This step-by-step article describes how to install Visual
Studio .NET on a network computer.
Visual Studio .NET includes an administrator
mode setup. This administrator mode setup facilitates installation on network computers. The
administrator initially runs Setup to select which features to install
on the network computer. An .ini file is created based on this selection and is
then deployed by running Setup in unattend mode and by pointing to the generated .ini
file. When Visual Studio .NET installation starts in unattend mode,
Setup runs silently and installs the designated options. If any error occurs, Setup exits silently and reports the failure.
back to the topBefore you install Visual Studio .NET, you must complete
Windows Component Update setup on the network computer. Some of the components
that the Windows Component Update installs are required for Visual Studio .NET
installation. Visual Studio .NET requires the following components:
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a or Windows 2000 Service Pack 2
- Microsoft Windows Installer 2.0
- Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation
- Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Web Extensions Client
- Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Service Release
- Setup Runtime Files
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
- Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7
- Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 3
- Microsoft .NET Framework
Visual Studio .NET unattended setup fails if any one or more of these components are not installed.
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topYou must create an .ini file for network installation based on the Visual Studio .NET features that you want to install. Setup uses this .ini
file to install Visual Studio .NET on the network computer. To create an .ini file for network installation, follow these steps:
- Insert the Visual Studio .NET CD 1 or DVD, and ignore the
autorun message.
- Click Start, and then click
- Type the following command, and
then click OK:
N:\setup\Setup.exe /createunattend PathToIniFile
For example: D:\setup\Setup.exe /createunattend c:\vs7_deployment.ini
- In the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Administrator mode dialog box,
click I accept the agreement to accept the end-user license
agreement, type the 25-digit product key in the Product Key box, and then click Continue.
Note The product key is located on the CD
package. - Under Select items to install, select the items that you want to install on the network computer,
and then click Save
- After the .ini file is
saved, click Done.
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topAdministrator Setup is designed to run from a network share
instead of from a CD or a DVD. To prepare a network share
for Visual Studio .NET installation, follow these steps:
- Create a top-level folder on the server, and then name the share VS7.
Note To share the installation files from a DVD, copy all the content in the DVD to this top-level folder, and then go to step 10. - Create a folder in the top-level folder, and then name the folder WCU.
- Copy the contents of the Visual Studio .NET
Windows Component Update CD to the WCU folder.
- Create a folder in the top-level folder, and then name the folder VS.
- Copy the contents of the remaining Visual Studio .NET CDs
to the VS7\VS folder. If you are prompted, click Overwrite existing files.
- Open the Setup.ini file in a text editor such as Notepad. The Setup.ini file is located in the VS folder.
- Locate the [Baseline] section, and then change the line that starts with
"DIR=" so that it appears as follows:
- Save your changes, and then close the file.
- Open the folder that contains the copied files, and then open
the Setup folder.
- Open the Setup.sdb file in a text editor such as
- At the end of the file, add the product key in the following format:
[Product Key]
<25 digit Product Key>
The product key is located on the CD package. - Save the changes, and then close the file.
- Create a network share to the VS7 folder, and then establish the
appropriate security settings. The Visual Studio .NET Setup path from the
network is \\ServerName\VS7\VS\Setup.exe
Note During installation, Setup fails when any path and file name
combination exceeds 260 characters. The maximum length of a path in Visual
Studio .NET is 221 characters. Therefore, copy files to a path
with less than 70 characters.
back to the
topBefore you set up Visual Studio .NET on the
network computer, make sure that Visual Studio .NET can be installed on the
administrator computer. To start Visual Studio .NET Setup on the network
computer, follow these steps:
- Make sure that Visual Studio .NET installation files are
available on the network share with required permissions.
- Click Start, and then click
- Type the following command, and then click OK:
\\Computer\Share\...\setup\Setup.exe /unattendfile PathToIniFile
For example: \\ComputerId\VS7\setup\setup.exe /unattendfile \\Computer\Share\vs7_deployment.ini
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topYou can start Visual Studio .NET Setup on a network computer
with an existing installation. To do this, an administrator should run Setup
in createunattend mode on a network share that has the same installation as the
network computer. Changes to the feature state can then be installed on the network
Make sure that Setup does not start independently
on the network computer, such as from the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel. This may cause a
discontinuity in the feature state. To avoid this, make sure that all changes come from running Setup with the
unattend file switch.
back to the topREFERENCES
For additional information about how to remove Visual Studio .NET in administrative mode, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How To Silently Remove Visual
Studio .NET in Administrative Mode
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