Service pack details
List of issues that this service pack fixes
The Project 2003 SP1 fixes the issues that are described in the
following hotfix packages:
834706 Description of Microsoft Office Project 2003 hotfix package: January 22, 2004
835705 Description of the Microsoft Office Project 2003 hotfix package: February 27, 2004
838026 Microsoft Office Project 2003 hotfix package: March 15, 2004
838879 Microsoft Project 2003 hotfix package: March 23, 2004
832887 Description of the Microsoft Office Project 2003 Update: March 23, 2004
839631 Microsoft Office Project 2003 hotfix package: April 1, 2004
The Project 2003 SP1 fixes the issues that
are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:
840376 Actual Work that is submitted by the local resources may be lost when you synchronize a project that uses Protected Actuals and local resources in Project 2003
839632 Finish date of project plan may change in Project 2003
840314 Task data may disappear or value custom field values in a task may be missing when you make changes to enterprise custom fields in your Master Project File in Project 2003
839636 Assignment delays change the Finish date of a project plan in Project 2003
The Project 2003 SP1 fixes the following
issues that were not previously documented in the Microsoft Knowledge
The Smart Tag information is incorrect when you increase or decrease a task duration
When you increase or decrease the duration of a task in
the Spanish-language version of Project Professional 2003, the Smart Tag
displays the same incorrect information.
The Project window does not display color when you use a non-Windows XP theme
If you run Project 2003 on a Microsoft Windows XP-based
computer with a non-Windows XP theme, the active window does not display color
to indicate that it is the active window when you open multiple Project
Changes to a new task that were created by a resource are not updated to the resource's timesheet
When a resource submits changes to a new task that the
resource created, the changes are not updated to the resource's
Base-line information is redistributed when actual work is submitted for more than one non-working day
If you submit actual work for more than one non-working
day, the base-line information may be redistributed to working
Free Slack and Total Slack values are incorrect after you change the Lag time to a negative value
When you change the Lag time of a successor task to a
negative value, the
Free Slack and
Slack values are incorrect.
Project codes are not saved when you import multiple projects
If you use the Import Project Wizard to import a series
of projects, the values that you set for Project codes on the first project
also appear for each subsequent project that you import. However, these values
are not saved with each project.
You receive an error message when you use the Import Resources to Enterprise option
If you use the
Import Resources to
Enterprise option in Project 2003, you receive the following error
message when you try to click
Standard in the
calendar drop-down box in the
Import Resources
This value is not valid in this
Check the field to see if it requires text, a date, or a
number, and that you typed the information correctly.
You receive the "Invalid entry" error message when you import data from Microsoft Excel
When you import data from an Excel spreadsheet that
contains a date that was entered in such a way that Excel automatically changed
the format of the date from General to Custom, you receive an error message
that indicates that the value is not a valid entry.
Project 2003 quits unexpectedly when you export data to Microsoft Visio in the landscape page orientation
When you export Project data to Visio in the landscape
page orientation, Project 2003 may quit unexpectedly.
The Remain Cost field is incorrect when you add it in a header, in a footer, or in a legend
If you add the
Remaining Cost field to
a header, to a footer, or to a legend and then either preview the page or print
the page, the cost information does not appear correctly, and it is incorrectly
mapped to the
Remaining Work field. For example, the
Remaining Cost field may appear as "0h" instead of the
expected "$0."
You receive an error message when you compare your project to your published project
When you click
Compare Project Versions
on the
Compare Project Versions toolbar to compare your
project with your published project, you receive an error
Non-language characters appear in the Warning dialog box when you unlink Risks in a non-English version of Project 2003
If you click to clear the
Link Risks
check box in a non-English version of Project 2003, and then you save the
changes, the
Warning dialog box may appear with non-language
Project 2003 quits unexpectedly if you save an Enterprise project plan that contains the characters "pwd" as part of the file name
If you save an Enterprise project plan that contains the
characters "pwd" as part of the file name, Project 2003 quits
The Outline Codes lookup table is damaged when you paste it in an Enterprise project plan
If you paste Outline Codes from one Enterprise project
plan to another Enterprise project plan, the pasted Outline Codes lookup table
may be incomplete and damaged.
