necessary to do one of the following:
- Turn off the Fast Printing Direct To Port option in Control Panel.
To do this, choose the Printers option in Control Panel, and then
choose the Connect button. In the Connect dialog box, clear the Fast
Printing Direct To Port check box.
When you turn off this option, it affects all of your ports.
If you want to turn this option off for one port only, follow these
1. If you are printing using LPT3, add the following entry to the
[ports] section of the WIN.INI file:
If you are using LPT1 or LPT2, you can use the LPT1.DOS or LPT2.DOS
entries already in your WIN.INI file.
2. Quit Windows, and then redirect the LPTx.DOS port (where x is the
port you are using) by using the LANtastic net use command.
3. Restart Windows.
4. Using Control Panel, change your printer port to LPTx.DOS.
- If you are running LANtastic version 3.x, you cannot run Windows in
386 enhanced mode on a non-dedicated server.
- If you have a network connection on LPT1, it will not be displayed
in Print Manager or Control Panel.
2.2.2 Artisoft LANtastic 4.x
When you set up Windows for use with LANtastic 4.x, the following
entries are added to the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI:
In addition:
- If you set up Windows for use with LANtastic 4.x, you must have the
LANTASTI.386 file somewhere on your path. This file should be located
in your LANtastic directory. If LANTASTI.386 is not in your path, the
Windows part of Setup adds *dosnet to the [386Enh] section of the
SYSTEM.INI. To use Windows with LANtastic 4.x, remove this entry and
add the entries shown above, and make sure LANTASTI.386 is somewhere
on your path.
2.3 Banyan VINES
Setup will correctly handle the following Banyan VINES versions:
- Banyan VINES 4.0 is compatible with Microsoft Network and will be
handled as such by Windows.
- Banyan VINES 4.1 and later come with additional Windows components,
which are installed when you set up Windows for use with Banyan VINES
See the following sections for information about running these
versions of VINES with Windows.
Note: You should start VINES and log in before starting Windows.
Banyan does not support logging in while Windows is running. If you
start Windows when the network is not loaded or you are not logged in,
you will receive one or more error messages indicating that you will
not be able to use VINES functions from within Windows.
2.3.1 Banyan VINES 4.0x
When you set up Windows for use with Banyan VINES 4.0x, the following
entries are added to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file:
See SYSINI.WRI for more information on these settings.
- To use Windows printing functions with VINES 4.0, you must have
VINES 4.00(5) or later and must have the NetBIOS support loaded. If
you cannot print to a network printer, ask your network administrator
to verify that you are loading NetBIOS and that you are running the
proper version of VINES.
- If you are running VINES 4.0 with Windows running in 386 enhanced
mode and want to run non-Windows applications that use NetBIOS, you
must install VINES 4.00(5) or later. In addition, you will need to
start NetBIOS before starting Windows.
If you start VINES NetBIOS support before starting Windows in standard
mode, you may not be able to start any non-Windows applications. If
you have this problem, load NetBIOS from within Windows, or contact
your Banyan dealer for more information.
- Versions below site-specific patch 0H will not support Windows
running in 386 enhanced mode.
- If you are running VINES version 4.0x and you have a problem with
print jobs that time-out intermittently, you can either update to
VINES 4.1x, or use the VINES SETPRINT utility to remove the timeout on
your printer port by specifying the following:
SETPRINT lptn servicename /D:INFINITE
Lptn is the printer port and servicename is the name of the network
print queue.
2.3.2 Banyan VINES 4.1x
When you set up Windows for use with Banyan VINES 4.1, the following
entries are added to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file:
Network=*dosnet, *vnetbios, vvinesd.386
See SYSINI.WRI for more information on these settings.
In addition:
- If you are running VINES 4.10 or 4.11 (below 4.11(5)) and you have
problems printing, you may need to upgrade your VINES.DRV. This driver
is available from Banyan.
