Session Summary
Tuesday, December 2, 2003This Microsoft Support WebCast will discuss Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003 Outlook Web Access features, common issues, and basic
troubleshooting steps.
This is a
200 session that will be presented by Adnan Vorajee and Nagesh
Adnan Vorajee joined Microsoft in June 2001 and has
supported various components in both Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000. He
currently holds MCSE, MCSA, and MCDBA certifications. He has worked in the
Exchange Administration team and currently is with the Exchange Client
Connectivity and Collaboration team.
Nagesh Mahadev joined Microsoft
as a Support Professional on the Exchange Client Connectivity &
Collaboration team in June 2001. Nagesh has a Master of Science degree in
Information Systems from Arizona State University.
Viewing the Presentation
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this Support Webcast (Length: 1 hour 56 minutes)
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Additional Resources
presentation - This is a Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) file.
you do not have PowerPoint and you want a copy of the slides, use the
Viewer (2,752 KB).
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