This release manifest applies to the Internet release of
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8, referred to as MDAC 2.8
For information about installing, uninstalling,
upgrading, and downgrading MDAC releases see the following MDAC Q&A Web
For information about downloading MDAC releases, see the following
MSDN Web site:
Release version number
MDAC 2.8 (2.80.1022.3), August 2003
Release function
This release provides the same version of MDAC that was released
with Microsoft Windows Server 2003.
Release ship Vehicle
Data Access Technologies
Localization information
MDAC 2.8 (2.80.1022.3) is available in the following
U.S. English
Chinese (Traditional and
Minimum supported configuration
- Microsoft Windows 98 with the Y2K Update 2 and Internet
Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later
- Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
- Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition
- Microsoft Windows NT 4 Service Pack 5 or later, and
Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 or later
- Microsoft Windows 2000
- Microsoft Windows XP
Note No installation support for this stand-alone release is offered
for the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating system because this same
version of MDAC is included with Windows Server 2003.
New features
MDAC 2.8 (2.80.1022.3) is not a new feature release.
Frequently asked questions about MDAC 2.8
Where can I find specific Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) articles for MDAC 2.8?You can search the Microsoft Knowledge Base by using the
keyword "kbmdac280".
Note Only search the Knowledge Base for specific technical
information, not for bug-related issues. For bug-related issues, there are many
articles that describe either fixed bugs or known bugs in this version of the
Where can I find more information about MDAC setup, including dependencies, supported operating systems, and rollback? For more information about these topics, see the
following MDAC 2.6 Setup FAQ Web site:
Note This article was written for MDAC 2.6, but the information also
applies to MDAC 2.8.
My application must have Microsoft Jet, but Jet is no longer included in MDAC. Where can I find Jet? The Microsoft Jet components were removed from MDAC 2.6
and are not included with MDAC 2.8.
My application must have the Microsoft Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver, but it is no longer included in MDAC. Where can I find the Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver? The Visual FoxPro ODBC driver is included with Microsoft
Visual FoxPro, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows
Server 2003, Microsoft Office 2000, and MDAC 2.5. It is not included with MDAC
Known issues for MDAC 2.8 (2.80.1022.3)
- Windows Rollback On a computer that is running Windows 98 or Windows Millennium
Edition, if you try to roll your MDAC installation back to an earlier version,
your computer is left in a mixed state where your files are not all from the
same version of MDAC. This behavior occurs because of a problem with the setup
technology that is included with Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition.
For additional information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
MDAC rollback may fail on Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Millennium Edition
- 2.8 MDAC_TYP.exe and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 If you try to run the 2.8 MDAC_TYP.exe file on a computer that is
running Windows Server 2003, installation of the MDAC components appears to
complete successfully. However, no files are updated on your system. This
behavior occurs because by default, Windows Server 2003 includes the MDAC 2.8
Significant fixes for MDAC 2.8 (2.80.1022.3)
For additional information about the significant fixes that are included in the MDAC
2.8, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
List of significant fixes that are included in MDAC 2.8
File List for MDAC 2.8 (2.80.1022.3)
File Name | Version (x86) | Description |
12520437.cpx | | SQL Server Codepage
Translator |
12520850.cpx | | SQL Server Codepage
Translator | | | ADC/RDS JavaScript include
file | | | ADC/RDS VBScript include
file | | | ADO JavaScript include
file | | | ADO VBScript include file |
cliconfg.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | Client
Configuration Utility |
cliconfg.exe | 2000.85.1022.0 | Client
Configuration Utility |
cliconfg.rll | 2000.85.1022.0 | Client
Configuration Utility |
dbmsgnet.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | Winsock Oriented
Net Library |
dbmsrpcn.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | RPC Net
Library |
dbnetlib.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | Winsock Oriented
Net DLL |
dbnmpntw.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | Named Pipes Net
DLL for SQL Clients |
ds16gt.dll | 3.510.3711.0 | ODBC 16-bit Driver
Setup Generic Thunking |
ds32gt.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Driver Setup
Generic Thunking |
expsrv.dll | | Expression Service |
handler.reg | | Registration entries file for
setting up the default RDS Handler |
handsafe.reg | | Registration entries file for
making RDS always run with a safe handler |
instcat.sql | | SQL Server SP Catalog
updater |
msadce.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Cursor
Engine |
msadcer.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Cursor Engine
Resources |
msadcf.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | Remote Data Services
Data Factory |
msadcfr.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | Remote Data Services
Data Factory Resources |
msadco.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | Remote Data Services
Data Control |
msadcor.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | Remote Data Services