- If you are running Banyan VINES 4.10 or 4.11, you do not need to
NetBIOS unless you are running NetBIOS-specific applications. (It is
not required for printing, as it is with VINES 4.0x.)
If you are running version 4.10 and you want to run NetBIOS-specific
applications with Windows running in 386 enhanced mode, you must start
NetBIOS before starting Windows. However, you can only run a single
NetBIOS application at a time.
If you are running version 4.11, you can load NetBIOS either before
starting Windows or after starting Windows in 386 enhanced mode.\177
If you want to run NetBIOS with Windows running in standard mode, you
must load NetBIOS from within Windows. If you load NetBIOS before
starting Windows, you will not be able to start any non-Windows
For more information on running memory-resident applications after
starting Windows, see Chapter 7, "Non-Windows Applications," in the
Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
2.4 DEC Pathworks
Windows version 3.1 supports DEC Pathworks versions 4.0 and above.
When you set up Windows for use with a DEC Pathworks network, the
following entries are added to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI
Network=*dosnet, decnet.386, decnb.386
For more information about these settings, see the SYSINI.WRI file.
In addition:
- DEC Pathworks supports additional API that are not supported by the
files installed by Windows 3.1.
- If you have problems starting Windows, or copying or opening files,
you may need to increase the value of the FILES= command in your
CONFIG.SYS file. Try setting the value to 30.
- If you have problems running NetBIOS applications, try replacing the
decnb.386 entry with *vnetbios in the network= line in the [386Enh]
section of the SYSTEM.INI file.
2.5 IBM OS/2 LAN Server
IBM OS/2 LAN Server, which is also known as IBM DOS LAN Requester, is
based on Microsoft LAN Manager. Windows supports LAN Server versions
1.2 and higher.
- LAN Server versions 1.2 and 1.3 are equivalent to Microsoft Network
and are handled as such by Windows.
- LAN Server version 1.3 CSD 5015 or higher is equivalent to Microsoft
LAN Manager version 2.0 and is handled as such by Windows.
- LAN Server version 2.0 comes with its own Windows components which
are automatically used by the Windows part of Setup.
In addition:
- If the network Browse functions in Windows File Manager and Control
Panel do not show all the available servers, you may need to increase
the LAN Server /NVS option. You can do this by adding the following
line to the DOSLAN.INI file in your LAN Server directory:
Set the value to a number at least as large as the number of servers
in your domain.
- If you want to receive pop-up messages while working in Windows,
make sure the following lines are included in the DOSLAN.INI file in
your LAN Server directory:
The value of /NMS may be set higher but must be a minimum of 2.
You must also make sure the entry load=WinPopup is included in the
[windows] section of your WIN.INI file.
2.5.1 IBM LAN Server 1.2 and 1.3
- Running Windows with LAN Server 1.3 with CSD 5015 or later requires
NETAPI.DLL, and PMSPL.DLL. These files should be located in your LAN
Server directory. If your version of LAN Server does not provide these
files, the Windows part of Setup will copy them to your Windows SYSTEM
- LAN Server versions below 2.0 do not allow you to use the IBM OS/2
LAN Server aliasing scheme from inside Windows applications.
- LAN Server versions below 2.0 do not allow you to log on through
Windows Control Panel. Doing so may cause your machine to lock up.
Always log on at an MS-DOS prompt, either before starting Windows or
while Windows is running.
- Windows includes updated versions of the NETAPI.DLL and PMSPL.DLL
files shipped with LAN Server. These files are installed during Setup
for versions 1.3 with CSD 5015 or higher.
2.5.2 IBM LAN Server 2.x
- Running Windows with LAN Server version 2.x requires the files
WINPOPUP.EXE, and WINPOPUP.HLP be located on your path. These files
should be located in your LAN Server directory.
2.6 IBM PC LAN Program
The IBM PC LAN Program is based on the Microsoft Network product and
will be handled as such by Windows.
When setting up Windows for use with IBM PC LAN Program, the following
entry is added to the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file:
See the online document, SYSINI.WRI, for more information on this
In addition:
- When you connect to a network share by using File Manager, that
redirection will not be detected by non-Windows applications.
