Incorrect Installation
Incorrect installation of Lotus 1-2-3 version 1.0 for Windows may
result in the following error message when attempting to run the
Insufficient memory to run application;
Close one or more applications to increase available
memory and try again.
Lotus for Windows requires at least 2 MB of free XMS memory. You can
only choose "2 MB" or "4 MB" to indicate available memory during the
Lotus Setup program. However, if you don't actually have the available
memory needed on your system, the above error message appears.
To illustrate this problem, suppose your machine was sold as a "2 MB"
machine, meaning that the machine contains 640K of conventional
memory, 384K of memory reserved for the adapter segment (the UMA), and
only 1 MB of free XMS memory. If you try to complete setup by choosing
the 2 MB option (the lowest choice available), the "Insufficient
memory to run application error" message appears when you run Lotus
1-2-3 because you did not actually have 2 MB of free XMS memory
available to Lotus on the system.
Allocating less memory to utilities such as SMARTDRV.SYS,
RAMDRIVE.SYS, and EMM386.EXE may solve the problem. If you have a
386-based computer, you may also avoid the error by creating or
enlarging a permanent swap file.
Low System Resources
When starting Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows, you may get the following
error message:
Not enough system resources available to run 1-2-3. End an
application and try 1-2-3 for Windows again.
After receiving the above error message, choose About Program Manager
from the Help menu in Microsoft Windows version 3.0 Program Manager.
If there is less than 29% Free System Resources, Lotus 1-2-3 for
Windows will not load. You will need to close applications that are
running, and free some system resources so Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows can
Insufficient Free Memory
If you are running Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows while other Windows 3.0 or
MS-DOS-based applications are running, you may encounter the following
error message:
1-2-3 for Windows
Memory Full
Under very low-memory conditions, the system may stop responding (hang).
This problem occurs even when there is ample memory according to the
About Program Manager dialog box (choose About Program Manager from
the Help menu). In addition, this problem can occur when you are using
another application and Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows is minimized.
To overcome this problem, try one of the following steps:
- Create a permanent swap file that may correct this problem.
- Closing other applications will usually correct this problem,
although you may need to restart Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows for it to
see the free memory.
- Disable use of the SmartIcons in Lotus. To do this, choose
SmartIcons from the Tools menu, and select the Hide Palette check
- Cancel the Undo selection (turn it off). When Undo is turned on,
the amount of memory available can vary significantly after each
command you use. For example, if you erase a large range, Undo
stores the erased range, which uses a large amount of memory.
Note: You can disable Undo by choosing User Setup from the Tools
menu and clearing the Enable Edit Undo check box.
The problems discussed here are in Lotus 1-2-3's memory usage and
requirements, not in Windows 3.0 or 3.1.
The Lotus 1-2-3 product included here is manufactured by a vendor
independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise,
regarding this product's performance or reliability.
For more information, contact Lotus technical support.