"Inside Microsoft Basic" is a monthly magazine published by The Cobb
Group, Inc.
The following article titles are reprinted with permission from the
Cobb Group's "Inside Microsoft Basic" (c) February and March 1992
issues. For more information, contact the Cobb Group at the following
address and phone number:
The Cobb Group, Inc.
9420 Bunsen Parkway
Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40220
(800) 223-8720
February 1992 Issue Contents
"Maintaining ordered data with linked lists"
"Generating more attractive source listings with metacommands"
"Watch for files from appended directories"
"Source code listings"
March 1992 Issue Contents
"Adding 3D box-style buttons to the UI toolkit"
[refers to the User Interface Toolbox provided with Basic PDS
7.0 and 7.1]
"Determining the day of the week"
"Implementing variable tab stops"
"Source code listings"