This article contains supplemental information about logging
in Windows Media Services 9 Series. The following topics are listed in this
- Configuration parameters of the standard logging
- Configuration parameters of the ISAPI logging
- Log files are still not created
- Information about log file encoding
Warning This article contains information about editing the namespace.
Before you edit the namespace, verify that you have a backup copy that you can
restore if a problem occurs. If you edit the namespace incorrectly, you can
cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall any product that uses
the namespace. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that result if you
incorrectly edit the namespace can be solved. Edit the namespace at your own
IMPORTANT: This article contains information about modifying the registry.
Before you modify the registry, make sure to back it up and make sure that you
understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs. For information
about how to back up, restore, and edit the registry, click the following
article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
256986 Description of the Microsoft Windows Registry
Microsoft provides programming examples for illustration only,
without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular
purpose. This article assumes that you are familiar with the programming
language being demonstrated and the tools used to create and debug procedures.
Microsoft support professionals can help explain the functionality of a
particular procedure, but they will not modify these examples to provide added
functionality or construct procedures to meet your specific needs. If you have
limited programming experience, you may want to contact a Microsoft Certified
Partner or the Microsoft fee-based consulting line at (800) 936-5200. For more
information about Microsoft Certified Partners, see the following Microsoft Web
For additional information about the support options available
from Microsoft, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
Configuration Parameters of the Standard Logging Plug-in
By default, the logging plug-in will stop logging when there is
less than 10% of available drive space. This prevents the log file from taking
up the whole hard disk. However, there are some scenarios where it is not
realistic to stop logging after you reach the 10% threshold.
example, if a hard disk is 100 gigabytes (GB), the plug-in stops logging when
only 10 GB of hard disk space remains free. If this threshold is reached, you
may receive the following error in the Event log or in the
Troubleshooting tab of the Windows Media Server MMC Snap-In:
0x0000015C: Successfully opened log file <FILENAME>
but nothing has been written to the file because the disk space is limited.
Logging will resume when additional disk space is made available.
can, by means of the Windows Media Services 9 Series Object Model, configure
the logging plug-in so that it stops logging at different thresholds. Following
is a code sample that shows one way that you can do this by modifying the
Object Model using a script.
For more information, see the Windows
Media Services 9 Series Software Development Kit.
// This code is a sample that programmatically sets the FreeSpaceQuota.
// You must be an Admin on the Windows Media Server to run this sample.
// You must restart the services after running this script.
// Copy this text and save it as LogQuota.js on the Windows Media Server.
// Run the script from a command prompt.
var objServer = null;
var objLogPlugin = null;
var objLogPluginAdmin = null;
var szArgServer = "LOCALHOST";
var szTemp = "";
// This integer value can be 0 - 100 and represents a percentage of the disk size
var iNewSpaceQuota = 5;
objServer = new ActiveXObject( "WMSServer.server", szArgServer );
szTemp = "Server '" + szArgServer + "' is not a valid WMS Server \n";
WScript.Echo (szTemp);
objLogPlugin = objServer.EventHandlers("WMS Client Logging");
objLogPluginAdmin = objLogPlugin.CustomInterface;
WScript.Echo ("Old Quota: " + objLogPluginAdmin.FreeSpaceQuota + "%");
objLogPluginAdmin.FreeSpaceQuota = iNewSpaceQuota;
WScript.Echo ("New Quota: " + iNewSpaceQuota + "%");
szTemp = "Error setting Logging Plugin\n";
WScript.Echo (szTemp);
Configuration Parameters of the ISAPI Logging Plug-in
The ISAPI logging plug-in (Multicast and Advertisement Logging
Plug-in) is an optional add-in by means of the Windows Components Wizard to
allow multicast clients to post back logging information. You can use these