The graphical indicator does not appear in Project Web Access when you use the Contains or Contains exactly options
If you use a graphical indicator in an Enterprise
project plan that uses the
Contains or the
exactly options, the graphical indicator will not appear in your
project plan in Project Web Access (PWA).
The Actual Work and Remaining Work fields are not calculated in the Timesheet view
If you track a project by percent complete (% Complete),
and the
Actual Work field and the
Work field are not in the Timesheet view, the
Actual Work
field and the
Remaining Work field are not
calculated when updates are submitted to the project manager.
Changes are lost in the Outline Codes lookup table after you make changes to the table mask
When you make changes to an Outline Code lookup table in
your Enterprise project plan and then make changes to the table mask, the
changes that you made to the Outline Code lookup table may be lost and the
editing features of the table do not function as expected.
The Enterprise global template is restored as a published project plan
When you restore a backup copy of your Enterprise global
template, the template may be restored as a published project
The Project Working Time text is translated incorrectly in the Korean-language version of Project 2003
When you click
Tasks on the
Project Guide toolbar, and then click
Define general
working times on the
Tasks task pane in the
Korean-language version of Project 2003, the text under
is translated incorrectly in the Korean language.
You receive an invalid entry error message when you use the "is within" option for a graphical indication in the Chinese (Simplified) version of Project 2003
When you try to use the
is within
option for a graphical indicator for a custom field in the Chinese (Simplified)
language version of Project 2003, you receive the following error message:
The entry is not valid. Please click the entry in the
list, then press Enter.
You receive a logon prompt to Project Server behind Project 2003 splash screen
When you open a project plan that resides on a Microsoft
Windows SharePoint Service site that uses Basic Authenticity, the logon prompt
appears behind the Project 2003 splash screen.
An incorrect value is selected in the Resource Information dialog box for a custom field that contains a value list
When you try to click a value for a custom field that
contains a value list on the
Custom Fields tab, an incorrect
value is selected.
Indented tasks lose their indentation when you import data to the active project
When you use the
Merge the data into the active
project option in the
Import Wizard to import a file,
such as an Excel file, to your project plan, some indented tasks may lose their
Base-line information is redistributed when actual work is submitted for a nondefault working time
If you submit actual work for a day, such as Saturday,
that is set as non-default working time, the base-line information may be
redistributed to other working days when you reopen the project
The 7 AM hour missing in the Project Working Times wizard in the French-language version of Project 2003
When you click
24 Hours in the Project
Working Times wizard in the French-language version of Project 2003, the 7 AM
hour may be missing.
A blank object is inserted when you paste a Project document object in Microsoft Word
When you try to paste a Microsoft Project document
object in a Microsoft Word document, a blank object is inserted instead of the
Project document object.
Performance improvement when you click to select the Connecting across a WAN (limited functionality in Build Team) check box
When you start Project Professional 2003, a
Project Server Accounts dialog box appears with a check box
that is titled
Connecting across a WAN (limited functionality in Build
Team). If you click to select the
Connecting across a WAN
(limited functionality in Build Team) check box, it effectively tells
Project 2003 not to read summary resource assignments when it displays the
Build Team dialog box.
As a performance improvement
in Project Professional 2003 Service Pack 1, when you click to select
Connecting across a WAN (limited functionality in Build
Team)check box, the summary resource assignments will not be available
in the
Resource Usage view or in the
Team dialog box.
Text that is in the Options dialog box is in the English-language in the German-language version of Project 2003
When you view the
Options dialog box in
the German-language version of Project 2003, some of the dialog box text is in
the English-language instead of being in the German-language. This issue occurs
on the following tabs in the
Options dialog box:
- General
- Edit
- Schedule
- Calculation
- Save
A new assignment that is created by a resource causes a duplicate assignment, and with Project 2003 quits unexpectedly
When a resource creates a new assignment on an existing
task, a duplicate assignment may be created. This action may cause Project 2003
to quit unexpectedly.
