Fonts that are installed with Office (837463)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office 97 for Windows
  • Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office Basic Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office Small Business Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office Students and Teachers Edition 2003
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Premium
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Professional
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Small Business
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Standard
  • Microsoft Office 2000 Developer
  • Microsoft Office XP Professional
  • Microsoft Office XP Small Business
  • Microsoft Office XP Standard
  • Microsoft Office XP Students and Teachers
  • Microsoft Office XP Developer


When you install Microsoft Office 97 for Windows, Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft Office XP, or Microsoft Office 2003, fonts are installed. This article describes the fonts that are installed with each version of Microsoft Office.

Note that while the fonts are installed by the Office installation, the installation options that you select determine the specific fonts that are installed. All the available fonts are not installed when you do a "typical" installation of Office.


Microsoft Office 2003

The following fonts are installed with all Office 2003 programs:

FileFont name
Antquab.ttfBook Antiqua Bold
Antquabi.ttfBook Antiqua Bold Italic
Antquai.ttf Book Antiqua Italic
Arialn.ttfArial Narrow
Arialnb.ttfArial Narrow Bold
Arialnbi.ttf Arial Narrow Bold Italic
Arialni.ttf Arial Narrow Italic
Arialuni.ttfArial Unicode MS
Bkant.ttfBook Antiqua
Bookos.ttf Bookman Old Style
Bookosb.ttf Bookman Old Style Bold
Bookosbi.ttf Bookman Old Style Bold Italic
Bookosi.ttf Bookman Old Style Italic
Gara.ttf Garamond
Garabd.ttf Garamond Bold
Garait.ttf Garamond Italic
Gothic.ttf Century Gothic
Gothicb.ttf Century Gothic Bold
Gothicbi.ttf Century Gothic Bold Italic
Gothici.ttf Century Gothic Italic
Mtcorsva.ttf Monotype Corsiva
Outlook.ttf MS Outlook
Wingdng2.ttf WingDings 2
Wingdng3.ttf WingDings 3
Visualui.ttf VisualUI
Mtextra.ttfMT Extra
The last two fonts are not installed in the Fonts folder.

Microsoft Office Publisher 2003

Additionally, if you install Publisher 2003 either as a stand-alone product or in an Office suite, the following files are installed to the standard Office fonts:

FileFont name
Agencyb.ttfAgency FB Bold
Agencyr.ttfAgency FB
Arlrdbd.ttfArial Rounded MT Bold
Baskvill.ttfBaskerville Old Face
Bauhs93.ttfBauhaus 93
Bell.ttfBell MT
Bellb.ttfBell MT Bold
Belli.ttfBell MT Italic
Bernhc.ttfBernard MT Condensed
Bod_b.ttfBodoni MT Bold
Bod_bi.ttfBodoni MT Bold Italic
Bod_blai.ttfBodoni MT Black Italic
Bod_blar.ttfBodoni MT Black
Bod_cb.ttfBodoni MT Condensed Bold
Bod_cbi.ttfBodoni MT Condensed Bold Italic
Bod_ci.ttfBodoni MT Condensed Italic
Bod_cr.ttfBodoni MT Condensed
Bod_i.ttfBodoni MT Italic
Bod_pstc.ttf Bodoni MT Poster Compressed
Bod_r.ttf Bodoni MT
Bradhitc.ttf Bradley Hand ITC
Britanic.ttfBritannic Bold
Brlnsb.ttfBerlin Sans FB Bold
Brlnsdb.ttfBerlin Sans FB Demi Bold
Brlnsr.ttfBerlin Sans FB
Brushsci.ttfBrush Script MT Italic
Califb.ttfCalifornian FB Bold
Califi.ttfCalifornian FB Italic
Califr.ttfCalifornian FB
Calist.ttfCalisto MT
Calistb.ttfCalisto MT Bold
Calistbi.ttfCalisto MT Bold Italic
Calisti.ttfCalisto MT Italic
Censcbk.ttfCentury Schoolbook
Colonna.ttfColonna MT
Coopbl.ttfCooper Black
Coprgtb.ttfCopperplate Gothic Bold
Coprgtl.ttfCopperplate Gothic Light
Curlz___.ttfCurlz MT
Elephnti.ttfElephant Italic
Engr.ttfEngravers MT
Erasbd.ttfEras Bold ITC
Erasdemi.ttfEras Demi ITC
Eraslght.ttfEras Light ITC
Erasmd.ttfEras Medium ITC
Felixti.ttfFelix Titling
Frabk.ttfFranklin Gothic Book
Frabkit.ttfFranklin Gothic Book Italic
Fradm.ttfFranklin Gothic Demi
Fradmcn.ttfFranklin Gothic Demi Cond
Fradmit.ttfFranklin Gothic Demi Italic
Frahv.ttfFranklin Gothic Heavy
Frahvit.ttfFranklin Gothic Heavy Italic
Framd.ttfFranklin Gothic Medium
Framdcn.ttfFranklin Gothic Medium Cond
Framdit.ttfFranklin Gothic Medium Italic
FreeScpt.ttf Freestyle Script
Frscript.ttfFrench Script MT
Ftltlt.ttfFootlight MT Light
Gil_____.ttfGill Sans MT
Gilb____.ttfGill Sans MT Bold
Gilbi___.ttfGill Sans MT Bold Italic
Gilc____.ttfGill Sans MT Condensed
Gili____.ttfGill Sans MT Italic
Gillubcd.ttfGill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Gilsanub.ttfGill Sans Ultra Bold
Glecb.ttfGloucester MT Extra Condensed
Glsnecb.ttfGill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold
Goudos.ttfGoudy Old Style
Goudosb.ttfGoudy Old Style Bold
Goudosi.ttfGoudy Old Style Italic
Goudysto.ttfGoudy Stout
Harlowsi.ttfHarlow Solid Italic
Htowert.ttfHigh Tower Text
Htowerti.ttfHigh Tower Text Italic
Imprisha.ttfImprint MT Shadow
Infroman.ttfInformal Roman
Itcblkad.ttfBlackadder ITC
Itcedscr.ttfEdwardian Script ITC
Itckrist.ttfKristen ITC
Juice___.ttfJuice ITC
Kunstler.ttfKunstler Script
Latinwd.ttfWide Latin
Lbrite.ttf Lucida Bright
Lbrited.ttf Lucida Bright Demibold
Lbritedi.ttf Lucida Bright Demibold Italic
Lbritei.ttf Lucida Bright Italic
Lcallig.ttf Lucida Calligraphy Italic
Lfax.ttfLucida Fax Regular
Lfaxd.ttfLucida Fax Demibold
Lfaxdi.ttfLucida Fax Demibold Italic
Lfaxi.ttfLucida Fax Italic
Lhandw.ttfLucida Handwriting Italic
Lsans.ttfLucida Sans Regular
Lsansd.ttfLucida Sans Demibold Roman
Lsansdi.ttfLucida Sans Demibold Italic
Lsansi.ttfLucida Sans Italic
Ltype.ttfLucida Sans Typewriter Regular
Ltypeb.ttfLucida Sans Typewriter Bold
Ltypebo.ttfLucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique
Ltypeo.ttfLucida Sans Typewriter Oblique
Magnetob.ttfMagneto Bold
Maian.ttfMaiandra GD
Maturasc.ttfMatura MT Script Capitals
Mod20.ttfModern No. 20
Niageng.ttfNiagara Engraved
Niagsol.ttfNiagara Solid
Ocraext.ttfOCR A Extended
Oldengl.ttfOld English Text MT
Palscri.ttfPalace Script MT
Perb____.ttfPerpetua Bold
Perbi___.ttfPerpetua Bold Italic
Peri____.ttfPerpetua Italic
Pertibd.ttfPerpetua Titling MT Bold
Pertili.ttfPerpetua Titling MT Light
Poorich.ttfPoor Richard
Rage.ttfRage Italic
Rocc____.ttfRockwell Condensed
Roccb___.ttfRockwell Condensed Bold
Rockb.ttfRockwell Bold
Rockbi.ttfRockwell Bold Italic
Rockeb.ttfRockwell Extra Bold
Rocki.ttfRockwell Italic
Schlbkb.ttfCentury Schoolbook Bold
Schlbkbi.ttfCentury Schoolbook Bold Italic
Schlbki.ttfCentury Schoolbook Italic
Scriptbl.ttfScript MT Bold
Showg.ttfShowcard Gothic
Snap___.ttfSnap ITC
Tcb_____.ttfTw Cen MT Bold
Tcbi____.ttfTw Cen MT Bold Italic
Tccb____.ttfTw Cen MT Condensed Bold
Tcceb.ttfTw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold
Tccm____.ttfTw Cen MT Condensed
Tcm_____.ttfTw Cen MT
Tcmi____.ttfTw Cen MT Italic
Tempsitc.ttfTempus Sans ITC
Vineritc.ttfViner Hand ITC
Vivaldii.ttfVivaldi Italic
Vladimir.ttfVladimir Script

Microsoft Office XP

The following fonts are installed with Office XP:

FileFont name
Antquab.ttfBook Antiqua Bold
Antquabi.ttfBook Antiqua Bold Italic
Antquai.ttfBook Antiqua Italic
Arbli___.ttfArial Black Italic
Arialbd.ttfArial Bold
Arialbi.ttfArial Bold Italic
Ariali.ttfArial Italic
Arialn.ttfArial Narrow
Arialnb.ttfArial Narrow Bold
Arialnbi.ttfArial Narrow Bold Italic
Arialni.ttfArial Narrow Italic
Arialuni.ttfArial Unicode MS
Ariblk.ttfArial Black
Bkant.ttfBook Antiqua
Bookos.ttfBookman Old Style
Bookosb.ttfBookman Old Style Bold
Bookosbi.ttfBookman Old Style Bold Italic
Bookosi.ttfBookman Old Style Italic
Comic.ttfComic Sans MS
Comicbd.ttfComic Sans MS Bold
Cour.ttfCourier New
Courbd.ttfCourier New Bold
Courbi.ttfCourier New Bold Italic
Couri.ttfCourier New Italic
Estre.ttfEstrangelo Edessa
Garabd.ttfGaramond Bold
Garait.ttfGaramond Italic
Gothic.ttfCentury Gothic
Gothicb.ttfCentury Gothic Bold
Gothicbi.ttfCentury Gothic Bold Italic
Gothici.ttfCentury Gothic Italic
Msmincho.ttfMS Mincho
Mtcorsva.ttfMonotype Corsiva
Mtextra.ttfMT Extra
Outlook.ttfMS Outlook
Tahomabd.ttfTahoma Bold
Tahomabd.ttfTahoma Bold
Times.ttfTimes New Roman
Timesbd.ttfTimes New Roman Bold
Timesbi.ttfTimes New Roman Bold Italic
Timesi.ttfTimes New Roman Italic
Trebuc.ttfTrebuchet MS
Trebucbd.ttfTrebuchet MS Bold
Trebucbi.ttfTrebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebucit.ttfTrebuchet MS Italic
Verdanab.ttfVerdana Bold
Verdanai.ttfVerdana Italic
Verdanaz.ttfVerdana Bold Italic
Wingdng2.ttfWingdings 2
Wingdng3.ttfWingdings 3

Microsoft Office 2000

The following fonts are installed with Office 2000.

Note This does not include the fonts that are installed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0. Internet Explorer 5.0 is installed on computers that do not have Internet Explorer 5 or later.

FileFont name
Antquab.ttfBook Antiqua Bold
Antquabi.ttfBook Antiqua Bold Italic
Antquai.ttfBook Antiqua Italic
Arbli___.ttfArial Black Italic
Arialbd.ttfArial Bold
Arialbi.ttfArial Bold Italic
Ariali.ttfArial Italic
Arialn.ttfArial Narrow
Arialnb.ttfArial Narrow Bold
Arialnbi.ttfArial Narrow Bold Italic
Arialni.ttfArial Narrow Italic
Arialuni.ttfArial Unicode MS
Ariblk.ttfArial Black
Bkant.ttfBook Antiqua
Bookos.ttfBookman Old Style
Bookosb.ttfBookman Old Style Bold
Bookosbi.ttfBookman Old Style Bold Italic
Bookosi.ttfBookman Old Style Italic
Comic.ttfComic Sans MS
Comicbd.ttfComic Sans MS Bold
Cour.ttfCourier New
Courbd.ttfCourier New Bold
Courbi.ttfCourier New Bold Italic
Couri.ttfCourier New Italic
Garabd.ttfGaramond Bold
Garait.ttfGaramond Italic
Gothic.ttfCentury Gothic
Gothicb.ttfCentury Gothic Bold
Gothicbi.ttfCentury Gothic Bold Italic
Gothici.ttfCentury Gothic Italic
Msmincho.ttfMS Mincho
Mtcorsva.ttfMonotype Corsiva
Mtextra.ttfMT Extra
Outlook.ttfMS Outlook
Tahomabd.ttfTahoma Bold
Times.ttfTimes New Roman
Timesbd.ttfTimes New Roman Bold
Timesbi.ttfTimes New Roman Bold Italic
Timesi.ttfTimes New Roman Italic
Trebuc.ttfTrebuchet MS
Trebucbd.ttfTrebuchet MS Bold
Trebucbi.ttfTrebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebucit.ttfTrebuchet MS Italic
Verdanab.ttfVerdana Bold
Verdanai.ttfVerdana Italic
Verdanaz.ttfVerdana Bold Italic
Wingdng2.ttfWingdings 2
Wingdng3.ttfWingdings 3

Microsoft Office 97

The following fonts are installed with Office 97:

File Font name
Arialn.ttfArial Narrow
Arialnb.ttfArial Narrow Bold
Arialnbi.ttfArial Narrow Bold Italic
Arialni.ttfArial Narrow Italic
Ariblk.ttfArial Black
Bookos.ttfBookman Old Style
bookosb.ttfBookman Old Style Bold
Bookosbi.ttfBookman Old Style Bold Italic
Bookosi.ttfBookman Old Style Italic
Garabd.ttfGaramond Bold
Garait.ttfGaramond Italic
Mtextra.ttfMT Extra
Mtsorts.ttfMonotype Sorts
Outlook.ttfMS Outlook
Tahomabd.ttfTahoma Bold
If you are looking for free fonts, shareware fonts, or commercial fonts, visit the following Microsoft Web site for links to typography news headlines, contacts, and an updated database of more than 600 type-related and typography-related Web sites:

Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:10/4/2006
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