Description of Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3 (832671)

The information in this article applies to:

  • Microsoft Office XP Web Components
  • Microsoft Access 2002
  • Microsoft Excel 2002
  • Microsoft FrontPage 2002
  • Microsoft Outlook 2002
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2002
  • Microsoft Publisher 2002
  • Microsoft Word 2002
  • Microsoft Office XP Professional
  • Microsoft Office XP Small Business
  • Microsoft Office XP Standard
  • Microsoft Office XP Students and Teachers
  • Microsoft Office XP Developer


Microsoft has released an update to Microsoft Office XP. This update provides security enhancements in addition to stability and performance improvements. Some of the fixes that are included with Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) have been previously released as separate updates. This service pack combines them in one update. Office XP SP3 can be installed on any level of Microsoft Office XP and does not require any earlier service packs to be installed.


This article describes how to download and install Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3). Additionally, this article describes what issues are fixed by Office XP SP3.

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How to download and install the update

Important Before you install this update, make sure that the following requirement has been met:
  • Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0

    Before you install this update, you must install Windows Installer 2.0 or later. For additional information about this requirement, see the "Windows Installer Update Requirements" section of this article.

Client update

If you installed Office XP from a CD-ROM, you have the following two options:
  • Use the Microsoft Office Product Updates Web site to automatically install all the latest updates that include all available service packs and public updates.
  • Install only Office XP SP3 by following the steps that are described later in this article.
Note Microsoft recommends that you install the client update by using the Office Product Updates Web site. The Office Product Updates Web site detects your particular installation of Microsoft Office and prompts you to install exactly what you must have to make sure that your Office installation is completely up-to-date.

Office Product Updates Web site

To have the Office Product Updates Web site detect the required updates that you must install on your computer, visit the following Microsoft Web site: After detection is complete, you receive a list of recommended updates for your approval. Click Start Installation to complete the process.

Install only Office XP SP3

Follow these steps to download and install the client update:
  1. Visit the following Microsoft Web site:
  2. Select your language, and then click Go.
  3. Download one of the two .exe files by using the links at the bottom of the page, and then save the file to your hard disk drive.
    • OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-client-enu.exe: You should download this file if you have access to your installation source. This may be the original product CD-ROM, local installation source, or network installation source. You will need access to the installation source during patch installation if you have previously updated your product.
    • OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-fullfile-enu.exe: Download this file if you do not have access to your installation source or if you have experienced problems installing the OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-client-enu.exe file.
  4. In Microsoft Windows Explorer, double-click the .exe file that you saved to your hard drive.
  5. Click Open to start the download and the installation of Office XP SP3.
  6. If you are prompted to install the update, click Yes.
  7. Click Yes to accept the License Agreement.
  8. Insert your Microsoft Office XP CD-ROM if you are prompted to do so, and then click OK.
  9. When you receive a message that indicates the installation was successful, click OK.
Note After you install the update, you cannot remove it. To revert to an installation before the update was installed, you must remove Office XP, and then install it again from the original CD-ROM.

Administrative update

If you installed your Office XP product from a server location, the server administrator must update the server location with the administrative update and deploy that update to your computer.

If you are the server administrator, follow these steps to download the administrative update:
  1. In Windows Explorer, create a new folder on drive C, and then name the folder kb832671.
  2. The following file is available for download from the Microsoft Download Center:

    DownloadDownload the Office XP Service Pack 3 package now.

    Release Date: March 9, 2004

    For more information about how to download Microsoft support files, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

    119591 How to obtain Microsoft support files from online services

    Microsoft scanned this file for viruses. Microsoft used the most current virus-detection software that was available on the date that the file was posted. The file is stored on security-enhanced servers that help prevent any unauthorized changes to the file.