You receive an error message indicating to type time with a "h" in the German-language version of Project 2003
If you install the German Multilingual User Interface
Pack in Project 2003, you receive an error message indicating to type the time
with a "h" when you type an hour value in the duration column for a task. For
example, you receive an error message stating that you must type
8h in the duration column for a task.
Assert error message occurs after the project manager updates cleared actual work values
If an enterprise resource uses PWA to clear (backspace
over) actual work values that were previously submitted and then submits the
cleared values to the project manager, an Assert error message occurs when the
project manager processes the update and then inserts the
Work field and the
Actual Work Protected
field in the Task Usage view.
The Timesheet view of the Actual Work field and the Work field display incorrect values before you update the Timesheet view
When you add the
Actual Work
field and the
Work field to the Timesheet view in PWA,
the values for the
Actual Work field and the
Work field are incorrect until you update the
The Earned Value Method and the Physical % Complete fields are missing in PWA
When you manage the Earned Value Method view in PWA, the
Earned Value Method and the
Physical %
Complete fields are missing.
You cannot change the custom date field to NA after the project has been saved to Project ServerAfter you type a date in a custom date field and save your project
to your Project Server, you cannot change the custom date field back to
You receive a message when you save a project plan if there is a long note in the Project Summary task
If you type a long note in the Project Summary task in
Project 2003 and then try to save the project plan, you may receive the
following message: There are multiple lines of text in
the existing note. If you change the note here, all lines of text except the
first line, and all formatting, will be removed. If you do not want to lose any
text or formatting, edit notes by clicking the Notes button on the standard
toolbar. Do you want to change the note anyway?
The Work field increases in value when you click Synch to Protected Actuals
When you click
Synch to Protected
Actuals in Project Professional 2003, the
field may increase for individual tasks and for Project Summary
Baseline data is corrupted in the Resource Usage view in Project 2003
When you insert a baseline in the Resource Usage view,
the data for the baseline may be corrupted and may cause cube
You receive an error message when the project manager updates a project plan that contains a duplicate assignment task
When a project manager tries to update a project plan in
PWA that contains an unpublished duplicate assignment task that they assigned
to themselves, the project manager receives the following error message:
The message could not be opened because it contains an
attachment in a format that cannot be read.
The Work field and the Duration field for Assignments are "out of synch" in the Task Usage view
When you try to use
Synch to Protected
Actuals in Project Professional 2003, the
Work field
and the
Duration field for Assignments may be "out of synch"
in the Task Usage view.
The Finish date moves to a later date every time that you click Synch to Protected Actuals in Project 2003
Every time that you click
Synch to Protected
Actuals in Project Professional 2003, the
Finish date
of the task moves out to a later date.
Actuals move to a different day when the project manager updates the project plan in Project 2003 after changing the Assignment Delay
When a project administrator sets the
Actuals option in PWA, sets an
Assignment Delay in
Task Usage view in Project Professional 2003, and then publishes the project
plan, the actuals may be placed (moved) to different days if the
Assignment Delay is changed again in Project 2003 after the
project manager updates the actuals.
The Synch to Protected Actuals option causes the Finish date to change for split task in Project 2003
When you click the
Synch to Protected
Actuals option in a project plan that contains a split task in Project
2003, the
Finish date may change.
The Work field values that are in the Task Usage view in Project 2003 do not match
After a project manager updates only the recent tasks
submitted, the
Work field values in the Task Usage view in
Project 2003 may not match.
Unexpected date changes when you use the Week date format in Project 2003When you use the Week date format in the
Timescale of
Project 2003 option, you receive unexpected date
The Export Grid to Excel feature in PWA causes an error message, and Excel keeps running in the background
When you try to export a project plan that contains more
than eight outline levels using the Export Grid to Excel feature in PWA, a
hidden instance of Excel remains running, and you receive the following error
An error occurred while exporting the grid data
to Excel. Because of this error, you can only copy XML data to the Clipboard.
Do you want to continue?
