The beta products that are included with TechNet Plus are intended to be used for evaluation purposes only. No product support is available from Microsoft for these beta products. Microsoft recommends that you try these beta products in test labs or on PCs that are not networked.
Some product groups may choose to offer feedback channels for bug reporting. If these feedback channels are available, they are described either in the Readnow.htm file on CD 1 of each volume set, or in the Readme.txt file for the product.
No-charge support options
There are no-charge support resources that may help you to find a solution to your problem.
TechNet Service Desk Online
For documented issues or for frequently asked "How do I..." technical questions, first try the Support Online database. Known issues and technical information about current beta releases are also frequently documented in the Support Online database. For specific technical problems, search Support Online from the TechNet Service Desk. To search Support Online:
- Visit the following TechNet Web site:
- Click Technical Information.
- Click Technical Support.
TechNet provides access to IT Professional-focused public newsgroups that focus on Microsoft products and solutions by using a Web-based newsgroup client. You can post your questions in one of these peer-to-peer newsgroups, or you can participate in one of the many support newsgroups. To view or participate in one of these newsgroups, visit the following Microsoft Web site: