This step-by-step article describes how to use the Microsoft
Office 2003 installation log files to troubleshoot Office Setup
Occasionally a problem occurs with Office Setup and you may
not receive an error message. Even if you receive an error message, you may
have to use an installation log file as one of your tools to determine the
This article discusses several techniques to interpret the
information in Office installation log files. The topics are listed in the
order that you want to use each technique. This article does not cover every
situation that you may experience, but it discusses several examples where the
Setup issue is resolved by interpreting a Setup log file.
articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base that relate to installation errors
also include sections of log files that help you confirm that the article
describes the same issue that you are experiencing.
back to the topHow to Create a Log File
Office 2003 Setup automatically creates log files in your \Temp
folder. The log files have names that are similar to the following:
Log file for | Log file name
Setup.exe | Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(####).txt |
Windows Installer (System Files Update) | Microsoft
Office 2003 Setup(####)_Task(0001).txt |
Windows Installer (Office installation) | Microsoft
Office 2003 Setup(####)_Task(0002).txt |
The #### characters in the log file names are numbers
that start with 0001. They increment by one each time that you run Setup.
Therefore, the log file that has the highest number is the log file for the
most recent time that you ran Setup.
Note You may have only a Microsoft Windows Installer log file for the
Office installation. In this situation, the Windows Installer log file for the
Office installation has Task(0001) appended to the log file instead of
back to the top How to Interpret Log Files
Depending on the problem that you are experiencing, you may have
to view the Setup log file or the Windows Installer log file for the Office
back to the topSetup Log Files
The log file for the Setup.exe file is very short because the
number of tasks that Setup.exe performs is limited to tasks like the following:
- Read the Setup.ini file.
- Parse the command line for properties and switches that
have to be passed to the Windows Installer. A common mistake is to include the
following on a command line:
Transform=path\transform file name.mst
Using this on the command line does not produce an error message
during the installation, but the transform will not be applied to the
installation. The correct command line is:Transforms=path\transform file name.mst
The Setup.exe log file contains the command line that you
specified for the installation so that you must check the log file for
typographical errors such as the one that is shown in the previous example (the
letter "s" is missing from the end of "Transform" in the first command
line). - Verify that the correct operating system and service pack
are being used.
- Check the version of the Msi.dll file.
- Start the Instmsi(w).exe file to install the Windows
- Check for installed beta versions of Office
- Check the version of the Tahoma and TahomaBD
By default, Setup creates a local installation source in Office
2003, but only when you install Office from the CD or a compressed CD image. If
sufficient hard disk space exists on the local computer, Setup caches the whole
installation source by default. Windows Installer uses this local installation
source to install Office, and the local source remains available for repairing,
reinstalling, or updating Office later. Users can install features on demand or
run Setup in maintenance mode to add new features. Because Setup creates the
local installation source by default, you do not have to set any additional
options. Setup creates the local installation source in the following hidden
folder on users' computers:
default, Setup caches the whole source in Office 2003. If the user's computer
has does not have sufficient disk space, Setup caches installation file for
only the selected features. Setup retains the local installation source after
the installation is complete.
The following information may be
contained in the Setup log:
- Listing of files to be copied to the \MSOCACHE folder:
Files to Download:
File: PRO11.MSI (PRO11.MSI)
File: SKU011.XML (SKU011.XML_0002_1033)
File: A2561405.CAB (A2561405.CAB)
File: A3561405.CAB (A3561405.CAB)
File: A4561405.CAB (A4561405.CAB)
File: AV561403.CAB (AV561403.CAB)
File: CC561401.CAB (CC561401.CAB)
- Confirmation of Local Install Source settings:
Using Local Cache Drive of already installed product: C:\.
Found enough space on drive "C:\" to cache all feature cabinets.
(CDCACHE=AUTO) - There is enough space to cache some or all of the image. Drive for this download is C:\
- Confirmation of completed task:
Package was: E:\5614.0_o11pro_CBXS_ENG\PRO11.MSI.
Setting Package to: C:\MSOCache\All Users\90000409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9\PRO11.MSI.
Done with CD Caching, cached MSI to: C:\MSOCache\All Users\90000409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9\PRO11.MSI
For additional information about the Local Install Source
feature, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Frequently Asked Questions About
the Local Install Source Feature
If you suspect problems with the command-line
properties and switches that you are using, these items are also listed in the
Setup log file. For example, if you use the following command line to run Setup
f:\Setup.exe companyname="my company" /qb
the following text is included in the Setup log:
Launch Setup
9/22/03 1:49:46 PM
companyname="my company" /qb
Detected Windows Info:
PlatformId = 2
MajorVersion = 4
MinorVersion = 0
Setup path: \\server\share\2003_Admin\SETUP.EXE
Adding property...companyname="my company"
Recognized command line switch: /qb
Office-specific properties added: companyname="my company"
General properties added: LAUNCHEDFROMSETUP=1 SETUPEXEPATH=\\server\share\2003_Admin\
Writing Task:
/I \\server\share\2003_Admin\PRO11.MSI
METRICSSOURCE="\\server\share\2003_Admin companyname=""my company"" /qb"
companyname="my company" LAUNCHEDFROMSETUP=1
SETUPEXEPATH=\\server\share\2003_Admin\ /qb
Note Setup.exe does not actually use these command-line switches and
properties; it just passes them to the Msiexec.exe file (the Windows
If the log file for Setup.exe ends in text that is similar
to the following (return code: 1603), there was a problem with the Windows
Installer portion of the installation:
9/22/03 3:34:27 PM Chained install return code: 1603
Shutting down chained setup processing.
