Release manifest for MDAC 2.5 Service Pack 2 (2.52.6019.2) (842276)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Data Access Components 2.5 SP2


This article describes the release manifest of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.5 Service Pack 2 (SP2). This article includes the following information about MDAC 2.5 SP2:

  • The known issues with MDAC 2.5 SP2.

  • The significant fixes for MDAC 2.5 SP2.

  • The frequently asked questions about MDAC 2.5 SP2.

  • The list of files that are included in MDAC 2.5 SP2 and the versions of these files.


This release manifest applies to the Internet release of MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2). This release manifest lists frequently asked questions about MDAC 2.5 SP2. This release manifest describes known issues with MDAC 2.5 SP2. This release manifest lists all the files that are included in MDAC 2.5 SP2. This manifest also lists the corresponding versions of these files.

For more information about installing, uninstalling, upgrading, and downgrading MDAC releases, visit the following Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site:For more information about downloading MDAC releases, visit the following MSDN Web site:


Release version number

MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2), May 2001

Release function

This release provides the same version of MDAC that is included with Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) directly to the public.

Release ship vehicle

To download MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2), visit the following MSDN Web site:

Localization information

MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2) is available in the following languages:
  • U.S. English
  • Chinese (Traditional and Simplified)
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Korean
Additional languages will follow.


MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2) depends on Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.02 or a later version.

New features

There are no new features in MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2).

Important notes

There are no special release notes for this version.

Known issues for MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2)

There are no known issues for this MDAC release.

Significant fixes for MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2)

A list of fixes included in this MDAC release can be found in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article:

293311 List of bugs fixed in MDAC 2.5 Service Pack 2

Frequently asked questions about MDAC 2.5 SP2

Q1: Where can I find specific Knowledge Base articles for MDAC 2.5 SP2?

A1: You can search the public Knowledge Base at the following Microsoft Web site:Note You must only search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for specific technical information. Do not search the Microsoft Knowledge Base for bug-related issues. Many bug-related articles describe either fixed bugs or known bugs in this version of the product.

Q2: Where is the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) documentation?

A2: Earlier ADO documentation and MDAC Software Development Kits (SDKs) are included with the Platform SDK. To download the Platform SDK, visit the following Microsoft Web site: Q3: Does the MDAC 2.5 SP2 installer support rollback?

A3: No, the installer does not support rollback. However, the installer does support rollback during installation if an error occurs.

Q4: Is MDAC 2.5 SP2 supported on Microsoft Windows 3.1 or on Microsoft Windows NT 3.51?

A4: No, MDAC 2.5 SP2 is not supported on these operating systems.

Q5: How do I install MDAC 2.5 SP2 on Microsoft Windows 2000?

A5: MDAC 2.5 SP2 is installed with Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2) and is protected by Windows File Protection. To remove MDAC 2.5 SP2 from Windows 2000, you must remove Windows 2000 SP2.

Q6: Does MDAC 2.5 SP2 run on Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0?

A6: Yes, you can install MDAC 2.5 SP2 on these operating systems. For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:Q7: Can applications that use Microsoft ODBC Driver for Access 3.5 have problems on clean installations of MDAC 2.5 SP2?

A7: Because MDAC 2.5 SP2 does not install Microsoft ODBC Driver for Access 3.5, you may have to upgrade to Microsoft ODBC Driver for Access 4.0 if your applications use version 3.5. For additional information about this issue and about changes that may affect your products, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

824684 MDAC upgrade issues with Access ODBC driver

File list for MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2)