- The IBM PCLP Extended Services refers to network drives and printers
by two different names. Usually, when connecting to a network, you
select connections from a list containing descriptive names, but
internally connections are made using hidden names such as
With PCLP Extended Services, you must type the same name as the hidden
names in Control Panel or File Manager to make new network
connections. Consult your network administrator to learn the proper
names to use.
- Some versions of PCLP lock up your system if you receive a broadcast
message while running Windows. You can disable these messages with the
net pause messenger command. Or you can start up your network with net
start rdr instead of net start rcv or net start msg commands.
- When you connect to a network printer by using Control Panel, the
connection will not be detected by non-Windows applications. It will,
however, still be usable by Windows and Windows applications.
2.7 Invisible Software - NET/30 For Windows
To use NET/30 For Windows, choose the Custom Setup option when you run
Setup. For your network configuration, choose Other Network (Requires
disk from OEM). You are prompted for a path to the directory
containing your NET/30 files. Your SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI files will
automatically be updated.
If you are setting up Windows on a nondedicated file server and you
are sharing a serial printer, you must add a line to the SYSTEM.INI
file. If you are sharing COM1, add the following line in the [386Enh]
If you are sharing COM2, add the following line to the [386Enh]
2.8 Microsoft LAN Manager Networks
Many networks, such as IBM LAN Server, Digital Pathworks, and 3Com
3+Open are based on Microsoft LAN Manager. Consult your network
documentation, network distributor, or system administrator to learn
whether your network belongs in this category, and if so, on which
version of LAN Manager it is based.
The following notes include general information about using LAN
Manager networks and information about specific versions of LAN
2.8.1 Using the Ungermann-Bass XNS Transport Stack
If you are using the Ungermann-Bass XNS transport stack and running
Windows in 386 enhanced mode, you must make sure the transport stack
is not using expanded memory. If your system is configured to provide
expanded memory with a memory manager such as EMM386, you can disable
that product's expanded-memory option. Or, if you want to continue
using expanded memory, you can disable its use by the Ungermann-Bass
transport stack as follows:
1. Open your PROTOCOL.INI file by using a text editor such as Windows
Notepad. PROTOCOL.INI is located in your LAN Manager directory.
2. Find the section [XNS_XIF].
If you're using Notepad, you can find this section by choosing Find
from the Search menu, typing [XNS_XIF], and then choosing the OK
3. Add a line NOEMM, or, if the line already exists, make sure that it
is not commented out with a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the
4. Save your PROTOCOL.INI file.
5. Restart your workstation.
2.8.2 Using LAN Manager and Expanded Memory
If you are running Windows in 386 enhanced mode, it is recommended
that you not use expanded memory with LAN Manager. If you do, you may
find that your system slows down considerably or it may lock up
occasionally. If this is a problem, turn off the use of expanded
memory by modifying your LANMAN.INI and PROTOCOL.INI files. The exact
procedure will vary depending on what components you are running. See
your LAN Manager documentation for further details.
1. Open your LANMAN.INI file by using a text editor such as Notepad.
LANMAN.INI is located in your LAN Manager directory.
2. Find or add the section [workstation].
If you're using Notepad, you can find this section by choosing Find
from the Search menu, typing [workstation], and then choosing the
OK button.
3. Find or add the lim= line in this section, and then add the
following line:
4. Save your LANMAN.INI file.
5. Restart your workstation.
Or you can stop your workstation and restart it again using the net
stop workstation and net start workstation commands.
In addition, you may want to configure other network components (such
as protocol stacks) to avoid using expanded memory. Consult your
network documentation for the specific component for instructions on
how to do this.
2.8.3 Using Pop-up Services
LAN Manager Enhanced includes pop-up services you can use to see
incoming broadcast messages. These pop-up services can disrupt the
Windows screen display, so you must either disable them or run the LAN
Manager WinPopup utility so they can coexist with Windows.
