This article describes how to use the
Debug class and the
Trace class. These classes are available in the Microsoft .NET
Framework. You can use these classes to provide information about the
performance of an application during application development, or after
deployment to production. These classes are only one part of the
instrumentation features that are available in the .NET
Back to the topRequirements
following list outlines the recommended hardware, software, network
infrastructure, and service packs that you need:
- Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, or Microsoft Windows Server 2003
- Microsoft Visual C++ .NET or Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
This article also assumes that you are familiar with application
Back to the topDescription of the
technique using the Debug class
The steps in the "
Create a Sample
That Uses the Debug Class" section of this article demonstrate how
to create a console application that uses the
Debug class to provide information about an application during run
While an application runs, you can use methods of the
Debug class to display messages that help you to track the application
during run time, to detect errors, or to provide performance measurement information.
By default, the messages that the
Debug class displays appear in the Output window in Visual Studio
The sample code in this
article uses the
WriteLine method to display a message, followed by a line terminator. When
you use this method to display a message, each message appears on a separate
line in the Output window.
When you use the
Assert method of the
Debug class, the Output window displays a message only if a specified
condition evaluates to
false. The message also appears to the user in a modal
dialog box. This dialog box includes the message, the project name, and the
Debug::Assert statement number. The dialog box also includes the following
three buttons:
- Abort: The application stops
- Retry: The application enters debug
- Ignore: The application
You must click one of these buttons before the application can
You can also direct output from the
Debug class to destinations other than the Output window. The
Debug class contains a collection that is named
Listeners that includes
Listener objects.
Listener object in the
Listeners collection receives output from the
Debug class, and then directs this output to a specified
Use the
TextWriterTraceListener class to define
Listener objects. You can specify the target for a
TextWriterTraceListener class by using an appropriate constructor.
Some possible
output targets include the following:
- The Console window by using the System::Console::Out property.
- A text (.txt) file by using the System::IO::File::CreateText("FileName.txt") statement.
After you create a
TextWriterTraceListener object, you must add the object to the
Debug::Listeners collection to receive output from a
Debug class.
Back to the
topCreate a sample that uses the Debug class
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
- On the File menu, point to
New, and then click Project.
- In Visual C++ .NET 2002, click Visual
C++ Projects under Project Types, and then click Managed C++ Application under Templates.
In Visual C++ .NET 2003, click Visual
C++ Projects under Project Types, and then click Console Application (.NET) under Templates.
Note In Visual Studio 2005, click Visual C++ under Project Types. - In the Name text box, type
ConInfo, and then click OK.
- In Solution Explorer, double-click
ConInfo.cpp to display the code window.
- In the ConInfo.cpp file, add the following statements
before the _tmain method:
#using <System.Xml.Dll>
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
If you are using Visual C++ .NET 2002, add the
following additional code in the code window before the using directives:#using <System.Dll>
#include <tchar.h>
- To initialize variables to contain information about a
product, add the following declaration statements to the
_tmain method:
String * sProdName = S"Widget";
int iUnitQty = 100;
double dUnitCost = 1.03;
- You can use different methods of the Debug class to display messages that track the running of an application as follows:
- Specify the message to display as the first input parameter
of the WriteLine method of the Debug class.
Debug::WriteLine(S"Debug Information-Product Starting ");
- For readability, use the Indent method of the Debug class to indent subsequent messages in the Output window as follows:
- To display the content of selected variables, use the WriteLine method of the Debug class as follows:
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is ", sProdName));
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The available units on hand are ", iUnitQty.ToString()));
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The per unit cost is ", dUnitCost.ToString()));
Note The Concat method of the String class concatenates two strings. - You can also use the WriteLine method of the Debug class to display the namespace and the class name for an object.
For example, the following code displays the System::Xml::XmlDocument namespace in the Output window:
System::Xml::XmlDocument * oxml = new System::Xml::XmlDocument();
- To format the output, you can include a category as an
optional, second input parameter of the WriteLine method of the Debug class. If you specify a category, the format of the Output window
message is as follows:category: message For
example, the first line of the following code displays the followingField: The product name is Widget in the Output
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is " , sProdName), S"Field");
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The units on hand are ",iUnitQty.ToString()) ,S"Field");
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The per unit cost is ", dUnitCost.ToString()) ,S"Field");
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"Total Cost is ", (iUnitQty * dUnitCost).ToString()),S"Calc");
- When you use the WriteLineIf method of the Debug class, the Output window displays messages only if a designated
condition evaluates to true. The first input parameter of the WriteLineIf method is the condition that is evaluated. The second parameter of
the WriteLineIf method is the message that appears only if the condition in the
first parameter evaluates to true.
Debug::WriteLineIf(iUnitQty > 50, S"This message WILL appear");
Debug::WriteLineIf(iUnitQty < 50, S"This message will NOT appear");
- Use the Assert method of the Debug class so that the Output window displays a message only if a
specified condition evaluates to false.
Debug::Assert(dUnitCost > 1, S"Message will NOT appear");
Debug::Assert(dUnitCost < 1, S"Message will appear since dUnitcost < 1 is false");
- Create TextWriterTraceListener objects for the Console window (tr1) and for a text file that is named
Output.txt (tr2), and then add both objects to the Debug::Listeners collection.
TextWriterTraceListener * tr1 = new TextWriterTraceListener(System::Console::Out);
TextWriterTraceListener * tr2 = new TextWriterTraceListener(System::IO::File::CreateText(S"Output.txt"));
- For readability, use the Unindent method of the Debug class to remove the indentation for subsequent messages that the Debug class generates. When you use the Indent method and the Unindent method together, a reader can distinguish the output as a group.
