This article describes the Microsoft Office 2003 issue that
is fixed in the Office 2003 hotfix package that is dated March 22, 2004.
back to the topIssues that are fixed in the hotfix package
The following Office 2003 issue is fixed in this hotfix package,
but was not previously documented in a Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
- When you use the Office Assistant in the Croatian version
of an Office 2003 program, Slovenian language text may be mixed with Croatian
language text in the Office Assistant.
back to the
Service pack information
This problem was first corrected in Office 2003 Service Pack 1.To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Microsoft Office 2003. For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
870924 How to obtain the latest service pack for Office 2003
back to the topHotfix download information
Administrative update
following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download
the Croatian package now. For additional information about how
to download Microsoft Support files, click the following article number to view
the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services
Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most
current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file
was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help to
prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.
If you installed any one of the products that
are listed in the "Applies To" section from a server location, the server
administrator must update the server location with the administrative public
update, and then deploy that update to your computer.
If you are the
server administrator, follow these steps:
- In Microsoft Windows Explorer, create a folder on drive C,
and then name the folder Kb837015.
- Click the Download the Office2003-kb837015-hrv.exe
package now link that is mentioned earlier.
- Click Save to save the package to the
Kb837015 folder.
- In the Kb837015 folder, double-click the
173119_HRV_i386_zip.exe file.
- Click Continue when you receive the
following message:Welcome to the Microsoft Hotfix
Self-Extractor. This program will unzip some files onto your
- When you receive the prompt to type the path where you want
to unzip the files, type C:\Kb837015, and then click
- Click OK when you receive the message that
all the files were successfully unzipped.
- In the Kb837015 folder, double-click the
Office2003-kb837015-hrv.exe file.
- Click Yes to accept the license
- When you receive the prompt to type the location where you
want to put the extracted files, click Browse.
- In the Browse for Folder dialog box, click
the Kb837015 folder, and then click
- Click OK to extract the files.
- In the Kb837015 folder, double-click the
Answizintl-readme.txt file.
Follow the steps in the
Answizintl-readme.txt file to install and deploy the hotfix.
back to the topPrerequisites
There are no prerequisites for this hotfix.
back to the topRestart information
You do not have to restart your computer after you apply this
back to the topHotfix replacement information
This hotfix is not replaced by any later
back to the topRegistry information
You do not have to create or modify any registry keys to activate
the hotfix that is contained in this package.
back to the topHotfix file information
This hotfix contains only those files that you must have to
correct the issues that this article lists. This hotfix may not contain all the
files that you must have to fully update a product to the latest
The Croatian version of this hotfix has the file
attributes (or later) that are listed in the following table. The dates and
times for these files are listed in coordinated universal time (UTC). When you
view the file information, it is converted to local time. To find the
difference between UTC and local time, use the
Time Zone tab
in the Date and Time tool in Control Panel.
Download information:
Date Time Version Size File name
22-Mar-2004 22:14 11.0.6204.0 1,250,024 Office2003-kb837015-hrv.exe
Microsoft Windows Installer MSP file information:
Date Time Size File name
22-Mar-2004 20:11 1,211,904 Answizintl-fullfile-hrv.msp (Full-file/Administrative)
22-Mar-2004 20:10 56,320 Answizintl-binary-hrv.msp (Optimized)
After you install the hotfix , the Croatian version of this
fix has the file attributes (or later) that are listed in the following table:
Date Time Size File name
16-Feb-2004 15:21 67,653
16-Feb-2004 15:22 803,577
16-Feb-2004 15:22 739,149
16-Feb-2004 15:24 1,079,030
16-Feb-2004 15:23 1,091,835
back to the topAdditional notes
- For more information about how to install this hotfix, see
the Readme.txt file that the package contains.
- For more information about the differences between the two
MSP files, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
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