Data Control Resources |
msadcs.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | Remote Data Services
ISAPI Library |
msadds.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Data Shape
Provider |
msaddsr.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Data Shape
Provider Resources |
msader15.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO Resources |
msado15.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO |
msado20.tlb | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO 2.0 Type
Library |
msado21.tlb | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO 2.1 Type
Library |
msado25.tlb | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO 2.5 Type
Library |
msado26.tlb | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO 2.6 Type
Library |
msado27.tlb | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO 2.7 Type
Library |
msadomd.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO MD |
msador15.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO |
msadox.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO Extensions |
msadrh15.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | ADO Rowset
Helper |
mscpxl32.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Code Page
Translator |
msdadc.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Data Conversion
Stub |
msdaenum.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Root
Enumerator Stub |
msdaer.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Error
Collection Stub |
msdamg9x.dll | 2.80.1022.3 | Win98 Migration
msdaora.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Provider for
Oracle |
msdaorar.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Provider for
Oracle Resources |
msdaosp.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Simple
Provider |
msdaprsr.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Persistence
Services Resources |
msdaprst.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Persistence
Services |
msdaps.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Interface
Proxies/Stubs |
msdarem.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Remote
Provider |
msdaremr.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Remote
Provider Resources |
msdart.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Runtime
Routines |
msdasc.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Service
Components Stub |
msdasql.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Provider for
ODBC Drivers |
msdasqlr.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Provider for
ODBC Drivers Resources |
msdatl3.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Implementation
Support Routines |
msdatsrc.tlb | 9.1.1022.0 | Data Access - Data
Source Interfaces |
msdatt.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Temporary Table
Services |
msdaurl.dll | 9.2.1022.0 | OLE DB RootBinder
Stub |
msdfmap.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | Data Factory
Handler |
msjro.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | Jet and Replication
Objects |
msjtes40.dll | 4.0.2927.8 | Jet Expression
Service |
msorc32r.dll | 2.575.1022.0 | ODBC Driver for
Oracle Resource Library |
msorcl32.dll | 2.575.1022.0 | ODBC Driver for
Oracle |
msvcirt.dll | 6.0.8168.0 | (R) C++ Runtime
Library |
msvcrt.dll | 6.0.8397.0 | (R) C Runtime
Library |
mswdat10.dll | 4.0.3829.2 | Jet Sort Tables |
mswstr10.dll | 4.0.3829.2 | Jet Sort Library |
msxactps.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Transaction
Proxies/Stubs |
msxml3.dll | 8.40.9419.0 | MSXML3 SP4 |
msxml3a.dll | 8.20.8730.1 | MSXML3 Resource file
msxml3r.dll | 8.20.8730.1 | MSXML3 Resource file
mtxdm.dll | 1999.6.902.0 | MTS connection pooling
- ODBC driver manager |
mtxoci.dll | 1999.6.854.0 | MTS - Oracle OCI |
odbc16gt.dll | 3.510.3711.0 | ODBC 16-bit Generic
Thunking |
odbc32.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Driver
Manager |
odbc32gt.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Driver Generic
Thunking |
odbcad32.exe | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC
Administrator |
odbcbcp.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | SQL Server ODBC
Driver BCP Library |
odbcconf.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Driver
Configuration Program |
odbcconf.exe | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Driver
Configuration Program |
odbccp32.cpl | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Control
Panel |
odbccp32.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Installer |
odbccr32.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Cursor
Library |
odbccu32.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Cursor
Library |
odbcint.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Resources |
odbctrac.dll | 3.525.1022.0 | ODBC Driver Manager
Trace |
oledb32.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Core
Services |
oledb32a.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Core Services
ANSI Resources |
oledb32r.dll | 2.80.1022.0 | OLE DB Core Services
Resources | | | OLE DB JavaScript include
file | | | OLE DB VBS include file |
psapi.dll | 4.0.1371.1 | Process Status
Helper |
sqloledb.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | OLE DB Provider
for SQL Server |
sqloledb.rll | 2000.85.1022.0 | OLE DB Provider
for SQL Server Resource Library |
sqlsrv32.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | SQL Server ODBC
Driver |
sqlsrv32.rll | 2000.85.1022.0 | SQL Server ODBC
Driver Resource Library |
sqlunirl.dll | 2000.80.728.0 | SQL Server Unicode
Resource Layer Library |
sqlxmlx.dll | 2000.85.1022.0 | XML extensions for
SQL Server |
sqlxmlx.rll | 2000.85.1022.0 | XML extensions for
SQL Server Resource Library |
vbajet32.dll | | Expression Service
Loader |