    Note To obtain a localized version of the Office XP SP3, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
  3. Click Save to save the OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-fullfile-enu.exe file to the kb832671 folder.
  4. Click Start, and then click Run.
  5. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK
  6. At the command prompt, type the following lines, and then press ENTER after each line:


    OfficeXpSp3-kb832671-fullfile-enu.exe /c /t:c:\kb832671
  7. Click Yes to accept the License Agreement.
  8. If you are familiar with the procedure for updating your administrative installation, click Start, and then click Run. Type the following command in the Open box

    msiexec /a AdminPath\MSI File /p C:\kb832671\MSP File SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE

    where Admin Path is the path of your administrative installation point for Office XP (for example, C:\OfficeXP), MSI File is the .msi database package for Office XP (for example, ProPlus.msi), and MSP File is the name of the administrative update.

    Note You can append /qb+ to the command line so that the Office XP Administrative Installation dialog box and the End User License Agreement dialog box do not appear.
  9. On the client workstation that you want to update to Office XP SP3, click Start, and then click Run. Type the following command in the Open box

    msiexec /i AdminPath\MSI FileREINSTALL=Feature List REINSTALLMODE=vomu

    where Admin Path is the path of your administrative installation point for Office XP (for example, C:\OfficeXP), MSI File is the MSI database package for Office XP (for example, ProPlus.msi), and FeatureList is the list of feature names (case sensitive) that have to be reinstalled for the update. To install all features, you can use REINSTALL=ALL.
For more information about how to update your administrative installation and deploy to client workstations, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

301348 How to install a public update to administrative installations of Office XP

This article contains standard instructions for installing an administrative public update. You can also see the following article in the Microsoft Office Resource Kit:

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Known issues when you install Office XP SP3

You receive an error message when you try to install Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) from the Office Update Web site

When you try to install Microsoft Office XP SP3 from the Office Update Web site, you may receive the following error message:
Installation unsuccessful
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

839191 "Installation unsuccessful" error message when you try to install Office XP Service Pack 3 from the Office Update Web site

You receive an error message when you install Office XP SP3 on a computer that has Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) or Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed and patched from an administration installation point (AIP)

If the Office XP SP3 client update is installed on a computer that has Office XP SP1 or Office XP SP2 already installed and patched from an AIP, you receive an error message.

For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

837826 "The expected version of the product was not found on your system" error message when you install Office XP Service Pack 3

Microsoft Access 2002 indexes change when upsized to SQL after you install Office XP SP3

After you upgrade to Office XP SP3, descending indexes in Access 2002 that have been upsized to SQL Server are still upsized as ascending indexes if the Access Wizard files do not upgrade correctly.

For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

328019 Descending indexes in Access 2002 become ascending indexes when upsizing to SQL even after you install Office XP SP-2 or Office XP SP-3

You receive an error message when you install Office XP SP3 on Windows Server 2003 with FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions

During the installation of the client or of the full-file Office XP SP3 update , you may receive an error message if IIS and FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) are installed on Windows 2003 Server.

For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

837827 You receive a "Setup cannot update the file" error message when you install Office XP Service Pack 3

Wide Area Information Service (WAIS) is removed from the Web Server

When you install Office XP SP3 WAIS is removed from the Web Server. All search features need to use Index Server.

For more information about implementing Index Server search on FrontPage and SharePoint Web sites, visit the following Microsoft Web site.back to the top

Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Multilingual User Interface Pack

For complete Microsoft Office XP functionality, install the Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Multilingual User Interface Pack if you use the Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI). To install the Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Multilingual User Interface Pack, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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How to determine whether the update is installed

The update contains updated versions of the following files:
   File name      Version
   Excel.exe      10.0.6501.0
   Frontpg.exe    10.0.6308.0
   Msaccess.exe   10.0.6501.0
   Mspub.exe      10.0.6308.0
   Outlook.exe    10.0.6626.0
   Powerpnt.exe   10.0.6501.0
   Winword.exe    10.0.6612.0
To determine the version of your Microsoft Office program that is installed on your computer, follow these steps.