The WinPopup utility should be located in your LAN Manager NETPROG
directory, included in your path. To automatically start the utility
when you start Windows, include the following entry in the [windows]
section of your WIN.INI:
If you set up Windows for use with LAN Manager version 2.0 or 2.1
Enhanced, the Windows part of Setup adds this line to your WIN.INI
file. If you are running LAN Manager 1.x Enhanced, you must insert
this line yourself. See WININI.WRI for information on modifying your
WIN.INI file. If you are using LAN Manager 1.x, you also need to
obtain an updated version of NETPOPUP.EXE from your network dealer.
Note: Windows version 3.1 includes an updated version of the WinPopup
utility. This utility may not be compatible with all networks that are
based on Microsoft LAN Manager. If you are running AT&T/NCR StarGroup
LAN Manager version 2.0 Release 3.5, you should use the WNETMSG
utility provided instead of WinPopup.
Alternatively, if you want to disable the pop-up services, use the
following procedure:
1. Find your LAN Manager root directory.
2. Use Notepad to open the LANMAN.INI file, and locate the line that
begins with wrkservices=.
3. Remove the netpopup or minipop entry from this line.
If you remove the netpopup and minipop entries but leave the messenger
entry, messages will still be received but will be recorded in the
MESSAGES.LOG file in your LAN Manager directory rather than being
displayed on the screen. If you do not want to log your messages, you
can also remove the messenger entry from this same line.
4. Save the file.
5. Quit Windows, and then restart your workstation.
2.8.4 LAN Manager Basic
When you set up Windows for use with LAN Manager Basic (all versions),
the following entry is added to the [386Enh] section of your
network=*dosnet, *vnetbios, lanman10.386
See the SYSINI.WRI file for more information on this entry.
Network software based on LAN Manager Basic, or on LAN Manager
Enhanced without full API support, must not be loaded in the high
memory area (the first 64K of extended memory).
You need to modify the LANMAN.INI file in your network directory to
prevent the network from loading in the HMA. Find all lines that begin
with redir and add the following command-line option to each:
2.8.5 LAN Manager 1.x
Some early copies of LAN Manager 1.x require a maintenance upgrade to
run with Windows. If you experience problems, contact your network
vendor for an upgrade.
2.8.6 LAN Manager 2.0 Enhanced
When you set up Windows for use with LAN Manager 2.0 Enhanced, the
following entry is added to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI
network=*vnetbios, *dosnet
See the SYSINI.WRI file for more information on this entry.
For Windows to support LAN Manager 2.0 Enhanced, you must have the
WINPOPUP.HLP. These files are located in your LAN Manager NETPROG
directory, which should be in your path. Windows also includes updated
versions of these files, which will be automatically installed on some
older versions of LAN Manager.
2.8.7 LAN Manager 2.1 Basic
If you upgrade from an earlier version of LAN Manager Basic to version
2.1 Basic using the Over-the-Network Upgrade process, your SYSTEM.INI
and WIN.INI files may be left with incorrect information. This will
only happen if your upgrade procedure has been configured to update
Windows installations.
This problem will cause you to receive a warning that "WinPopup"
cannot be found, and all network functions in Windows File Manager,
Print Manager, and Control Panel will be unavailable.
To correct this problem, follow these steps:
1. Open your WIN.INI file by using a text editor such as Notepad.
WIN.INI is located in your Windows directory.
2. Find or add the load= line in the file.
If you're using Notepad, you can find this section by choosing
Find from the Search menu, typing load=, and then choosing the OK
3. Remove the word WinPopup or WinPopup.exe from this line.
4. Save your WIN.INI file.
5. Quit Windows.
6. Change to the Windows directory.
7. Start Windows Setup by typing setup at the MS-DOS prompt.\177
8. Choose the Network entry to display a list of network options.
9. Choose the option Microsoft LAN Manager (version 2.1 Basic).
10. Choose to accept the configuration shown.
11. Restart Windows.
2.8.8 LAN Manager 2.1 Enhanced
When you set up Windows for use with LAN Manager 2.1 Enhanced, the
following entry is added to the [boot] section of your SYSTEM.INI
See the SYSINI.WRI file for more information on this entry.
For Windows to support LAN Manager 2.1 Enhanced, you must have the
and WINPOPUP.HLP. These files are usually located in your LAN Manager
NETPROG directory, which is on your path. If Windows cannot find any
of these files, you may receive warning messages when starting
Windows, or be unable to use Windows network functions.
2.9 Microsoft Network and Compatibles
If a network is present and detected, but cannot be identified during
Setup, the Microsoft Network is the default network that may be set
up. The following notes apply to the general category of networks that
support the MS-DOS network interface and NetBIOS protocols.
When you set up Windows for use with Microsoft Network, the following
entries are added to the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file:
For some networks, you may be able to remove one or more of these
entries to improve performance. For more information about these
entries, see the SYSINI.WRI file.
In addition:
- If the path to your network software is not included in the path in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, Setup does not detect a network and proposes
"No Network Installed" for your system configuration. Use Custom Setup
to specify that the Microsoft Network is installed.
- Due to the way some networks handle print queues, Print Manager
cannot distinguish multiple print queues on the same server. The lists
of print jobs in these queues might be displayed improperly. In
addition, Print Manager might not be able to display the job title
when displaying queue information.
- The Microsoft network driver does not support any vendor's name-
aliasing scheme.
2.10 Novell NetWare
Windows version 3.1 includes updated versions of several Novell
NetWarefiles that are required to run with Windows 3.1. If you are
running Novell NetWare, the Windows part of Setup will copy the
following files to the SYSTEM subdirectory of your Windows directory
(or the shared network directory if you set up a shared copy of
Windows by using setup /n).
NETX.COM (version 3.26)
IPX.OBJ (version 3.10)
TBMI2.COM (version 2.1)
IPXODI.COM (version 1.20)
LSL.COM (version 1.21)
Before running Windows you may need to do the following:
- Replace your current NetWare shell with the NETX.COM provided (if
your current NetWare shell is older than the version provided).
Windows 3.1 requires that the NetWare shell components on your
workstation (such as NET5.COM) be version 3.01 or higher. You can use
these shell components even if your servers are running older versions
of NetWare (as early as NetWare 2.10).
Your current shell may have one of the following names:
NETX.COM will run on MS-DOS versions 3.1 or higher. The EMS and
XMS versions of the shell are available from your Novell dealer.
Note: The EMS NetWare shells (EMSNETX.EXE, etc.) are not supported
when Windows is running in 386 enhanced mode.
- If you are running Novell IPXODI.COM and LSL.COM, you need to
upgrade these to versions 1.20 or higher. Use the files provided with
Windows and copy them from the SYSTEM subdirectory of your Windows
directory (or your shared network directory) to the directory where
your existing versions are located.
- To run Windows in standard mode, load the TBMI2.COM memory-resident
utility when running Windows. Novell recommends that you create a
batch file that will load this utility, start Windows, and then unload
the utility when you quit Windows. The batch file could be named
RUNWIN.BAT and look like this:
TBMI2 enables you to safely run applications that use the NetWare IPX
and SPX functions in standard mode Windows or the MS-DOS 5.0 task
- If you are running Novell IPX.COM, you need to have your system
administrator build you a new version using the IPX.OBJ provided with
In addition:
- If you enable 32-bit disk access and you are running the XMS shell
rather than one of the standard NetWare shells (NETX.COM, etc.), you
can further improve performance by setting the OverlappedIO entry in
the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file to on.
- Do not try to log in, log out, attach, or detach a Novell server
from MS-DOS Prompt within Windows. You should log in before starting
Windows, and attach or detach servers by using File Manager or the
Printers option in Control Panel.