registry keys to modify the properties of the Wmsiislog.dll application
The following table provides information about the
property values, which are stored in the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Media\Server\ISAPI\Logging
LogDirPath | REG_EXPAND_SZ | Provides the path of
the log file. By default, this value is
%systemroot%\System32\LogFiles\WMS_ISAPI. |
FreeSpaceQuota | REG_DWORD | Provides the minimum
available disk space on the drive to which log files are being written. If the
amount of free disk space is not available, the log file will not be written
and the multicast logging application will stop. The default value is 10%. |
UseLocalTime | REG_DWORD | Determines the time
zone (local or Coordinated Universal Time) to use. A nonzero value indicates
that local time is used. The default value is FALSE (0x0). |
UseUnicode | REG_DWORD | Specifies whether the
log file must contain Unicode or ANSI text. A nonzero value indicates that
Unicode (UTF-8) is used. The default value is TRUE (0x1). |
Important Note the following when using the ISAPI logging DLL:
- If you move Wmsiislog.dll to another Web server for
logging, you must manually register it on the server by typing
r egsvr32 wmsiislog.dll at the command prompt. If you use
this application on a Web server without registering it, the default values are
- If you change the default logging directory, you must grant
the Multicast and Advertisement Logging Agent permissions to write to that
directory. For the statistics to be successfully written to the log file, grant
permissions to the Network Service account and IWAM_HOSTNAME.
- Multicast streaming and the WMS Multicast Data Writer
plug-in are available only if Windows Media Services 9 Series is running on the
following two editions of the Windows Server 2003 operating system: Enterprise
Edition and Datacenter Edition. These features are not supported if you are
running Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition.
- The Wmsiislog.dll will work only on IIS version 6.0 or
later. It cannot be used with earlier versions of IIS.
Log Files Are Still Not Created
If log files are not created, you can use several troubleshooting
- For the ISAPI DLL and the WMS Client Logging, hard disk
space might potentially be the problem.
- If there is plenty of hard disk space (over the
FreeSpaceQuota), check permissions to the various logging directories.
- The NETWORK SERVICE account requiresREAD,
WRITE, and MODIFY permissions to the logging
- For the ISAPI logging DLL, the IWAM_HOSTNAME also requires
permissions (see the "Important" note earlier in this article for more
Depending on the server configuration, the NETWORK SERVICE
account may also require
the root of the drive where the logging directory is located. For example, if
logs are being stored in E:\LogDir\WMSLogs, then NETWORK SERVICE requires
LIST FOLDER CONTENTS permissions for the E:\ drive.
Information About Log File Encoding
The WMS9S Logging Plug-in can log files in two formats:
- Windows Media Services format
- Legacy (Windows Media Services 4.1) format
Some programs and logging applications require that log fields
are formatted the same as in the previous version of the server. In these
cases, use the Legacy format.
In addition to two formats, the WMS9S
Logging Plug-in can log using either Unicode (UTF-8) characters or ANSI
characters. Unicode is the current standard for text encoding because it
supports the widest range of languages and character sets. The WMS9S Logging
Plug-in now adds an extra field to the log header to identify the type of
encoding that was used in the file. This is identified by the
#EncodingFormat: in the log header.
In certain instances, the WMS9S
Logging Plug-in writes a
Byte Order Mark (BOM) to the beginning of UTF-8 encoded files. Some legacy
applications do not understand this data at the beginning of the file and do
not parse a log file. To know whether the plug-in will set these bytes, see the
following table:
Server Version | Log
Format | Encoding | Has BOM |
v4.1 | N/A | ANSI | NO |
v9 | Legacy format | ANSI | NO |
v9 | Legacy format | UTF-8 | YES |
v9 | WMS format | ANSI | NO |
v9 | WMS format | UTF-8 | NO |
In order to be completely compatible with the v4.1 Server
logging format, you must select
Legacy Format logs and
ANSI encoding. If Legacy UTF-8 logs are created, unicode data
can be logged to the file, but, depending on the application, may show extra
characters before the
#Software field in the log header. Using
ANSI formats will cause unicode characters to be translated to ANSI characters
in the log files.