How to create a new top-level site or a new child site with Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley (843102)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley


When Microsoft Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley is installed, it automatically creates a Compliance site under the default Web site in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services. Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley also installs the Soxadm.exe command-line tool for creating additional Compliance sites in different locations. Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley can be used to create new Compliance sites for different groups or for different fiscal periods. Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley can also be used to create Compliance sites under a different virtual Web site.

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Create a new Compliance site as a child site of another Windows SharePoint Services site

To use the Soxadm.exe command-line tool to create a new Compliance site as a child site of another Windows SharePoint Services site, follow these steps:
  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Change to the following directory where the Soxadm.exe command-line tool is located:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\60\bin
  3. To view the Help files for the Soxadm.exe command-line tool, run the following command in the bin directory:

    soxadm.exe -?
  4. To create the new site, run the following command in the bin directory. Replace the url argument and the title argument with the correct values.

    soxadm.exe -o createweb -url http://contoso/sox -title "Compliance Site"
  5. After the Soxadm.exe command-line tool completes creating the site, close the Command Prompt window.

    Note You can tell when the Soxadm.exe command-line tool completes creating the site because the command-line returns. Also, there are no errors and no warnings that appear in the Command Prompt window.
  6. You can locate the new Compliance site, and then you can test the new Compliance site by using Microsoft Internet Explorer.
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Create a new Compliance site as a top-level Windows SharePoint Services site

To use the Soxadm.exe command-line tool to create a new Compliance site as a top-level Windows SharePoint Services site, you must first define a managed path by using the SharePoint Central Administration tool. This indicates to Windows SharePoint Services that the new path is managed by Windows SharePoint Services and not by Internet Information Services (IIS).
  1. Click Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click SharePoint Central Administration.
  2. Under Virtual Server Configuration, click configure virtual server settings.
  3. Click the virtual Web site that you want to add a new Compliance site to.
  4. Under Virtual Server Management, click define managed paths.
  5. Under Add a New Path, enter the name that you want to assign to the new Compliance site.

    For example, you may use "sox" for a new site at http://ContosoSrvr/sox.
  6. Click Included path, and then click Explicit Inclusion to set the Type of the path.
  7. Click OK.

    The new path appears under Included Paths.
  8. Close Internet Explorer.
After you define the managed path for your new Compliance site, use the Soxadm.exe command-line tool to create the new site as follows:
  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Change to the following location where the Soxadm.exe command-line tool is located:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\60\bin
  3. To create the new site, run the following command in the bin directory:

    soxadm.exe -o createsite -url http://ContosoServer/sox -ownerlogin <Domain>/<username> -owneremail <useremail> -title "Compliance Site"

    Note Replace the <Domain> placeholder, the <username> placeholder, and the <useremail> placeholder with the correct values. Replace the url argument and the title argument with the correct values.
  4. After the Soxadm.exe command-line tool completes creating the site, close the Command Prompt window.

    Note You can tell when the Soxadm.exe command-line tool completes creating the site because the command-line returns. Also, there are no errors and no warnings that appear in the Command Prompt window.
  5. Modify the Summary Charts code as shown in the following "Review the known issues" section.
  6. You can locate the new Compliance site, and then you can test the new Compliance site by using Internet Explorer.
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Review the known issues

  • Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley supports only a subset of possible URL paths in Windows SharePoint Services.

    Windows SharePoint Services sites for Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley must be created with URLs one level under the root level.

    For example, the http://contososrvr/sox location and the http://contososrvr/sox2 location are valid locations because "sox" and "sox2" are one level under the root level in the URL. The http://contososrvr/sites/sox location and the http://contososrvr/sites/audit/sox location are not valid locations because their URLs are three levels deep or four levels deep. This is too deep.

    The issue is not caused by where the Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley site is located relative to a top-level Windows SharePoint Services site. Instead, the issue is caused by the depth of the URL location of the site. Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley contains code that must be able to contact the Compliance site to determine users and to determine permission levels. This code can only parse a URL that is two levels deep. This is the reason for the restriction.
  • Top-level Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley sites require a code change in the Summary Charts.

    There is a known issue when you create your Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley site as a top-level Windows SharePoint Services site and not as a child site, also known as a Windows SharePoint Services Web site. Although this issue is not fixed, you can make a minor modification to the installed Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley files to correct the issue.

    To do this, follow these steps:
    1. On the computer where the Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley is installed, locate the following directory:

      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\SOX
    2. In the previous directory, open the Chart.aspx file with a text editor, such as Notepad.
    3. In the previous file, locate the GetSummaryReportList function. Replace the GetSummaryReportList function with the following function:
       private SPList GetSummaryReportList(String sourceUrl)
         SPSite site    = null;
         SPWeb rootWeb  = null;
         SPList list    = null;
         Int32 index    = 0;
         String url     = String.Empty;
            if(sourceUrl.Length <= 0)
               throw new Exception(L_missingUrlError_Text);
            //The Web name is the string between the first slash and the last slash of the URL.
            url = sourceUrl;
               url = url.Substring(0, url.Length-13);
               url = url.Substring(0, url.Length-1);
            site = SPControl.GetContextSite(HttpContext.Current);
            rootWeb = site.RootWeb;
            if(rootWeb.Url == url)
                list = GetList(rootWeb.Lists);
               foreach(SPWeb web in site.RootWeb.GetSubwebsForCurrentUser())
                  if(web.Url == url)
                     list = GetList(web.Lists); 
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format(L_badWebSiteUrlError_Text, url));
         return list;
    4. Save the Chart.aspx file. Close the Chart.aspx file.
    5. Reset IIS to make sure that the change takes effect. To reset IIS, click Start, click Run, type iisreset, and then click OK.

      After the Command Prompt window closes, IIS is reset.

      Note The previous function in the sample code and the GetSummaryReportList function are almost the same. However, the modified function in the sample code handles the special case where you create your Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley site as a top-level Windows SharePoint Services site and not as a child site, also known as a Windows SharePoint Services Web site.
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Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:8/3/2004
Keywords:kbHOWTOmaster kbAppServices KB843102 kbAudDeveloper