Set Verbose logging for subsequent setup.
***** Setup exits
9/22/03 3:34:27 PM
(return = 1603)
In this case, you must review the Windows Installer
log files for the Office installation.
back to the topWindows Installer Log Files
The Windows Installer log files are significantly larger than the
Setup log file and can appear to be unreadable at first. However, the following
guidelines can help you narrow down the issue:
- If you receive an error message during Setup, search for
the error number in the log file. For example, if you receive "Error 1327"
during Setup, search for "1327" in the log. You may find text that is similar
to the following:
MSI (c) (41:90): Note: 1: 1327 2: C:\
Error 1327. Invalid Drive: C:\
MSI (c) (41:90): Product: System Files Update -- Error 1327. Invalid Drive: C:\
Action ended 15:34:26: CostFinalize. Return value 3.
The key text in these log entries is "Invalid Drive". The problem
in this case is that you used a utility like Disk Administrator to change the
drive letter of the location where Windows is installed. Although the drive
letter was changed, some registry keys still refer to the original drive
letter. - If the Microsoft Knowledge Base does not have an article
that matches your specific error message, follow these steps to diagnose the
- Search the log file for the error number.
- Read each line up from the line with the error number.
Typically you see a line that failed, with the ultimate result being a Setup
For example, a log file was searched for "error 2737". The
following text was located at or above the line with the 2737 error:MSI (c) (B7:A7): Note: 1: 2737 2: CheckCAServer 3:
c:\windows\TEMP\MSI82D6.TMP 4: CheckCAServer
Info 2898. An internal error has occurred. (Tahoma8 Tahoma 1
Error 2737. An internal error has occurred. (CheckCAServer
c:\windows\TEMP\MSI82D6.TMP CheckCAServer )
MSI (c) (B7:A7): Product: Microsoft Office Professional 2003 -- Error 2737. An
internal error has occurred. (CheckCAServer c:\windows\TEMP\MSI82D6.TMP
CheckCAServer )
Action ended 9:58:55: CheckCAServer. Return value 3.
Looking at this text, you see that Setup failed on
the call to CheckCAServer.
- All log files contain one or more errors that typically can
be ignored. The following errors may appear in any log file and typically do
not indicate a Setup problem:
Info 2898. An internal error
has occurred. Contact your Information Technology department for
Info 2743. An internal error has
occurred. Contact your Information Technology department for
Info 2726. An internal error has
occurred. Contact your Information Technology department for
- One thing to search for is the string "Note". In one case
where Setup failed with a 2755 error, the actual resolution for the case was
derived from the Note several lines above the error:
MSI (s) (EC:BC): Note: 1: 2336 2: 5 3: C:\WINNT\Installer\
MSI (s) (EC:BC): MainEngineThread is returning 1632
MSI (c) (F8:F4): Note: 1: 2755 2: 1632 3: \\server\share\2003_Admin\PRO11.MSI
Error 2755. An internal error has occurred. (1632 \\server\share\2003_Admin\PRO11.MSI
) Contact your
Information Technology department for assistance.
In this example, the following two lines indicate a
problem with permissions on the \Winnt\Installer folder:MSI (s) (EC:BC): Note: 1: 2336 2: 5 3: C:\WINNT\Installer\
MSI (s) (EC:BC): MainEngineThread is returning 1632
After the permissions were corrected on this folder,
the 2755 error did not occur.
Note The line that contains "1632" is the determining factor that this
issue deals with permissions.
Note In log entries that contain "Note", the four-digit number that
follows "Note" can be mapped directly to the Windows Installer errors that are
listed in the Knowledge Base articles cited earlier in this article. - Another string to search for in the log file is "Return
Value 3". If you do not have or remember an error number, but you locate
"Return Value 3" in the log file, this is clearly the area where it is best to
focus your troubleshooting. When an action is performed during Setup, the
action is noted in the log files. When that action is complete, a return value
is subsequently noted. If the return value is 1, the action was successful;
however, if the action failed, the return value will be 3.
Action start 9:56:45: SetW2kMill_WFP.
Action ended 9:56:45: SetW2kMill_WFP. Return value 1.
MSI (c) (B7:A7): Doing action: CheckCAServer
Action start 9:56:45: CheckCAServer.
