How to create an HTML Help system by using either the HTMLHelp API or the HTML Help in Access (828419)
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Office Access 2003
- Microsoft HTML Help 1.3
article applies to a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) and a Microsoft Access
project (.adp). Advanced: Requires expert coding,
interoperability, and multiuser skills.
IN THIS TASKSUMMARY Microsoft HTML Help Workshop is a Help authoring tool with
an easy-to-use graphical interface. You can use HTML Help Workshop to create
the following kinds of files:
- Help project files
- Topic files
- Content files
- Index files
You can put these files together to create an online Help
system. HTML Help Workshop version 1.3 is included with the Microsoft
Office 2003 Resource Kit. HTML Help Workshop version 1.3 can be used to create
a Help system that provides customized information and
assistance. This article describes how to create a simple Help system
in HTML Help Workshop and then how to use the Help file in a Microsoft Office
Access 2003 form by using the HTMLHelp API. back to the top Create the Help System
by Using HTML Help WorkshopYou can create two kinds of Help topics by using HTML Help
- Window-Level Help In the window-level Help, the Help topic appears in a window when
you trigger the Help topic. The source of the window-level Help topic is an
HTML file.
- Context-Sensitive Help In the context-sensitive Help, the Help topic appears in a pop-up
window when you trigger the Help topic. The source of the context-sensitive
Help topic is a text file that contains the content that must appear in the
pop-up window for each Help topic.
Help topics are created individually, and then the topics are
included in an HTML Help Workshop project. This project is then compiled to
create an HTML Help System (*.chm file). back to the topCreate Help TopicsYou can create a window-level Help topic by creating at least one
HTML file for the Help topic. Use Notepad or an HTML editor to create the HTML
files. HTML Help Workshop also permits you to create an HTML file. To create an
HTML file for the Help topics by using HTML Help Workshop, follow these steps:
- Click Start, point to All
Programs, and then click HTML Help Workshop.
- On the File menu, click
- In the New dialog box, click
Project, and then click OK.
- In the New Project dialog box, click
- In the New Project -- Destination dialog
box, click Browse.
- In the Open dialog box, click
C: in the Look in list.
- Create a new folder that is named
- In the Open dialog box, select
TestHelpProject, and then click Open.
- In the File name box, type
MyProject, and then click
- In the New Project -- Destination dialog
box, click Next.
- In the New Project -- Existing Files
dialog box, click Next.
- In the New Project -- Finish dialog box,
click Finish.
- On the File menu, click
- In the New dialog box, click HTML
File, and then click OK.
- In the HTML Title dialog box, type
Text Box Help, and then click OK.
- Between <BODY> and
</BODY>, type This Is the Help Topic for the
Text Box, and then click OK.
- On the File menu, click Save
- In the Save As dialog box, double-click
C:\TestHelpProject. In the File Name box,
type Sample1.htm, and then click
The Sample1.htm Help file is saved in the
C:\TestHelpProject folder. - On the File menu, click
- In the New dialog box, click HTML
File, and then click OK.
- In the HTML Title dialog box, type
Button Help, and then click OK.
- Between <BODY> and
</BODY>, type This Is the Help Topic for the
Button Control, and then click OK.
- On the File menu, click Save
- In the Save As dialog box, double-click
C:\TestHelpProject. In the File Name box,
type Sample2.htm, and then click
- In HTML Help Workshop, click Add/Remove topic files.
Note Add/Remove topic files is the second button down on the Project tab.
- In the Topic Files dialog box, click
Add, and then locate and add the Sample1.htm file and the
Sample2.htm file.
back to the topCreate
Context-Sensitive Help for Each Help TopicThe context-sensitive Help for all the supported Help topics must
be listed in a text file. You can create the text file by using Notepad, and
then you can include the text file in the current project in HTML Help
Workshop. To create the context-sensitive Help file for the Help
topics, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click
- In the Open box, type
notepad, and then click OK.
- Copy the following text, and then paste the text in
.topic 1
This is a text pop-up window for Text Box Control Help.
.topic 2
This is a text pop-up window for Button Control Help.
Note Each of the Help topic references must start with .topic. The .topic must be followed by a space and then by a number or by a numeric
constant. This number must represent the Context ID for the Help topic. The
content of the pop-up window for the Help topic is on the next line. - On the File menu, click
- In the Save As dialog box, double-click
C:\TestHelpProject, type Popuptext.txt
in the File Name dialog box, and then click
- Close Notepad.
back to the
topAssociate Help Context
IDs with Topic IdentifiersYou can assign the Context ID numbers to the specific topics in a
Map file. The Map file is actually a C header file that is used by the Help
compiler when the Help compiler compresses all the *.htm files into one *.chm
file. The Map file is a plain-text file that contains the #define statement for each topic in your Help system. For
example, you can use the following code: #define FirstTopic 1 In the Map file, each statement must include a topic identifier that is
followed by the Context ID. The applications that use the Help system can refer
to a topic by using the Context ID that is defined in the Map file. Therefore,
Map files help you to associate Help Context IDs to each Help topic. Note The Map file is a text file with an .h extension. To
create a Map file for the Help topics, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click
- In the Open box, type
notepad, and then click OK.
- Copy the following text, and then paste the text in
#define TEXTBOXHELP 1 #define BUTTONHELP 2 - On the File menu, click
- In the Save As dialog box, double-click
C:\TestHelpProject, and then select All Files
from the Save as type list.
- In the File Name box, type
Map.h, and then click Save.
back to the topAssociate Help Topics
with Topic IdentifiersThe Help topics (.html files) must be associated to the topic
identifiers that are defined in the Map file. You can do this if you define
aliases for the Help topics. An alias is the relationship between a
window-level Help topic (.html file) and a topic identifier in a Map file.