Note Because there are several versions of Microsoft Windows, the following steps may be different on your computer. If they are, see your product documentation to complete these steps.
  1. Click Start, and then click Search.
  2. In the Search Results pane, click All files and folders under Search Companion.
  3. In the All or part of the file name box, type the file name of the program executable that is listed above (for example, type Excel.exe), and then click Search.
  4. In the list of files, right-click the program executable file that was found, and then click Properties.
  5. On the Version tab, determine the version of your Office program that is installed on your computer.
For more information about how to determine the version of Office XP on your computer, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

291331 How to check the version of Office XP

Additionally, the following files are also installed when you install Office XP SP3:
   Accwiz.dll       Msaexp30.dll
   Acwizrc.dll      Msain.dll
   Acwzlib.mde      Mscal.ocx
   Acwzmain.mde     Mscdm.dll
   Acwztool.mde     Mscomctl.ocx
   Admin.dll        Msconv97.dll
   Analys32.xll     Msdmeng.dll
   Animate.js       Msdmine.dll
   Author.dll       Msdmine.rll
   Bidi32.dll       Msimport.exe
   Bjablr32.dll     Msmapi32.dll
   Blnmgr.dll       Msmdcb80.dll
   Blnmgrps.dll     Msmdgd80.dll
   Cdo.dll          Msmdun80.dll
   Cdo.dll          Mso.dll
   Cdrimp32.flt     Msoeuro.dll
   Cfgwiz.exe       Msohelp.exe
   Cgmimp32.flt     Msointl.dll
   Contab32.dll     Msolap80.dll
   Default.htm      Msolap80.rll
   Delete.htx       Msolui80.dll
   Dlgsetp.dll      Msonsext.dll
   Dumpster.dll     Msorun.dll
   Emablt32.dll     Msppt.olb
   Emsabp32.dll     Mspst32.dll
   Emsmdb32.dll     Mspub.exe
   Emsui32.dll      Msqry32.exe
   Envelope.dll     Mstordb.exe
   Epsimp32.flt     Mstore.exe
   Eurotool.xla     Mstores.dll
   Exchcsp.dll      Mswrd832.cnv
   Exsec32.dll      Ocp.dll
   Fdate.dll        Ocpintl.dll
   Fm20.dll         Olappt.fae
   Fm20enu.dll      Olapuir.rll
   Fname.dll        Olkfstub.dll
   Fp5amsft.dll     Outex.dll
   Fp5areg.dll      Outlcm.dll
   Fp5autl.dll      Outlcmr.dll
   Fp5avnb.dll      Outlctl.dll
   Fp5awec.dll      Outllib.dll
   Fp5awel.dll      Outllibr.dll
   Fpcutl.dll       Outlmime.dll
   Fpdb.dll         Outlph.dll     Outlrpc.dll
   Fpeditax.dll     Outlvbs.dll
   Fpedsat.dll      Owc10.dll
   Fperson.dll      Owci10.dll
   Fpexpsat.dll     Owsadm.exe
   Fpext.msg        Owsclt.dll
   Fpimpsat.dll     Owssupp.dll
   Fplace.dll       Pcdimp32.flt
   Fpmmc.dll        Pictim32.flt
   Fputlsat.dll     Png32.flt
   Fstock.dll       Ppintl.dll
   Gifimp32.flt     Pres0.htm
   Graph.exe        Proflwiz.exe
   Grintl32.dll     Prtf9.dll
   Html32.cnv       Pstprx32.dll
   Impmail.dll      Ptxt9.dll
   Intldate.dll     Pub6intl.dll
   Jpegim32.flt     Pubconv.dll
   Lfbmp12n.dll     Recall.dll
   Lfcmp12n.dll     Recovr32.cnv
   Lfeps12n.dll     Riched20.dll
   Lffax12n.dll     Rm.dll
   Lfgif12n.dll     Rtfhtml.dll
   Lfmsp12n.dll     Secrec.cfg
   Lfpcd12n.dll     Setlang.exe
   Lfpcx12n.dll     Setup.exe
   Lfpng12n.dll     Shtml.dll
   Lfras12n.dll     Snapview.exe
   Lftga12n.dll     Snapview.ocx
   Lftif12n.dll     Soa.dll
   Lfwmf12n.dll     Ucs20.dll
   Ltdis12n.dll     Unbind.exe
   Ltfil12n.dll     Update.htx
   Ltimg12n.dll     Vbe6.dll
   Ltkrn12n.dll     Vtidb.exe
   Lttwn12n.dll     Wavtoasf.exe
   Mcdlc.exe        Wpft532.cnv
   Mcps.dll         Wpft632.cnv
   Mofl.dll         Wpgimp32.flt
   Morph9.dll       Wwintl.dll
   Msacc.olb        Xlintl32.dll
Note If Office XP SP3 is already installed on your computer, you will receive the following error message when you try to install Office XP SP3:
This update has already been applied or is included in an update that has already been applied.

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Windows Installer update requirements

To install the update that is described in this article requires Windows Installer 2.0 or later. Both Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3) include Windows Installer 2.0 or later. To install the latest version of the Windows Installer, visit one of the following Microsoft Web sites.

Windows Installer for Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, and Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me): Windows Installer for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 (pre-SP3):

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List of issues that are fixed by the update

The Office XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) includes the earlier released updates for office XP:

329750 Overview of Excel 2002 SP-2 update: October 16, 2002

814169 Lines with arrows print without the arrows in some Office XP programs

813682 Description of the Office XP Italian Proofing Tools Update: March 5, 2003

307843 Description of the Office XP Service Pack 1 (SP-1)

325671 Description of the Office XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)

331866 Description of the Outlook 2002 update: December 4, 2002

812262 Overview of the Outlook 2002 update: January 22, 2003

329748 Description of the Word 2002 Service Pack 2 update: October 16, 2002

828040 Description of the Outlook 2002 Security Patch: March 9, 2004

Office XP SP3 can be installed successfully, even if one or more of the publicly available updates listed earlier in this article is already installed on your computer.

Office XP SP3 also includes stability improvements that were developed as a result of the Microsoft Error Reports submitted by Office XP users. For more information, visit the following Microsoft Web site:The Office XP SP3 fixes the issues that are described in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

Microsoft Access

836030 Issues that are fixed in Access 2002 by Office XP Service Pack 3

Microsoft Excel

836031 Issues that are fixed in Excel 2002 by Office XP Service Pack 3

Microsoft FrontPage

836032 Issues that are fixed in FrontPage 2002 by Office XP Service Pack 3

Microsoft Outlook

836033 Issues that are fixed in Outlook 2002 by Office XP Service Pack 3

Microsoft Office

814169 Lines with arrows print without the arrows in some Office XP programs

821469 OL2002: Cannot open URL in a received e-mail message

822768 OFFXP: Custom MouseIcon property for FM20 control can leak GDI handles

823423 OFFXP: Documents containing Shockwave Flash objects quit unexpectedly when opening and closing them programmatically

823975 Office XP post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: August 10, 2003

827144 Office XP post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: August 29, 2003

827672 How to redirect Clip Organizer file paths in Clip Organizer 2002

829341 Clip Organizer 2002 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: October 24, 2003

827973 Office XP post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: September 12, 2003

827985 Office XP post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: October 3, 2003

830006 Office XP Spanish post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: November 3, 2003

Microsoft PowerPoint

822848 PPT2002: Cannot change order for slides in a custom show

823971 PowerPoint post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: August 10, 2003

827974 PowerPoint 2002 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: September 12, 2003

300252 PPT2002: Cannot print password-protected presentations you open as read-only

328112 ODMA Properties dialog box is not displayed in PowerPoint 2002

329915 Slides with ActiveX controls cause PowerPoint to remain in memory

330201 The time marker for PowerPoint 2002 slides does not appear when you view an online broadcast of a PowerPoint 2002 presentation