MSI (c) (B7:A7): Creating MSIHANDLE (3) of type 790542 for thread -183129
MSI (c) (B7:A7): Closing MSIHANDLE (3) of type 790542 for thread -183129
MSI (c) (B7:A7): Note: 1: 2737 2: CheckCAServer 3:
c:\windows\TEMP\MSI82D6.TMP 4: CheckCAServer
Info 2898. An internal error has occurred. (Tahoma8 Tahoma 1
Error 2737. An internal error has occurred. (CheckCAServer
c:\windows\TEMP\MSI82D6.TMP CheckCAServer )
MSI (c) (B7:A7): Product: Microsoft Office Standard 2003 -- Error 2737. An
internal error has occurred. (CheckCAServer c:\windows\TEMP\MSI82D6.TMP
CheckCAServer )
Action ended 9:58:55: CheckCAServer. Return value 3.
In this case, the SetW2kMill_WFP action succeeds,
because the return value is 1. However, the next action, CheckCAServer, fails
because its return value is 3. - Sometimes when you review a log file, you do not find
"Note", "Return Value 3", or an error number. Instead, you may see text that is
similar to the following:
MSI (c) (A5:65): Looking for file transform: c:\test.mst
MSI (c) (A5:65): Note: 1: 2203 2: c:\test.mst 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (A5:65): Couldn't find cached transform c:\test.mst. Looking for it at the source.
MSI (c) (A5:65): Looking for file transform: \\server\share\2003_ADMIN\test.mst
MSI (c) (A5:65): Note: 1: 2203 2: \\server\share\2003_ADMIN\test.mst 3: -2147287038
MSI (c) (A5:65): Note: 1: 2729
1: 2203 2: \\server\share\2003_ADMIN\test.mst 3: -2147287038
Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid.
MSI (c) (A5:65): MainEngineThread is returning 1624
In this case, Setup is having a problem applying a
transform, because the transform cannot be located on the specified path
(C:\test.mst). Therefore, Setup also tries to locate the transform on the root
of the Office source location. When the transform cannot be located in either
place, the installation stops.
back to the topVerbose Log Files
All the techniques that are listed in the "Windows Installer Log
Files" section can be used on verbose log files. However, verbose logging
increases Setup times. Only use verbose logging if you are having Setup
problems that cannot be diagnosed with a default log file.
- Generating a Verbose Log File
On the initial install of Office 2003, verbose logging
is not used but if a Setup failure occurs, the second try to install will
generate a verbose log file. However, the logging options that are used for
these verbose log files are not all the options that are available to the
Windows Installer. If you want to create a more detailed Windows Installer log
file with all the logging options, you can use the *v parameter combination for
the /L switch.
Note You can create a verbose log file while you perform an
administrative installation of Office by using a command line that is similar
to the following:path\setup.exe /a path\Pro11.msi /L*v C:\Verboselog.txt
Diagnosing When Setup Stops Responding
At times, Office Setup stops responding (hangs), and you
do not receive any error message. The best thing to do in this situation is to
restart your computer, and run Office Setup again with complete verbose logging
turned on (with one additional option). To do this, start Office Setup. To do
so, follow these steps:
- Click Start, and then click
- In the Open box, type the following
command line, and then click OK:
path\Setup.exe /L*v! C:\Verboselog.txt
Note that Path is the full path of your
Office source location.
Typically, 19 lines of logging information are cached in
memory before being written to the verbose log file. If you do not use the !
option for the /L (logging) switch, you may lose some of the cached information or
all the cached information if Setup stops. If you use the ! option, the most
you lose is one line, because the ! option forces Setup to write logging
information to the log file one line at a time (there is no caching of
After you create the verbose log file, scroll to the end
and look at the last one or two lines. These lines tell you what Setup was
trying to do when it stopped. For example, you may see text that is similar to
the following:ComponentRegister(ComponentId={71CE92CC2CB71D119A12000A9CE1A22A},
KeyPath=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web
1: {90170409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9} 2:
{71CE92CC2CB71D119A12000A9CE1A22A} 3: C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Components\11\1033\OWCDCH11.CHM
This indicates a problem with the registration (in
the Windows registry) of the component (71CE92CC2CB71D119A12000A9CE1A22A),
whose key path is OWCDCH11.CHM.
The resolution for this particular
issue is to repair the Windows registry before you run Office Setup
In another case, you may see text that is similar to the
following in your log file:MSI (c) (EB:1F): Doing action: OPCRemove
Action start 11:42:57: OPCRemove.
MSI (c) (EB:1F): Creating MSIHANDLE (504) of type 790542 for thread -194273
This indicates a problem with an Office Removal
Wizard operation. This problem may occur when Office Setup is having a problem
removing your earlier version of Microsoft Office. Try to remove the earlier
version of Office, and then run Office 2003 Setup again.
Note Office Setup uses the following prefixes for custom actions. If
the log file indicates a problem with a custom action, these prefixes indicate
where to start your troubleshooting.
- OLCA - Outlook Custom Action
- OPC - Office Removal Wizard
- CAG, CaMMC - Associated with Clip Art
- IE - Internet Explorer
back to the