- If you experience problems starting applications while running
Windows or Windows applications from a file server, make sure you are
not running the MS-DOS SHARE utility. Current versions of the NetWare
shell are not fully compatible with SHARE.
- If you have a Western Digital Ethercard Plus and have problems
accessing drives by using the MAP ROOT command, contact Western
Digital for an updated driver.
- By default, NetWare gives you access to only 40 files at a time.
When you are running applications with Windows, you can exceed this
limit rather quickly. If so, you might see unexpected error messages.
To increase the file access limit, add the following line to your
file handles = 60
You should also add the following to your CONFIG.SYS file:
files = 60
- If you get unusable output when printing to a NetWare server (such
as incorrect fonts, garbled text, invalid page breaks, or blank
lines), you may need to edit your print-job configuration. Try using
the NetWare PRINTCON utility to set the Auto Endcap and Enable Timeout
options to No.
- When running Windows in 386 enhanced mode, swapping to a drive on a
NetWare 286 server might make starting Windows take up to a minute.
See Chapter 14, "Optimizing Windows," in the Microsoft Windows User's
Guide for information about controlling the location of your swap
- A NetWare file server does not include the directory entries dot (.)
and double dot (..) as MS-DOS does. However, the NetWare shell
(version 3.01 or higher) can emulate these entries when applications
attempt to list the files in a directory. If you have problems listing
files or deleting directories, turning on the Show Dots feature will
help. Add the following line to your SHELL.CFG file:
show dots = on
Turning on Show Dots will cause problems with earlier versions of some
286-based NetWare utilities, such as BINDFIX.EXE and MAKEUSER.EXE.
Make sure you upgrade these utilities if you upgrade your NetWare
shell. For more information, contact your Novell dealer.
- Redirected drives can look different in Windows than they did
without Windows. For example, a device mapped as
FileServerName/Volume:Directory will appear in Windows as
FileServerName/Volume:\, showing the root of the file server's shared
volume, rather than the subdirectory you expected. You can correct
this with the MAP ROOT entry explained in the following information.
- In some cases, Windows applications may change the default directory
on a drive. This might cause problems if, for example, your path
includes the current directory on a network drive (that is, your path
includes a drive letter without a specific directory, such as z:
instead of z:\system).
You can prevent this problem by using MAP.EXE and LOGIN.EXE versions
3.0 and later to set up fake roots, or by choosing the MAP ROOT
function when mapping a connection in File Manager. This feature
simulates the MS-DOS subst command, which sets the root of a given
drive to a directory designated by the user instead of to the true
root of the volume.
For example, suppose you normally mapped drive F to the HOME\TERRI
directory on the SERVER\SYS volume, and then included F: in your path.
You would do this by including the following command in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file or by typing the command before starting Windows:
map f:=count\sys:home\terri
The default directory on drive F would then be HOME\TERRI. To prevent
Windows from changing this, you would replace the command above with
the one shown below:
map root f:=count\sys:home\terri
This command would make the directory HOME\TERRI appear to be the
root drive F.
- If you are running Windows in 386 enhanced mode, you can adjust the
way Windows handles your network drive mappings by using the Network
option in Control Panel.
Normally, when you quit Windows, all of your drive mappings are
restored to the way they were before you started Windows, and all
changes you made inside Windows are lost. If you clear the Restore
Drives option, the mappings you made inside Windows will remain when
you quit Windows.
Typically, each instance of MS-DOS Prompt you start from Windows has
its own set of drive mappings. Changes you make in one instance do not
affect another. If you set the NWShareHandles option, drive mappings
will instead be global, and changes made in one instance of MS-DOS
Prompt will affect all other applications. If you are running a
NetWare 286 server, setting NWShareHandles increases the number of
workstations that can be connected to the server before the server
runs out of available connections.
See the Help available in the Network dialog box in Control Panel for
more information on these options.
- When setting up Windows for use with Novell NetWare, the following
entry is added to the [windows] section of your WIN.INI file:
This automatically starts the NetWare pop-up utility, which displays
your incoming broadcast messages.