File nameVersion (x86)Description
12520437.cpxN/ASQL Server code page translator
12520850.cpxN/ASQL Server code page translator
Adcjavas.incN/AADC/RDS JavaScript include file
Adcvbs.incN/AADC/RDS VBScript include file
Adojavas.incN/AADO JavaScript include file
Adovbs.incN/AADO VBScript include file
Advpack.dllNot specified.Advanced .inf installer
Asycfilt.dll2.40.4277.1OLE 2.40 for Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems
Cabinet.dll1.0.601.4Cabinet file API
Cliconf.hlpN/ASQL Server client configuration Help file
Cliconfg.DLL1999.10.20.1Client configuration utility
Cliconfg.exe1999.10.20.1Client configuration utility
Dbmsadsn.dll1999.10.20.0Pipes Net DLL for SQL Clients
Dbmsrpcn.dll1999.10.20.1RPC Net-Library
Dbmsshrn.dll1999.10.20.0RPC Net-Library
Dbmssocn.dll1999.10.20.0Net DLL for SQL Server
Dbmsspxn.dll1999.10.20.0NWLINK SPX WINSOCK Net-Library
Dbmsvinn.dll1999.10.20.1VINES Net-Library
Dbnmpntw.dll1999.10.20.1Pipes Net DLL for SQL clients
Drvvfp.chmN/AVisual FoxPro ODBC Driver HTML Help
Ds16gt.dll3.510.3711.0ODBC 16-bit driver setup generic thunking
Ds32gt.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC driver setup generic thunking
Expsrv.dll6.0.0.8540Basic for Applications Runtime - Expression Service
Handler.regN/A.reg file for setting up default RDS Handler
Handsafe.regN/A.reg file for making RDS always run with a safe handler
Handunsf.regN/A.reg file for making RDS not require a safe handler
Instcat.sqlN/ASQL Server SP catalog updater
Mdacrdme.htmN/AMDAC release notes
Msadce.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB cursor engine
Msadcer.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB cursor engine resources
Msadcf.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - Remote Data Services data factory
Msadcfr.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - Remote Data Services data factory resources
Msadco.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - Remote Data Services data control
Msadcor.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - Remote Data Services data control resources
Msadcs.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - Remote Data Services ISAPI library
Msadds.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB data shape provider
Msaddsr.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB data shape provider resources
Msader15.dll2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects resources
Msado15.dll2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
Msado20.tlb2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 type library
Msado21.tlb2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 type library
Msadomd.dll2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects (multi-dimensional)
Msador15.dll2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects
Msadox.dll2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects extensions
Msadrh15.dll2.52.6019.1Data Access - ActiveX Data Objects rowset helper
Mscpxl32.dll3.60.3.20ODBC code page translator
Msdadc.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB data conversion stub
Msdaenum.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB root enumerator stub
Msdaer.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB error collection stub
Msdamg9x.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - Win98 migration DLL
Msdaora.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB Provider for Oracle
Msdaosp.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB simple provider
Msdaprsr.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB persistence services resources
Msdaprst.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB persistence services
Msdaps.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB interface proxies/stubs
Msdarem.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB remote provider
Msdaremr.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB remote provider resources
Msdart32.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB runtime routines
Msdasc.chmN/AOLE DB service components HTML Help file
Msdasc.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB service components stub
Msdasql.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
Msdasqlr.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers resources
Msdatl2.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB implementation support routines
Msdatsrc.tlb9.0.6019.0Data Access - data source interfaces
Msdatt.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB temporary table services
Msdaurl.dll9.1.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB RootBinder stub
Msdfmap.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - data factory handler
Msdfmap.iniN/A.ini file for configuring default RDS handler
Msexch40.dll4.0.4331.7Jet Exchange Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM)
Msexcl40.dll4.0.4331.3Jet Excel ISAM
Msjet40.dll4.0.4431.3Jet engine library
Msjeto~1.dll4.0.4331.4OLE DB provider for Jet
Msjint40.dll4.0.2927.2Jet database engine international DLL
Msjro.dll2.52.6019.1Jet and replication objects
Msjter40.dll4.0.2927.2Jet database engine error DLL
Msjtes40.dll4.0.4229.0Jet expression service
Msltus40.dll4.0.4331.3Jet Lotus 1-2-3 ISAM
Msorcl32.chmN/AOracle ODBC driver Help (compiled HTML)
Msorcl32.dll2.573.6019.0Data Access - ODBC Driver for Oracle
Mspbde40.dll4.0.4331.6Jet paradox ISAM
Msrd2x40.dll4.0.2927.2Red ISAM
Msrd3x40.dll4.0.4325.0Red ISAM
Msrepl40.dll4.0.4331.0Replication library
Mstext40.dll4.0.4331.5Jet text ISAM
Msvcirt.dll6.0.8168.0C++ runtime library
Msvcrt.dll6.0.8397.0C runtime library
Mswdat10.dll4.0.3829.2Jet sort tables
Mswstr10.dll4.0.3829.2Jet sort library
Msxactps.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB transaction proxies/stubs
Msxbde40.dll4.0.4331.6Jet xBASE ISAM
Mtxdm.dll1997.11.532.0MTS connection pooling - ODBC driver manager
Mtxoci.dll1999.6.854.0MTS - Oracle OCI
Odbc16gt.dll3.510.3711.0ODBC 16-bit generic thunking
Odbc32.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC driver manager
Odbc32gt.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC driver generic thunk
Odbcad32.exe3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC administrator
Odbcbcp.dll3.70.9.61BCP for ODBC
Odbcconf.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC driver configuration program
Odbcconf.exe3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC driver configuration program
Odbcconf.rspN/AData Access - ODBC driver configuration file
Odbccp32.cpl3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC control panel
Odbccp32.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC installer
Odbccr32.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC cursor library
Odbccu32.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC cursor library
Odbcinst.chmN/AODBC HTML Help
Odbcint.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC resources
Odbcjet.chmN/AJet ODBC HTML Help
Odbcji32.dll4.0.6019.0ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
Odbcjt32.dll4.0.6019.0ODBC Desktop Driver Pack 3.5
Odbcstf.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC custom action library
Odbctrac.dll3.520.6019.0Data Access - ODBC driver manager trace
Oddbse32.dll4.0.6019.0ODBC (3.0) driver for DBase
Odexl32.dll4.0.6019.0ODBC (3.0) driver for Excel
Odfox32.dll4.0.6019.0ODBC (3.0) driver for FoxPro
Odpdx32.dll4.0.6019.0ODBC (3.0) driver for Paradox
Odtext32.dll4.0.6019.0ODBC (3.0) driver for text files
Oleaut32.dll2.40.4277.1OLE 2.40 for Windows NT(TM) and Windows 95(TM) Operating Systems
Oledb32.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB core services
Oledb32a.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB core services resources
Oledb32r.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB core services resources
Oledb32x.dll2.52.6019.0Data Access - OLE DB extensions
Oledbjvs.incN/AOLE DB JavaScript include file
Oledbvbs.incN/AOLE DB VBS include file
Olepro32.dll5.0.4277.1OLE 2.40 for Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems
Sqloledb.dll7.1.9.61OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Sqlsodbc.hlpN/ASQL Server ODBC Help
Sqlsrv32.dll3.70.9.61SQL Server ODBC driver
Sqlstr.dll1999.10.20.1Function .dll for SQL enterprise components
Sqlwid.dll1999.10.20.0Function .dll for SQL enterprise components
Sqlwoa.dll1999.10.20.1Function .DLL for SQL enterprise components
Stdole2.tlb2.40.4277.1OLE 2.40 for Windows NT and Windows 95 operating systems
Vbajet32.dll6.0.1.8268Basic for Applications development environment - expression service loader
Vfpodbc.dll6.1.8629.1Visual Foxpro ODBC driver


For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

232060 MDAC Setup Troubleshooting Guide

Modification Type:MajorLast Reviewed:3/3/2006
Keywords:kbinfo KB842276 kbAudDeveloper