Service packs are cumulative. Therefore, the bugs that are fixed in one service pack are also fixed in later service packs.
Click the article number to view the article about that bug.
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
306905 Visual IDE does not open when started or application cannot start error message
319997 FIX: Visual Studio .NET breaks Visual SourceSafe integration behavior
323302 Inert virus found in Korean language version of Visual Studio .NET
326714 Access violation in Msenv file notification when you build from the command prompt
814483 FIX: A memory leak occurs in the VisualBasic.VsaEngine when creating multiple assemblies
816498 FIX: The Visual Studio .NET 2002 Macro IDE crashes after you apply certain ASP.NET fixes
821309 FIX: You receive the "Duplicate declaration of member 'location'" error message in Visual Studio .NET 2002
831210 FIX: Cannot create Web projects on Windows Server 2003
back to the topMicrosoft ASP.NET and Web Forms
820769 FIX: Code in the InitializeComponent function is deleted when you change the EnableViewState property value of a page
833552 FIX: The Copy Project feature in Visual Studio .NET 2002 fails when you copy to a share when the trailing virtual root path does not match the virtual root alias
836454 FIX: You cannot check for updates in Visual Studio .NET
back to the topMicrosoft Visual Basic .NET
319976 Visual Basic .NET compiler error when you use a response file that references many assemblies
319997 FIX: Visual Studio .NET breaks Visual SourceSafe integration behavior
324199 FIX: Data loss when you switch view in Web Form designer
325790 FIX: Providers fail when Visual Studio Database Designer Wizard puts brackets around the table name
326972 FIX: Dependent assemblies of referenced assemblies are copied when CopyLocal=False
332180 FIX: You receive a "can't analyze" error message when you generate objects if a field name contains Japanese double-byte symbol characters in Visual Studio .NET 2002
812808 FIX: When you examine the CanOverride property of a sub procedure, the property returns an incorrect value in Visual Studio .NET
841698 BUG: You may receive a "Microsoft Development Environment has encountered a problem and needs to close" error message when you try to exit Visual Studio .NET 2002
814753 FIX: A build solution that has a large solution may cause the build process to stop responding
820666 FIX: The Visual Basic .NET Upgrade Wizard stops responding when you try to upgrade Visual Basic 6.0 projects
823699 You receive a "Buffer overrun" error message, and ASP.NET programs stop responding when you try to browse an ASP.NET Web page
829803 FIX: Visual Studio .NET quits unexpectedly when you build a large Visual Basic .NET solution that includes many classes
back to the topMicrosoft Visual C++ .NET
306083 FIX: Visual C++ compiler optimizer may remove loops
316429 FIX: Visual C++ .NET may fail when it loads a .dsp file
318139 Incorrect global value initialization if you use precompiled header
319660 COleVariant constructor does not correctly initialize its members
319945 Visual Studio .NET IDE hangs or disappears when you view C/C++ project
321274 Visual C++ 6.0 to Visual C++ .NET conversion problems
322194 FIX: Visual C++ Designer does not call IPerpropertyBrowsing::GetPredefinedStrings to update Properties window
322621 CArchiveException when you deserialize classes in an MFC application
322909 FIX: DLL that uses ATL CImage class may cause a deadlock in a process
323465 "Fatal error C1001" error message in Msc1.cpp line 2844 when you use explicit specialization
323494 Access violation when you type mnemonic on property page with ActiveX control
323918 C2385 error message when you use C++ compiler
324011 E_FAIL when you try to use CSoapWininetClient or CSoapMSXMLInetClient to call Web services
324153 Error PRJ0016 when you build a Visual C++ .NET project
324487 "Directory does not have write permissions" error message when you add files to the remote root
325014 Visual Studio .NET MFC applications may not run on Windows NT 4.0
325047 FIX: Resources are not released after you delete an ActiveX control from a Visual C++ .NET MFC form in Visual Studio .NET 2002
325773 Project configurations are copied incorrectly with VCConfiguration.CopyTo method
325809 FIX: The code in a FOR loop under a destructor does not run correctly in a Visual C++ .NET application that was created in Visual Studio .NET 2002
326459 COleDateTime comparison asserts or returns incorrect value
326813 Unexpected LNK2020 unresolved token error during build
328951 FIX: MFC automation method truncates 64-bit return types
329066 FIX: IsKindOf fails when you compare CDaoException classes
329076 FIX: Changes in the Properties window of an ActiveX control are not persisted
329193 FIX: /Og causes code to be created that throws an exception error
329593 FIX: "Fatal error LNK1105" error message when you incrementally link large projects
330208 FIX: Applications that are statically linked to MFC do not run on Windows NT 4.0 SP5 and earlier
330422 FIX: Cannot unregister an unregistered attributed ATL component
331014 FIX: The Standard C++ Library function wcsxfrm returns an incorrect value if you develop the application in Visual Studio .NET 2002
331992 FIX: Manual edit of Resource.h file causes redefinition errors on Help IDs
810141 FIX: Document does not appear correctly in Print Preview view
810448 FIX: CString functions Right, Left, and Mid may cause access violation
810449 FIX: TCHAR size is not handled correctly in MFC Dbcore.cpp
811515 FIX: Visual C++ .NET menu editor changes IDs to numeric values
811659 FIX: Events do not appear in the Properties window of Visual Studio .NET 2002
813488 FIX: The bool type does not marshal correctly from unmanaged code to managed code
813647 FIX: COleDateTime::SetDate no longer returns an "Invalid" status on an incorrect date in Visual C++ .NET
813957 FIX: Visual C++ class destructors are not called in reverse order of construction
814034 FIX: Nmake /k returns success in a failure condition when you have targets in multiple description blocks in Visual Studio .NET 2002
816046 FIX: Debugger stops responding or quits unexpectedly when you step into functions
817286 When you rebuild a project that contains libraries that depend on other libraries, you experience performance problems in Visual Studio .NET 2002
822677 FIX: Turning on optimization generates incorrect code
826326 FIX: LNK1000 error message when you use the incremental linking feature of Link.exe
830647 FIX: The UP ARROW key does not work correctly when you use an ActiveX control together with grouped radio buttons in an MFC form view
834740 FIX: You may receive an access violation error message when you use ios-derived types
back to the topMicrosoft Visual C# .NET
321435 FIX: Access violation at end of compile when using devenv /build to build a C# project
326098 FIX: Windows Forms application does not start when you debug
331684 FIX: Debugger performance problem using unresolved break points
810851 FIX: Incorrect members of a class appear in the IntelliSense window in Visual Studio .NET 2002
812471 FIX: The IDE stops responding when you type comment delimiters in C# code in Visual Studio .NET 2002
816065 FIX: IntelliSense may not list members with complex signatures
824415 FIX: Active script host crashes in Pdm.dll when multiple threads execute the same scripts
824650 FIX: Active script host quits unexpectedly in Pdm.dll
834907 FIX: The Visual Studio .NET 2002 IDE crashes when a double array property of a user control is set to a very small value or to a very large value
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