Debug::WriteLine(S"Debug Information-Product Ending");
- To make sure that each Listener object receives all its output, call the Flush method for the Debug class buffers.
Add the appropriate methods to your code, and then press CTRL+SHIFT+B to build the application.
Back to the topUse the Trace
You can also use the
Trace class to display messages that track the running of an
application. The
Trace class and the
Debug class contain similar methods to display output. These methods
include the following:
- WriteLine
- WriteLineIf
- Indent
- Unindent
- Assert
- Flush
You can use the
Trace class and the
Debug class separately or together in the same application. In a
Debug Solution Configuration project, both
Trace output and
Debug output are active. The project generates output from both these
classes to all
Listener objects. However, a Release Solution Configuration project only
generates output from a
Trace class. The Release Solution Configuration project ignores any
Debug class method calls.
Trace::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is ",sProdName));
Trace::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is ",sProdName), S"Field" );
Trace::WriteLineIf(iUnitQty > 50, S"This message WILL appear");
Trace::Assert(dUnitCost > 1, S"Message will NOT appear");
Trace::WriteLine(S"Trace Information-Product Ending");
Back to the topComplete code
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <mscorlib.dll>
//Uncomment following line for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002
//#using <System.Dll>
#using <System.Xml.Dll>
//Uncomment following line for Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2002
//#include <tchar.h>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Diagnostics;
// This is the entry point for this application
int _tmain(void)
String * sProdName = S"Widget";
int iUnitQty = 100;
double dUnitCost = 1.03;
Debug::WriteLine(S"Debug Information-Product Starting ");
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is ", sProdName));
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The available units on hand are ", iUnitQty.ToString()));
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The per unit cost is ", dUnitCost.ToString()));
System::Xml::XmlDocument * oxml = new System::Xml::XmlDocument();
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is " , sProdName), S"Field");
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The units on hand are ",iUnitQty.ToString()) ,S"Field");
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The per unit cost is ", dUnitCost.ToString()) ,S"Field");
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"Total Cost is ", (iUnitQty * dUnitCost).ToString()),S"Calc");
Debug::WriteLineIf(iUnitQty > 50, S"This message WILL appear");
Debug::WriteLineIf(iUnitQty < 50, S"This message will NOT appear");
Debug::Assert(dUnitCost > 1, S"Message will NOT appear");
Debug::Assert(dUnitCost < 1, S"Message will appear since dUnitcost < 1 is false");
TextWriterTraceListener * tr1 = new TextWriterTraceListener(System::Console::Out);
TextWriterTraceListener * tr2 = new TextWriterTraceListener(System::IO::File::CreateText(S"Output.txt"));
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is ",sProdName));
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The available units on hand are ",iUnitQty.ToString()));
Debug::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The per unit cost is ", dUnitCost.ToString()));
Debug::WriteLine(S"Debug Information-Product Ending");
Trace::WriteLine(S"Trace Information-Product Starting ");
Trace::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is ",sProdName));
Trace::WriteLine(String::Concat(S"The product name is ",sProdName), S"Field" );
Trace::WriteLineIf(iUnitQty > 50, S"This message WILL appear");
Trace::Assert(dUnitCost > 1, S"Message will NOT appear");
Trace::WriteLine(S"Trace Information-Product Ending");
return 0;
Note You must add the common language runtime support compiler option (/clr:oldSyntax) in Visual C++ 2005 to successfully compile the previous code sample.
To add the common language runtime support compiler option in Visual C++ 2005, follow these steps:
- Click Project, and then click <ProjectName> Properties.
Note <ProjectName> is a placeholder for the name of the project. - Expand Configuration Properties, and then click General.
- Click to select Common Language Runtime Support, Old Syntax (/clr:oldSyntax) in the Common Language Runtime support project setting in the right pane, click Apply, and then click OK.
For more information about the common language runtime support compiler option, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Back to the topVerify that your application works
- Make sure that your project uses the Debug Solution
Configuration. To do this, follow these steps:
- On the Build menu, click
Configuration Manager.
- Click Debug in the Active Solution Configuration list, and then click Close.
- Press CTRL+ALT+O to display the
Output window.
- Press F5 to start the application in debug mode.
- When the Assertion Failed dialog box
appears, click Ignore.
- In the Console window, press ENTER.
The application exits, and the Output window displays the following
Debug Information-Product Starting
The product name is Widget
The available units on hand are 100
The per unit cost is 1.03
Field: The product name is Widget
Field: The units on hand are 100
Field: The per unit cost is 1.03
Calc: Total Cost is 103
This message WILL appear
---- Assert Short Message ----
Message will appear since dUnitcost < 1 is false
---- Assert Long Message ----
The product name is Widget
The available units on hand are 100
The per unit cost is 1.03
Debug Information-Product Ending
Trace Information-Product Starting
The product name is Widget
Field: The product name is Widget
This message WILL appear
Trace Information-Product Ending
Additionally, the Output.txt file should contain the following output: The product name is Widget
The available units on hand are 100
The per unit cost is 1.03
Debug Information-Product Ending
Trace Information-Product Starting
The product name is Widget
Field: The product name is Widget
This message WILL appear
Trace Information-Product Ending
Note You notice this output when you use the code that is provided in the "Complete Code Listing" section of this article. The Output.txt file is located in the same directory as the
project source files. By default, the project source files are stored in the
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My
Documents\Visual Studio Projects\ConInfo\ directory.
Back to the topTroubleshooting
Back to the