The LOGNORMDIST(x, mu, sigma) function returns the
cumulative probability that the observed value of a Lognormal random variable
with mean mu and standard deviation sigma will be less than or equal to x.
LOGNORMDIST(x, mu, sigma)
Note x, mu and sigma are numeric values. Sigma and x must be greater
than 0, but there is no similar requirement on mu.
Example Usage
Because LOGNORMDIST and NORMSDIST are closely related, Microsoft
recommends that you first become familiar with NORMSDIST through the article on
NORMSDIST and its example Excel worksheet.
For additional information about NORMSDIST, click the
following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Excel Statistical Functions: NORMSDIST
The worksheet that is discussed below is
designed to illustrate the relationship between LOGNORMDIST and NORMSDIST. To
see the relationship, create a blank Excel worksheet, copy the following table,
and then select cell A1 in your blank Excel worksheet. On the
Edit menu, click
Paste so that the entries in
the table below fill cells A1:G7 in your worksheet.
x | LN(x) | mu | sigma | (LN(x) -
mu)/sigma | LOGNORMDIST(x,mu,sigma) | NORMSDIST((LN(x) -
mu)/sigma) |
| | | | | | |
=EXP(-1) | =LN(A3) | 3 | 2 | =(B3-C3)/D3 | =LOGNORMDIST(A3,C3,D3) | =NORMSDIST(E3) |
=EXP(1) | =LN(A4) | 3 | 2 | =(B4-C4)/D4 | =LOGNORMDIST(A4,C4,D4) | =NORMSDIST(E4) |
=EXP(3) | =LN(A5) | 3 | 2 | =(B5-C5)/D5 | =LOGNORMDIST(A5,C5,D5) | =NORMSDIST(E5) |
=EXP(5) | =LN(A6) | 3 | 2 | =(B6-C6)/D6 | =LOGNORMDIST(A6,C6,D6) | =NORMSDIST(E6) |
=EXP(7) | =LN(A7) | 3 | 2 | =(B7-C7)/D7 | =LOGNORMDIST(A7,C7,D7) | =NORMSDIST(E7) |
If X is a Lognormal random variable and x is a
possible value of this random variable, then LN(X) is assumed to have a normal
distribution. If the distribution of LN(X) is normal with mean mu and standard
deviation sigma, then you can call LOGNORMDIST(x, mu, sigma) to return the
cumulative probability associated with x, in other words, the cumulative
probability associated with LN(x) for a Normal random variable with mean mu and
standard deviation sigma. Therefore, effectively, when you call LOGNORMDIST(x,
mu, sigma), Excel returns the value that is computed by NORMSDIST((LN(x) -
In the example on the worksheet, Column A3:A7 shows 5
values of x and B3:B7 shows LN(x) for each of these 5 values. Values in A3:A7
were established by evaluating the constant for Euler, e, raised to various
powers through use of Excel's EXP function. This was done only to illustrate
the inverse relationship between EXP and LN. Because LN(EXP(argument)) =
argument for any value of argument, the values of LN that appear in column B
are just the arguments of EXP in Column A.
There is no reason that you
cannot add more rows to the spreadsheet, put arbitrary positive numbers in
column A in these rows (with no need to call EXP) and fill down B7:G7 to
columns B through G of these rows.
In the example, mu is set to 3 and
sigma to 2. Columns E through G illustrate the following fact:
LOGNORMDIST(x,mu,sigma) = NORMSDIST((LN(x) - mu)/sigma)
A normal random variable with a given mean and standard deviation
takes on values within two standard deviations of the mean with probability
slightly higher than 0.95. In our example, with mean 3 and standard deviation
2, this range is between -1 and 7. Notice the much broader disparity of values
in the corresponding Lognormal random variable. Two standard deviations below
the mean is 0.37; two standard deviations above the mean is 1096.63. Notice
also that whereas a normal random variable can take on negative values, a
Lognormal random variable is restricted to positive values.
Results in Earlier Versions of Excel
Accuracy of NORMSDIST (and therefore the accuracy of LOGNORMDIST)
has been improved in Excel 2003. In earlier versions, a single computational
procedure was used for all calls to NORMSDIST (either directly or internally in
Excel when you make a call to LOGNORMDIST). Results of NORMSDIST were
essentially accurate to 7 decimal places, more than sufficient for most
practical examples.
Results in Excel 2003
The computational procedure for NORMSDIST in Excel 2003 uses two
different procedures depending on the standardized value, z, used by NORMSDIST.
If you call LOGNORMDIST(x, mu, sigma), the standardized value, z, used by
NORMSDIST is (LN(x) - mu)/sigma. The first computational procedure is for z
between -5 and +5; the second is for z values in the extreme left or right
tails, below -5 or above +5. Accuracy was improved for all values because, over
the range of z values where each was used, these two methods were both superior
to the single method used in earlier versions of Excel. Typical accuracy is now
14 to 15 decimal places.
There are rare occasions where you might demand accuracy better
than 7 decimal places. On such occasions, the Excel 2003 versions of
LOGNORMDIST and NORMSDIST will give superior performance; for all other
computations involving LOGNORMDIST and NORMSDIST, you will not notice a
difference between Excel 2003 and earlier versions.
For more information about LOGNORMDIST, click
Microsoft Excel Help on the
Help menu, type
lognormdist in the
Search for box in
the Assistance pane, and then click
Start searching to view
the topic.