331113 PPT2002: Chart color changes unexpectedly after you apply a design template

332046 Fonts on animated charts appear faint after you regroup the fonts

813207 PPT2002: You are prompted to resave your presentation when you resume your computer

813539 PPT2002: PowerPoint add-ins are unloaded when you close a presentation

817002 PPT2002: Slide transition in embedded presentation is slow

818663 PPT2002: Alignment and indentations in text change when you paste Text box

821163 PPT2002: Tables appear distorted or Tables appear vertically stretched when you print embedded Word objects

821272 OFFXP: Preventing Office XP from creating new Org charts in Office XP format

Microsoft Publisher

325499 PUB2002: Publisher stops responding when you use the default Novell printer

Microsoft Word

836036 Issues that are fixed in Word 2002 by Office XP Service Pack 3

Office XP SP3 fixes the following issues that were previously not documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.

Microsoft PowerPoint

You cannot open a PowerPoint presentation after you convert English text to a different language

If you create and save a PowerPoint presentation in the English language, translate the text to another language, such as Chinese (Simplified), and then save and close the PowerPoint presentation, you receive an error message that PowerPoint cannot read the file, and the file does not open.

You can change text that is formatted with print or preview-only embedded fonts

When you open a PowerPoint presentation that contains print or preview-only embedded fonts, you can make changes to the text that uses these fonts.

You receive an error message when you programmatically save a presentation in a document management program (ODMA)

When you try to programmatically save a PowerPoint presentation in ODMA program, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following:
-2147467259: Presentation (unknown member) : The path or file name for ::ODMA\ODMASAMP\filename.ppt is invalid. Please check that the path and file name are correct.

You are prompted two times to save your presentation when you use the PresentationClose event to programmatically save a presentation

When you use the PresentationClose event to programmatically save a presentation, you may be prompted two times to save the presentation if you click the Close button (the X in the upper-right corner of the program window) to quit PowerPoint while a presentation is still open.

File name extensions are missing when you send your PowerPoint presentation as an e-mail attachment

When you send your PowerPoint presentation as an attachment in an e-mail message, the .ppt extension may be missing from the file name extension of your attached presentation.

Note This problem occurs if you open the presentation from an Open Document Management API (ODMA) program. In this scenario, PowerPoint does not add .ppt to the file name of the attachment when it retrieves the file name from the ODMA interface.

F12 does not open the Save As dialog box when a PowerPoint presentation is opened in a Web browser

If you open a PowerPoint presentation in your Web browser, the Save As dialog box does not open when you press F12.

Note This problem may occur if you open a PowerPoint presentation in your Web browser either by clicking a hyperlink or by directly opening the presentation. PowerPoint cannot register the F12 shortcut command when you open a PowerPoint presentation in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Microsoft Publisher

The calendar week does not start on Sunday in the French (Canada) version of Microsoft Publisher 2002

When you create a calendar in the French (Canada) version of Publisher 2002, the calendar week does not start on Sunday.

Publisher stops responding when you start or task switch to another program

On Microsoft Windows XP, if you start or you task switch to another program while a progress bar is displayed in Publisher 2002 (for example, a progress bar appears when you open a file), Publisher 2002 may appear to stop responding (hang).

The Chinese (Simplified) text formatting is lost when you open a Microsoft Word document

When you open a Word document that contains Chinese (Simplified) text, the font and the font formatting may be lost from the Chinese (Simplified) text.

The Page setup program does not retain the paper source

When you select the paper source (on the Printer and Paper tab) for your printer in Page Setup (on the File menu) of Publisher 2002, the paper source may revert to an earlier selection.

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Modification Type:MinorLast Reviewed:7/25/2006
Keywords:ATdownload kbinfo kbUpdate KB832671 kbAudEndUser kbAudITPRO