This article describes how to search for data in a
Windows Form
DataGrid control and how to synchronize the grid with the search results. In this
sample, you programmatically retrieve data into a
DataView class, and then bind the
DataView to the
DataGrid. You can then type criteria in a text box, and
then click
Find to search for the record and move the pointer to the correct row
in the
DataGrid. This sample also indicates failure to locate a record.
back to the topDescription of the Technique
Set the Sort Order and Find the Records
To use the
DataView.Find method to find a record, you must set the sort order. In this
example, when you click the
DataGrid column header, the
DataGrid sets the sort order for you. The sample uses syntax to set the
sort order programmatically. This is similar to the SQL ORDER BY syntax.
//Examples: Set the default sort order.
tblAuthors.DataView.Sort = "au_id";
tblAuthors.DefaultView.Sort = "au_id DESC";
tblAuthors.DefaultView.Sort = "f_name,l_name"; // multi-column sort/find
Users can also change the sort order visually by clicking the column headers
in the
DataGrid, so that when users click
Find, they use that column sort order to perform their
Note The arrow in the column header indicates the current sort order,
and the direction of the arrow indicates whether the order is ascending or
back to the
topRetrieve the Current Sort Order Programmatically
To retrieve the current sort order and update the Label text, read
DataView.Sort property as follows:
lblFind.Text = "Enter Search Criteria " + dv.Sort; //Used in this example to set out label.
back to the
topPosition the Record Pointer in a DataGrid
In this sample, you use the
DataView.Find method to retrieve the record position, and to update the
CurrencyManager object. This synchronizes the row pointer in the
DataGrid. If you want to select the row beyond this, you can use the
DataGrid.Select method.
This sample uses the
CurrencyManager object to work with currency. You can also use the
BindingManagerBase class. The
BindingManagerBase class is the base class for the
CurrencyManager. All data binding is performed through
DataView classes. To synchronize your controls and the
CurrencyManager, the controls must be bound to the same
// Search for the record in the DefaultView.
// If found, move the pointer to the correct record in the grid.
int i;
i = dv.Find(txtFind.Text); // Locates record in DefaultView.
// Does not move grid pointer or Currency Manager.
if (i > dv.Table.Rows.Count || i < 0)
MessageBox.Show("Record Not found");
// CM - CurrentlyManager
CM.Position = i; // Synchronizes Currency Manager and Grid Pointer.
back to the topCreate the Sample
- Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
- On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.
- Click Visual C# Projects under Project Types, and then click Windows Application under Templates.
Note In Visual Studio 2005, click Visual C# under Project Types. - Drag a DataGrid control, a Button control,
a Label control, and a TextBox control to the
- In the Properties pane, set the
properties for the controls as follows:
Form Control
Name: frmFind
Size: 800, 520
Text: Search Form
Label Control
Name: lblFind
AutoSize: True
Location: 168, 456
Text: Enter Search Criteria au_id
TextBox Control
Name: txtFind
Location: 328, 456
Size: 216, 20
Text: Button
Button Control
Name: btnFind
Location: 560, 456
Size: 75, 32
Text: Find
DataGrid1 Control
Name: grdFind
Location: 16, 8
Size: 760,432 - Use the using statement on the System.Data.SqlClient namespace so that you do not have to qualify declarations
for this namespace later in your code. You must use this statement before Public Class frmFind, and before any other declarations. Add the following code to the frmFind
declarations section:
// Create namespace(s).
using System.Data.SqlClient;
- Add the following variable declarations to frmFind after Public Class frmFind and before the rest of the code:
//Modify this string to correctly connect to your SQL Server.
static SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("server=YourServerName;uid=YourUserId;pwd=YourPassword;database=pubs");
SqlDataAdapter daAuthors = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From Authors", con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataView dv;
CurrencyManager CM;
- Add the following code to the frmFind_Load event:
//Retrieve data from the Authors table.
daAuthors.Fill(ds, "Authors");
dv = new DataView(ds.Tables["Authors"]);
//Bind the data to the DataGrid.
grdFind.DataSource = dv;
//Set the default sort order.
dv.Sort = "au_id";
// Initialize CurrencyManager to hold an instance of the form's CurrencyManager.
CM = (System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager)grdFind.BindingContext[dv];
- Add the following code to the btnFind_Click event:
// Verify that the user typed test to search for.
if(txtFind.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show("Enter some criteria to find.");
// Search for the record in the DefaultView.
// If found, move the pointer to the correct record in the grid.
int i;
i = dv.Find(txtFind.Text); // Locates record in DefaultView.
// Does not move grid pointer or CM.
if(i > dv.Table.Rows.Count || i < 0)
MessageBox.Show("Record Not found");
CM.Position = i; // Synchronizes Cm and Grid Pointer.
- Add the ListChanged event handler in the frmFind_Load function. The code looks as follows:
dv = new DataView(ds.Tables["Authors"]);
dv.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler(dv_ListChangedEvent);
- Add the dv_ListChangedEvent event handler method. The code looks as follows:
private void dv_ListChangedEvent(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e)
- Add the following code to the dv_ListChangedEvent event handler method:
// This allows the Label2.Text to be correctly displayed.
if(dv.Sort.Substring((dv.Sort.Length - 4), 4) == "DESC")
lblFind.Text = "Enter Search Criteria " + dv.Sort.Substring(0, dv.Sort.Length - 5);
lblFind.Text = "Enter Search Criteria " + dv.Sort;
- In Solution Explorer, select the project to set frmFind as
the startup form.
Note By default, the project is named WindowsApplication1. To rename
the form, on the Project menu, click
Properties. In the Startup Object list box, click frmFind, and then click
OK to save your changes. - Save, and then run the application.
- Click the DataGrid header to change the sort order. Type criteria in the text box,
and then click Find. Notice that the record pointer is correctly positioned in
the DataGrid.
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