- If you are running Novell NetBIOS, you may need to specify
TimerCriticalSection=10000 in the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI
- If you have applications or files that use extended characters
(ASCII characters above 128) and you have problems viewing or using
them, try adding the following line to your SHELL.CFG file:
special uppercase = on
- When connecting or disconnecting network resources from File
Manager, Print Manager, or Control Panel, pay attention to the state
of the Permanent check box. If this option is checked when you make a
connection, the connection is automatically made each time you restart
Windows. To stop reconnecting, disconnect with the Permanent option
checked. If the option is not checked when you disconnect, the
connection is removed for the current Windows session, but is
reconnected when you restart Windows.
2.11 TCS 10Net
Tiara Computer Systems 10Net (formerly known as DCA 10Net) versions
4.1 and above are compatible with Windows version 3.1. The Windows
part of Setup treats these as Microsoft Network compatible.
When setting up Windows for use with TCS 10Net, the following entry is
added to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file:
The TimerCriticalSection value may be set lower on some versions of
10Net. For more information about this entry, see the SYSINI.WRI file.
To set up Windows for use with TCS 10Net version 4.1x with the DCA 1Mb
card, run Custom Setup and choose the TCS 10Net (versions 4.1X with
DCA 1M card) network option. The Windows part of Setup adds the
following entries to the [386Enh] section of your SYSTEM.INI file:
For more information about these settings, see the SYSINI.WRI file.
In addition:
- If you purchase 10Net for Windows, it will install additional
Windows components that will enhance the functionality available in
Windows File Manager, Control Panel, and Print Manager.
- You cannot use File Manager to format floppy disks when running
versions of 10Net prior to 5.0.
2.12 Ungermann-Bass Net/One
Make sure you choose the proper network option when you set up
- Ungermann-Bass Net/One is based on Microsoft Network. Choose the
Microsoft Network Or 100% Compatible option when running the Windows
and MS-DOS Setup program.
- Ungermann-Bass Net/One LAN Manager is based on Microsoft LAN
Manager. Choose the Microsoft LAN Manager option when running the
Windows and MS-DOS Setup program. Setup should correctly identify
your network and the proper version number.
In addition:
If you are using an Ungermann-Bass network card with any network,
including networks not produced by Ungermann-Bass, your system may not
run correctly in 386 enhanced mode unless you have the proper settings
in your SYSTEM.INI file.
If you experience problems, follow these steps:
1. Open your SYSTEM.INI file by using a text editor such as Notepad.
SYSTEM.INI is located in your Windows directory.
2. Find or add the [386Enh] section in the file.
If you're using Notepad, you can find this section by choosing Find
from the Search menu, typing [386Enh], and then choosing the OK
3. Find or add the TimerCriticalSection=10000 line in this section.
4. Save your SYSTEM.INI file.
5. Quit and restart Windows.
- If you are using an Ungermann-Bass XNS transport stack, you must
make sure it is configured not to use expanded memory when running
Windows version 3.1 in 386 enhanced mode.
3.0 Other Online Documents
The following table describes other online documents that contain
important information about Windows version 3.1 that is not included
in the Microsoft Windows User's Guide or in online Help.
Document Information
-------- -----------
APPS.HLP: Information about updating some older Windows
applications for use with Windows version 3.1. You can
view this file by starting Windows Help from any
application, and then using the Open command on the
File menu to open the file. For more information about
using Help, see Chapter 1, "Windows Basics," in the
Microsoft Windows User's Guide.
SETUP.TXT: Information about problems that may occur when you are
setting up Windows.
README.WRI: Information about using Windows with Multimedia
Extensions 1.0, specific displays and system
configurations, and non-Windows applications, and
information that was unavailable when the Microsoft
Windows User's Guide was printed.
PRINTERS.WRI: Information about particular printers and fonts.
SYSINI.WRI: Information about the settings in the SYSTEM.INI file.
WININI.WRI: Information about the settings in the WIN.INI file.