Therefore, you must create the window-level Help topics before you create the
aliases. To create aliases for window-level topics to function
correctly, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click
- In the Open box, type
notepad, and then click OK.
- In Notepad, type the following lines:
- On the File menu, click
- In the Save As dialog box, double-click
C:\TestHelpProject, and then select All Files
from the Save as type list.
- In the File Name box, type
Alias.h, and then click Save.
back to the
topCompile the Help System
to Create a Single Compressed HTML FileAfter all the Help topics (.html files), the text file, the map
file, and the alias file are created individually, you must now integrate all
the files in the current HTML Help Workshop project. Then you must compile the
project. As a result, you now have a single compressed HTML Help file with a
.chm extension that is created in the current directory. To integrate
all the Help files and then to compile the HTML Help Workshop project, follow
these steps:
- Click Start, point to All
Programs, and then click HTML Help Workshop.
- On the File menu, click
- In the Open dialog box, click
- In HTML Help Workshop, click HTMLHelp API
Information on the Project tab.
Note This is the fourth button down on the left side of the
Project tab. - On the Map tab, click Header
- In the File to Include box, type
C:\TestHelpProject\Map.h, and then click
Notice that #include Map.h
appears in the list. - On the Alias tab, click
- In the File to Include box, type
C:\TestHelpProject\Alias.h, and then click
Notice that #include Alias.h
appears in the list. - On the Text-Popups tab, click Text
- In the File to Include box, type
C:\TestHelpProject\Popuptext.txt, and then click
- Click OK.
- On the File menu, click
The MyProject.hhp Help file compiles to
create the MyProject.chm file. back to the
topValidate the Help
SystemTo validate that the Help system has been successfully created,
follow these steps:
- Start Microsoft Windows Explorer.
- Move to the MyProject.chm file in Windows
- Double-click the MyProject.chm file to
open the file.
Notice that when the HTMLHelp window opens, one of the
topic pages appears. back to the
topIntegrate the Help System
in Access 2003You can use the Help system that you created in a previous section
of this article in Access 2003. In this example, the Help system is tested
through a form that is created in the Access 2003 database. back to the topCreate an Access Form
to Test the Help System (.chm File)Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming language that is being demonstrated and with the tools that are used to create and to debug procedures. Microsoft support engineers can help explain the functionality of a particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific requirements. - Start Access 2003.
- Create a new database that is named
TestHelp.mdb in the C:\TestHelpProject
- Open the TestHelp database.
- In the TestHelp database, add a form with the following
Form: Test ------------------------------
Caption: TestForm HelpFile: MyProject.chm HelpContextId: 1
TextBox ------------------------------ Name: Control1
HelpContextId: 1
Button ---------------------------------
Name: Control2 HelpContextId: 2 - On the View menu, click
- Declare the following constants and the following functions
in the "Declarations" section.
Option Compare Database
Const HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC As Long = &H0
Const HH_SET_WIN_TYPE As Long = &H4
Const HH_GET_WIN_TYPE As Long = &H5
Const HH_GET_WIN_HANDLE As Long = &H6
Const HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP As Long = &H11
Const g_sHTMLHelpFile As String = "MyProject.chm::/Popuptext.txt"
Private Declare Function HtmlHelp Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" (ByVal hwndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, ByVal uCommand As Long, ByVal dwData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function HtmlHelpByRefArg Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" (ByVal hwndCaller As Long, ByVal pszFile As String, ByVal uCommand As Long, ByRef dwData As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDlgCtrlID Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Type HH_IDPAIR
dwControlId As Long
dwTopicId As Long
End Type
'This array must contain the number of controls that have
'context-sensitive Help, plus one more for a zero-terminating
Private ids(3) As HH_IDPAIR
- Invoke the HTMLHelp API to display the context-sensitive
Help. To do this, type or paste the following code in the code
Note The following code maps the F2 key to the context-sensitive Help
for the active control.
Private Sub Control1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF2 Then
iRetCode = HtmlHelpByRefArg(Me.hWnd, _
g_sHTMLHelpFile, HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP, ids(0))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Control2_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = vbKeyF2 Then
iRetCode = HtmlHelpByRefArg(Me.hWnd, _
g_sHTMLHelpFile, HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP, ids(1))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
ids(0).dwControlId = GetDlgCtrlID(Me.hWnd)
ids(0).dwTopicId = Me.Control1.HelpContextId
ids(1).dwControlId = GetDlgCtrlID(Me.hWnd)
ids(1).dwTopicId = Me.Control2.HelpContextId
ids(2).dwControlId = 0
ids(2).dwTopicId = 0
End Sub - Save the form with the name
FormTest, and then close the form.
back to the
topTest the Help System
(.chm File)Use the form in an Access 2003 database to test both the
window-level Help and the context-sensitive Help. Test the Window-Level Help- Start Access 2003.
- Open the TestHelp.mdb database.
- Open the FormTest form in form view.
- Move the focus to the Control1 text box on the form, and then press F1.
Notice that the
window-level Help topic for the Text Box control appears. - Move the focus to the Control2 button on the form, and then press F1.
Notice that the
window-level Help topic for the Button control appears. Test the Context-Sensitive Help- Start Access 2003.
- Open the TestHelp.mdb database.
- Open the FormTest form in form view.
- Select Control1, and then press F2.
Notice that the context-sensitive Help for the Text Box control appears. - Select Control2, and then press F2.
Notice that the context-sensitive Help for the Button control appears. back to the
For additional information, click the following article number to view the
article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 192118
HOWTO: Use HTML Help Text Popup Windows in a VBasic Program
back to the
Modification Type: | Major | Last Reviewed: | 6/30/2005 |
Keywords: | kbProgramming kbhelpfile kbhelp kbHOWTOmaster KB828419 kbAudDeveloper |
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