Earlier released updates that are included in this service pack
The Project 2003 Service Pack 1 includes the following earlier
released update:
832887 Description of the Microsoft
Office Project 2003 update: March 23, 2004
Additional improvements in Project 2003 SP1
For more information about what is different about Project 2003 after installing Project
2003 Service Pack 1, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to let Project Professional 2003 connect to your Project Server that is located in the intranet zone without being prompted to add the Project Server as a trusted site
Known issues
Known issues during installation of the service pack
When you use the IExpress /q switch during setup, the switch does not function as expected
When you use the /q switch during setup, the switch does not function as expected. For example, the following setup command does not work as expected, and prompts are not suppressed:
To use the /q switch during setup, you must use the following format:
Known issues that may occur after the service pack is installed
There is a known issue that may occur after you install Project
2003 SP1. For additional information about the known issue after you install
Project 2003 SP1, click the following article number to view the article in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
873125 You cannot remove Service Pack 1 for Office 2003 products
Installation details
How to obtain and install the service pack
Project 2003 SP1, and also installation instructions and
deployment strategies, are found on the Microsoft Download Center. To download
this service pack from the Microsoft Download Center, visit the following Web
How to determine whether the service pack is installed
The service pack contains an updated version of the following
File name Version
Winproj.exe 11.1.2004.1707
You do not have to install this service pack if you
have a later version of the files that are listed in the previous table. For
additional information about how to determine the version of Microsoft Office
Project 2003 that is installed on your computer, click the following article
number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
821549 How to check the version of Office 2003 products
Additionally, the following files are also
installed when you install Project 2003 SP1:
File Name
MSP file information for administrators
The administrative update is made up of a full-file Windows
Installer patch file (MSP file) that is packaged in an executable file. The
following MSP files are distributed in this service pack:
Language | MSP file name |
Portuguese | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-ptb.msp |
Simplified | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-chs.msp |
Traditional | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-cht.msp |
Czech | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-csy.msp |
Danish | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-dan.msp |
Dutch | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-nld.msp |
English | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-enu.msp |
Finnish | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-fin.msp |
French | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-fra.msp |
German | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-deu.msp |
Greek | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-ell.msp |
Hebrew | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-hbr.msp |
Hungarian | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-hun.msp |
Italian | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-ita.msp |
Japanese | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-jpn.msp |
Korean | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-kor.msp |
Norwegian | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-nor.msp |
Portuguese | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-ptg.msp |
Russian | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-rus.msp |
Spanish | |
Swedish | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-sve.msp |
Turkish | Project2003-KB837240-fullfile-trk.msp |
Features for reinstalling specific components for administrators
If you update your administrative installation point and recache
and reinstall Project 2003 SP1 on client computers, we recommend that you run a
command line that includes the
REINSTALL=ALL property to install all features.
For detailed
procedures to patch an administrative image and update client computers, see
the "Updating clients from a patched administrative image" section in the
"Distributing Office 2003 Product Updates" topic. To view the "Distributing
Office 2003 Product Updates" topic, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
The Office Admin Update Center for Office IT Professionals
contains the latest administrative patches and strategic deployment resources
for all versions of Office. For more information about the Office Admin Update
Center, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Project 2003 Service Pack 1 for Multilingual User Interface Pack details
The Project 2003 Service Pack 1 for Multilingual User Interface Pack provides the latest updates to the Microsoft Office Project 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack. The Project 2003 Service Pack 1 for Multilingual User Interface Pack makes sure that Project 2003 performs with complete functionality when you use the Project 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack.
For additional information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Error signature details
You may receive an error message that is similar to the following
when you use Project 2003:
Microsoft Office Project has
encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
To see what data this error report contains, click
When you view the data in the error report, the report contains
an error signature that is similar to one of the following error signatures:
Application name Application version Module name Module version Offset
Winproj.exe 10.0.2002.502 Winproj.exe 10.0.2002.502 00187aeb
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 0065afcf
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 001880d6
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 00250ac3
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 001df0f5
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Vbe6.dll 0012fa30
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 001deb0f
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 0029eef3
Winproj.exe 11.0.2003.816 Pj11od11.dll 11.0.2003.816 000261cc
Additionally, other program versions, module versions, and offsets
are possible.