Mixing MS C/C++ with MS FORTRAN--MS-DOS Applications (85317)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft FORTRAN Compiler for MS-DOS 5.1
- Microsoft C/C++ for MS-DOS 7.0
This article was previously published under Q85317 SUMMARY
It is possible to use Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 to make calls to
Microsoft FORTRAN version 5.1. Microsoft C/C++ can issue calls to
FORTRAN subroutines or functions, directly from the body of the C/C++
program or from the classes defined or derived. If the FORTRAN
functions are included as member functions, they must be wrapped with
a C++ member function first; that is, a C++ function should call the
FORTRAN code because FORTRAN does not support the calling conventions
used in C++ member functions.
The call to the FORTRAN language can be issued in the CONSTRUCTOR,
DESTRUCTOR, or member function definition section. Although FORTRAN or
C functions cannot be overloaded for different kinds of argument types
and numbers of parameters, a member function of the CLASS object can
be overloaded, and this overloaded function will in turn call the
appropriate FORTRAN function that matches the arguments.
When linking with the Microsoft C/C++ 7.0 compiler, the FORTRAN
run-time library must be a C-compatible version. The following link
response-file should be used:
Note: CPPMAIN is the C/C++ object module(s), and FORTRAN.OBJ is the
FORTRAN object module(s). LLIBCE.LIB and OLDNAMES.LIB are the run-time
libraries for the C/C++ code, and LLIBFERC.LIB is the C-compatible
FORTRAN run-time library. Alternatively, LLIBC7.LIB and LLIBF7RC.LIB
can be used (where LLIBF7RC.LIB is C-compatible).
Is important to note the order in which the libraries are listed; the
C/C++ libraries MUST be listed first, followed by the FORTRAN library,
followed by any third-party library or user-defined library. If this
order is not followed, there will be a number of multiply defined
symbols coming from the C/C++ run-time library. It is also required to
use the linker provided with the C/C++ compiler. The linker provided
with the FORTRAN 5.1 compiler does not support the format for the
C/C++ run-time library; if used, it generates an Invalid Object Module
error on the C/C++ object files, because older versions of LINK do not
understand the information used for C/C++ object files.
Below is a sample C++ program that defines a class COMPLEX for
manipulating complex numbers. The class invokes a FORTRAN function for
calculating the complex number. Note that the FORTRAN function has
been declared with the EXTERN "C" attribute to prevent the C++
compiler from generating the call to the FORTRAN functions using C++
naming conventions.
Sample Code 1
#include <iostream.H>
typedef struct tagCOMPLEXNUM
float real;
float imag;
extern "C"
extern void __fortran CmpRoot (COMPLEXNUM * num);
class Complex
public :
// Class constructors
Complex (); // Default constructor
Complex (float r, float i); // Constructor with arguments
// Class member functions
friend Complex operator+(Complex A, Complex B);
Complex SqRoot (); // Square root of a complex
void display () const; // Show formatted complex number
// Private data members
private :
Complex Complex::SqRoot ()
A.real = this->num.real; // Use current object's real number
A.imag = this->num.imag; // Use current object's imaginary number
CmpRoot (&A); // call FORTRAN subroutine
return Complex (A.real, A.imag); // Return complex object
Complex operator+ (Complex A, Complex B)
Complex Temp;
Temp.num.real = A.num.real + B.num.real;
Temp.num.imag = A.num.imag + B.num.imag;
return Temp; // Return complex object
void Complex::display() const
// This subroutine display the complex number in an (a, bi) format
cout << "(" << num.real << ", " << num.imag << "i)";
Complex::Complex (float r, float i)
num.real = r; // Constructor with arguments:
num.imag = i; // Initialize each member in the COMPLEXNUM
} // data structure
Complex::Complex ()
{ // Default constructor:
num.real = 1.0F; // Initialize real part to 1.0
num.imag = 1.0F; // Initialize imaginary part to 1.0
void main ()
Complex Var1(3.0F, 5.0F), // Call constructor with arguments
Var2, // Call default constructor
Result; // Call default constructor
cout << "The object Var1 contains: ";
Var1.display (); // Call member function display()
cout << endl;
cout << "The object Var2 contains: ";
Var2.display (); // Call member function display()
cout << endl;
cout << " Adding Var1 + Var1: ";
Result = Var1 + Var2; // Use the overloaded + operator
// to add the objects
Result.display (); // Call member function display()
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "The Square Root of the Complex Object Var1: ";
Result = Var1.SqRoot (); // Call member function SqRoot() to
// find the square root of the object
Result.display (); // Call member function display()
cout << endl;
Source Code 2
A = SQRT(A) ! Use the internal FORTRAN square
! root function for complex numbers
c Note:
c FORTRAN's built-in type COMPLEX, can be represented in C/C++
c as a structure with two float data members. The first element
c in the structure represents the real part, and the second
c element represents the imaginary part.
Project Makefile
ALL : Sample.EXE
Sample.EXE : Sample.OBJ ForSub.OBJ
Link Sample.OBJ ForSub.OBJ,, NUL, /NOD LLIBCE OldNames LLIBFERC;
Sample.OBJ : Sample.CPP
CL /AL /c Sample.CPP
ForSub.OBJ : ForSub.FOR
FL /AL /c ForSub.FOR
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 10/23/2003 |
Keywords: | KB85317 |